Saturday, August 31, 2019
Integrated Information Management Essay
The four external considerations would be economic, sociological, political, and technological. The economic domain concentrates on the sources of funding, who contributes, referral sources, consumers and contributors. Your sociological domain is based on things like age, gender, demographics, ethnics, and socioeconomic status. Basically, it is people’s needs, opportunities, and problems. Economic is mostly trying to get the most out of referral sources, contributions, and any other source of funding which could even include its competitors. Technological is making sure that the competitors aren’t ahead of them and that they are on top of their game. Important internal components are organizational purpose, mission, and philosophy, along with Organizational planning, organizational operations, human resources, technological resources, and financial resources. Organizational purpose is to help people understand how the agency is heading towards the future. Planning is important for the management information system. It keeps everything in working order as to what does and doesn’t need to be done. Operations are for figuring out which data is needed for everything like programs and even departments. Human Resources is for keeping important data on staff members, demographics, certifications, training, licenses, and many other things that are important and must be kept track of. Technological is making sure that all of your software and computer systems are up to date and functioning at their best capacity. Financial is tracked so that the management knows where the funds come from and where they go. This helps with determining different aspects of human services so that money is hopefully there when needed.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Introduction to Early Childhood Education †Assessment Essay
Identify THREE quality indicators relevant to early childhood education and discuss why they are important for children, parents, and/or society. 300 words. The first quality indicator relevant to early childhood education would be ‘people’. Letting your child learn in an environment where the teachers and assistants are expert, well-trained and the majority of them hold qualifications in the area. They should be able to fully understand your child’s needs, communicate well with them ensuring they make your child feel safe and comfortable being around them. They should also be trusted and respected by staff, parents and children. The ‘place or environment’ would be the second indicator. The learning environment should make all children feel welcome regardless of the cultural, ethnic or language background. They should be able to provide a variety of, materials, equipment and play activity arranged to encourage children to learn. A stimulating outdoor environment that challenges and motivates children to explore, run and play is also important. An environment where they feel safe, and where parents can see their child, and feel comfortable knowing they are there. They should be able to feel secure in the environment they are in and to know their children can only benefit from being there. ‘Programme’ the third indicator. A quality learning programme should provide lots of learning opportunities in a wide range of different areas (reading, water play, sand play, dress-up, science, social play). A variety of activities either working in small groups or individual interactions with teachers. Parents should be able to BEd111: Introduction to Early Childhood Education – Assessment 20120778 Tourmaline Munday- Cooper to understand themselves about what their child is learning, having good communication with the centre employees, knowing what is going on and understanding their ways etc. an eye out being a parent and understanding the centres way. Teachers should always build trusting relationships with parents while always respecting and supporting different families cultures and languages. Reference List Identify TWO early childhood services in your community. Briefly explain their history and then compare and contrast their philosophies, educational goals and the strategies employed to achieve these goals. 450 words. Montessori is a philosophy and method of education pioneered by the Italian educationalist Dr Maria Montessori (The first Montessori school opened in 1909, the first Waldorf school in 1919 and the first Playcentre in the 1930s) Montessori ‘casa dei bambini’ or ‘children’s house’ was first opened in San Lorenzo, Rome, Italy. Dr Maria Montessori recognised that the first six years of a child’s life are the most important. Dr Montessori, trialled many materials and activities, but kept only those to which the children were spontaneously and repeatedly drawn. Playcentre began in 1941 primarily as a support service to women left raising children alone due to partners being away with the Second World War. Lack of transport and low family incomes were the reality for many women. Playcentre’s original aims were â€Å"to provide leisure for mothers and opportunities for the social development of the pre-school child†(Stover, 1998, p. 3). Playcentre is a stimulating environment, they provide a diverse and rich range of experiences, unlimited free play across all 16 areas of play, and a child initiated curriculum. Montessori has a certain structure and is based on their own philosophy unlike playcentre. Playcentre is a parent run co-operative it relies heavily on parental input, participation and support. Montessori aim is to provide an environment with structure and activities that meet the needs of the children and by giving them freedom to move and act within it, it was said that Dr Montessori had revealed the â€Å"true nature†of the child. Their philosophy is aimed for Children to be encouraged to be firmly grounded in reality before being exposed to fantasy. Montessori classrooms are very BEd111: Introduction to Early Childhood Education – Assessment 20120778 Tourmaline Munday- Cooper quiet, as children are deeply absorbed in their work. They input this by managing the classroom materials into six areas (Practical Life Exercises, Sensorial Material, Art, Mathemartics, language, cultural subjects, and also physical is brought into their daily routine). Playcentre however is marked by a stimulating environment, providing a diverse and rich range of experiences, un limited free play across all 16 areas of play, and a child initiated curriculum. Their views and goals are to promote children’s learning through play, Family involvement ( based on the importance of parents as educators of their own children) They like to View children as people who are strong and capable and can make their own choices about how and where to play (childinitiated play). Playcentre teachers are trained parents who take quite a hands on approach and implement learning, using a lot of open ended questions to extend children’s thinking. Montessori and playcentre have different methods. Both focus on the wellbeing of children, and help promote them to learn and grow through many different approaches. The key difference between Playschool and Montessori is that at playschool the whole family joins, rather than it just being a provider of education for the child. Reference List (Pre-schoolers: Preschool Education: Types of Early Childhood Care KYLIE VALENTINE 2010) (Stover, 1998, p. 3). May, H. (2002, Winter). Early childhood care and education in Aotearoa – New Zealand: An overview of history, policy and curriculum. McGill Journal of Education BEd111: Introduction to Early Childhood Education – Assessment 20120778 Tourmaline Munday- Cooper
Thursday, August 29, 2019
An Analysis of Othello by William Shakespeare Essay
In the play â€Å"Othello†by William Shakespeare Iago plays the master manipulator and manages to deceive many of the other characters especially Othello and Cassio. It can be said that his motives are based solely on his insecurities due to the fact his goal in the play was to ruin Othello’s life. He does this by using psychological manipulation on Othello’s thoughts and makes him believe that Cassio and Desdemona are fond of each other. Which basically means that he targets anyone that brings out his insecurities, which gives him a reason to lash out and kill or harm these people, to make himself feel better. In the beginning of the play Iago makes it seem as if his hatred towards Othello is because he has made Cassio his lieutenant. As the play goes on you later realize that Iago’s hatred extends even more. â€Å"I hate the Moor, and it is thought abroad that ‘twixt my sheets, he has done my office: I know not if’t be true, but I, for mere suspicion in that kind, will do as if for surety.†. There seems to be some rumors about Othello and Iago’s wife Emilia, the rumors are that Othello and Emilia have slept together. In the quote above he states that he doesn’t care if the rumors are true and that he is going to proceed with his plan as if they are true. Throughout the play Iago constantly reminds himself of why he’s targeting Othello. â€Å"I do suspect the lusty Moor, Hath leap’d into my seat: the thought whereof, Doth, like a poisonous mineral, gnaw my inwards; And nothing can or shall content my soul, till I am even’d with him, wife for wife.†His hatred towards Cassio is more directed. Iago hates Cassio because he has gotten the position of lieutenant even with his lack of experience in the field as he is a more tactical creating strategies person. â€Å"More than a spinster, unless the bookish theoric†. Iago basically states that Cassio’s lack of manliness add to his hatred towards him. Each person in the play get manipulated in a way that only suits them. For example Roderigo is â€Å"blinded by his love for Desdemona, and is prepared to do anything to win her heat†this give Iago the advantage to take his weakness and use it against him. As innocent as Iago’s words seem Othello lets Iago’s manipulative words counteract with his thinking and this is where you could say he has officially planted the seed making sure he has Othello’s ear. As Othello asks for proof Iago is once again able to manipulate Othello by making him hide and hear a conversation Iago has with Cassio. â€Å"Now will I question Cassio of Bianca, A housewife that by selling her desires, Buys herself bread and clothes. It is a creature, that dotes on Cassio, as ’tis the strumpet’s plague, To beguile many and be beguiled by one. He, when he hears of her, cannot refrain, From the excess of laughter. Here he comes.†Iago says this once Othello withdraws and once Cassio corners him starts discussing Bianca but allows Othello to believe they are discussing Desdemona. He whispers so Othello would not hear him and by doing that he agitates Othello and that causes him to be delusional. As mentioned before Cassio is also manipulated by Iago. The first way in which Cassio is deceived is when he get pressured into drinking and then starting a fight which consequently ruins Cassio’s reputation.†If I can fasten but one cup upon him, with that which he hath drunk tonight already, He’ll be as full of quarrel and offense, as my young mistress’ dog. Now my sick fool Roderigo, Whom love hath turned almost the wrong side out, To Desdemona hath tonight caroused, Potations pottle-deep, and he’s to watch. Three lads of Cyprus, noble swelling spirits, That hold their honors in a wary distance, The very elements of this warlike isle, Have I tonight flustered with flowing cups, And they watch too. Now ’mongst this flock of drunkards, Am I to put our Cassio in some action, That may offend the isle.†This is Iago’s soliloquy where he actually reveals his manipulative side. At first, Iago told Cassio he should drink on behalf of Othello although he knew that he did not want to and was not capable of it. Iago has manipulated Cassio to do something unethical. Othello and Cassio both get exploited by Iago because they both find honest, good friend and have a hard time judging character. Iago acts like he truly cares about Othello by giving him warning signs about Cassio. Iago also fools Cassio into thinking he cares whether he has a good time or not. Another way Iago manipulates Cassio is when he plants the handkerchief in Cassio’s chambers. â€Å"I know not neither, I found it in my chamber. I like the work well. Ere it be demanded, As like enough it will, I would have it copied. Take it and do ’t, and leave me for this time.†. Cassio says this when he gives it to Bianca. Cassio has no idea as to how the handkerchief got into his room. Iago left it there to set him up and make it seem as if he is having an affair with Desdemona. Iago exploits Cassio’s limited knowledge since Cassio did not know that the handkerchief belong to Desdemona. In both scenarios Iago manipulates Othello and Iago by sugar coating the truth from them. Iago does feel better after manipulating the characters in the story this is shown throughout the story as Iago manipulates and controls every other character so well that they seem like puppets that he controls. At the end of the play, Iago’s manipulation has left a trail of destruction that has killed Othello and Cassio, as well others and has destroyed the lives of many who remain. The motivations and ideas Iago has are very deceptive and cunning, and his ability to influence is very amazing. Iago’s actions define of a man who will stop at nothing until he exacts revenge on everyone who he feels has threaten him in one way or another. Shakespeare has presented Iago as a kind and noble soldier he has also been known as honest Iago, this showing that everyone is not as what they seem on the outside. Already knowing that Iago has a hatred for his superior Othello and now Cassio â€Å"Thou told’st me thou didst hold him in thy hate,†Said Roderigo. â€Å"D espise me if I do not,†Iago replies. This during the opening scenes in the play. Iago fools Othello by providing â€Å"ocular†proof but didn’t allow him to listen or understand properly. As for Cassio, he used his friendship to plant the handkerchief. Both Othello and Cassio are naà ¯ve have a hard time judging character, are too proud to believe that someone is fooling them and their limited knowledge as to what was going on around them allows Iago to Successfully in the end manipulate the mind of Othello and sent him insane and left Cassio in a situation that he didn’t belong in. Othello and Cassio were both victims of Iago’s manipulation due to the fact that they had something Iago did not. Bibliography William, S. (01.22.14). Othello. Great Britain. Oxford University. Jonathan, L. (28.01.2010). How does Iago manipulate different characters in order to achieve his aims? Othello. Retrieved (02.27.2014), from te-different-characters-in-order-to-achieve-his-aims.html The Theme of Deception in William Shakespeare’s Othello. Retrieved (02.27.2014), from Joshua, A. (2013). Protestant epistemology and Othello’s consciousness. Retrieved (03.01.14), from Gale Academic One File.
Corporate Group Structures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words
Corporate Group Structures - Essay Example The discussion will commence with a brief overview of the background of company law, specifically the concept of a company as a separate, autonomous corporate individual. Then the most significant cases in the current state of corporate group structure and liability will be considered: These are a triumvirate of cases involving Cape Industries Plc. Subsequently, analysis of these decisions and their application and interpretation in the last decade will be examined as well as criticism of these three cases will be entertained. This portion of the discussion will expand beyond issues of case law and take an holistic approach to corporate group structure by considering issues such as corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the ethical implications of corporate group structures. Aron Salomon incorporated his boot-making business in 1892. Salomon Co. quickly became insolvent. A series of court cases and appeals took the case to the House of Lords ruling that Salomon Co. and Aron Salomon were not one and the same, â€Å""The very object of the creation of the company and the transfer to it of the business is, that whereas the liability of the partners for debts incurred was without limit, the liability of the members for the debts incurred by the company shall be limited,†concluded the House of Lords.4 No individuals could be held liable for the debts of Salomon Co., a separate, legal, corporate entity. This case was based on the Companies Act 1862 that clearly established the corporation as a separate legal entity. Salomon v Salomon Co. established that this was the legal situation even if one individual was a majority owner and principally responsible for the direction of the corporation also. According to Villalta Puig Gonzalo, â€Å"The case firmly established that upon incorporation, a new and separate artificial entity comes into existence.... a corporation is a distinct person with its own personality separate
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Memorandum Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Memorandum Law - Assignment Example Goodchild would inherit the townhouse absolutely. Mr. Andrews has subsequently attempted to revoke these gifts. The main legal issues are therefore whether or not Mr. Andrews has established trusts or absolute gifts and if so, whether or not he is at liberty to revoke these trusts/gifts. In order to determine whether or not the gifts/trusts can be revoked it will be necessary to ascertain whether or not Andrews has the power to revoke the gifts as a settlor or otherwise. Rules/Authority It is a general principle of the law of equity and trust that once an express trust is created it cannot be reversed by the settlor.1 However, in the event a settlor reserves unto himself the power to revoke a trust, and he decides to exercise that power, the trust property will revert back to the settlor.2 In addition, the doctrine of donatio mortis causa may have a role to play in the settlor’s right to revoke a gift.3 By virtue of the doctrine of mortis causa, a settlor transfers property to a donee in contemplation of his death and with the understanding that the property will be held by the donee absolutely upon the settlor’s death.4 In other words, a gift made with the intention that the donee obtains absolute title upon the donor’s death is distinguished from an inter vivos absolute gift.5 Therefore the consequence of such a gift is that the donor may revoke the gift if he does not die. There is one caveat: the gift must be made in contemplation of pending death, not in contemplation of death at some future speculative time in the future.6 Where the death is speculative the gift is â€Å"inter vivos but conditional on death†.7 Thus the only method of revocation of the intervivos gift conditional upon the death of the donor is by an express provision of revocation in the trust instrument or transfer deed or by expressly resuming possession of the property transferred.8 At its heart, the main question for determining whether or not a trust can be revoked or trust property recalled is determining whether or not the settlor intended to divest himself completely and absolutely of the trust property.9 In this regard, the doctrine of resulting trust will be significant. In general it is the common intentions of the settlor and the trustee’s of the trust. A resulting trust arises to transfer property back to the settlor when both the trustee and the settlor are aware that the settlor did not intend to transfer the property absolutely to the trustee or that the trustee treats the property in a manner that is inconsistent with the donor’s intention.10 Thus resulting trusts operates on the conscience of the parties.11 Application to the Facts The gifts of the townhouses to Andrews’ children Colleen and Brian appear to be gifts only intended to take effect upon Andrews’ death. This was expressly noted in the attorney’s letter to the children and represents the terms upon which they accepted the gift of the townhouse. However, there is no evidence that Andrews made the gift in contemplation of death as he merely said that he was at a place financially where he wanted to pass his wealth along. As such the doctrine of donatio mortis causa will not be an available ground for Mr. Andrews to force the return of the gifts to him. There is no evidenc
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Photography as Medium of Fact or Fiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Photography as Medium of Fact or Fiction - Essay Example Although photography has been seen with a veritable attachment to reality, the relationship of photography to art, notably painting and graphic media, has a long history. Changing concepts of art and practices of photography have drawn the urgency from earlier debates about their relative status, but the cultural issues concerning ways of viewing and constructing images remain of interest. The nature of the projected photographic image was known from early times, but the principles of the camera obscura, a term equally applicable to a darkened room or a small box, rendering the three-dimensional world in two, were explored in parallel with those of perspective during the 16th century. The developments of the next century in lens technology for telescopes and microscopes extended the experience of vision and produced improved and various versions of the camera. The demand for reproducible imagery of all kinds increased among the emerging professional and middle classes throughout the 18th century. The copper plate used for etching and engraving was not adequate for the long runs of impressions demanded and other means of picture production were sought. Modern photography shares its history with contemporary developments in graphic art, such as lithography, and the term 'plate' remains in use (Lewis, 2001). However, it may seem a further irony that, because of the c... For example, in 1933 this view had been expressed in a series of radio broadcasts by photographer August Sander, 'Even the most isolated Bushman could understand a photograph of the heavens-whether it showed the sun and moon or the constellations' (Sander 1978, p. 674). However, in the face of the rapid increase in global communications which has characterised the latter part of the twentieth century, we do need at least to ask to what extent the photographic image can penetrate through cultural differences in understanding. Or is photography as bound by cultural conventions as any other form of communication, such as language Yet despite such uncertainties we find that, 'Photography is nearly omnipresent, informing virtually every arena of human existence' (Ritchen 1990, p. 1). It is for this reason that we question: is it possible that our familiarity with the photographic image has bred our current contempt for the intricacies and subtle methods that characterise the medium's ability to transmit its vivid impressions of 'reality' Photography is regarded quite naturally as offering such convincing forms of pictorial evidence that this process of communication often seems to render the medium totally transparent, blurring the distinction between our perception of the environment and its photographic representations. However, we could not deny the fact that photography can also depict art. When photography is linked to art, does it mean it could also convey fictional aspect, which is quite far from reality. Thus, this article will seek to unravel the thin line of art and reality with regards to photography. Photography and Reality It is undeniable that the influence of photography through the years has been immense in influencing public opinion,
Monday, August 26, 2019
The British Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4
The British Economy - Essay Example Within 1940th – 1970th absolute majority of former British colonies became independent; thus, economic influence of the British Isles within the Commonwealth decreased. Owing to inconsequent regulation in the previous years in 1968 Wilson’s government had to transfer national budget in the economy regime. Besides, in 1967 unprofitable steel industry was nationalized for stabilization of the whole industrial sector. Economic and industrial spheres required urgent restructure. The period of 1970th was marked with high level of socio-economic instability. Pressure of national trade unions increased as a result of limitations of their rights and growing unemployment. Numerous strikes of workers caused million losses. In 1969 trade unions rejected limitation of right for strikes. There was a large disproportion between number of trade unions and employed workers. The majority of labor force in the manufacturing sector was employed at the big plants and enterprises. â€Å"Thus in 1973 establishments with 1000 or more employees employed 42 per cent of the manufacturing labour force and even in 1984, after a wave of closures of large plants, still employed 32 per cent.†(Oulton 1990, 72) Economic recession covered the whole manufacturing sphere, including employment rate, workers’ socio-economic welfare, basic economic indices (GDP, IRR). British citizens regarded a long-term crisis as consequence of entry into EU (1973 – 1975), political i nstability, inappropriate financing of industrial sector. Despite of economic growth of 1980th, share of manufacturing sector in GDP had decreased from 25% up to 14% in 2004. Decrease of manufacturing sector happened mainly due to the reorganization of national economy and growth of service sector. Since early 1980th its output has increased by circa 30%. The same tendency is marked in other countries Such tendency is conditioned with a large-scale closing of large plants and
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Opportunities for the Multinational Enterprise Term Paper
Opportunities for the Multinational Enterprise - Term Paper Example The meaning of Globalisation can easily be interpreted from the word itself. It is nothing but going international. When people realized that they cannot survive from the resources that they had available in their vicinity, they began exchanging goods with their neighbors, which got expanded to exchange with other countries, organizations, etc. This exchange of goods for goods, or the Barter system, gradually turned into import and export of goods mainly based on availability, or technically the lack thereof, which brought about this whole cycle. When focused from an overall perspective, the term globalization is something, as part of which common people, organizations, etc interact among themselves in different spheres of their lives, including cultural sphere, financial sphere, etc, etc.. â€Å"Globalization may be thought of as the widening, deepening and speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life, from the cultural to the criminal, the financial to the spiritually.†(Wiley, Nandi and Shahidullah 1998, p.21). Although from the above definition, one can infer that globalization can be referred to any form of global integration or interaction, the fact, it is mainly used with an economic perspective and multinational business, and the resultant interaction between organizations particularly Multinational Companies (MNC). The term ‘globalisation’ involves increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services, free international capital flows and more rapid and widespread diffusion of technology. To make things simpler, we can say that Globalisation is a process of rapid integration of countries particularly MNCs, and how those companies utilizing opportunities in a particular market or another country, enter it to do business or another process there. On the other hand, critics of Globalisation emphasize the ensuing debate regarding the roles and relationships of corporat ions and the country’s citizens in maximizing economic development and social welfare. There appears quite a number of challenges for the MNCs while doing business in new markets as part of the globalization. So, this paper first discussing the main forces driving the globalization process, will explain the opportunities and then the challenges that globalization presents to multinational businesses. Forces driving the globalization process As the various trade and other barriers between the countries got broken, MNCs, using the globalization plank, have entered and are entering into different business sectors. This entry of MNCs into various territories to do business was not a new phenomenon, but an age-old phenomenon, which happened under the guise of imperialism. From time immemorial, various geographical territories, as well as nations, have been indulging in business with one another, to fulfill their product or service wants and shortages, as well as to garner good fin ances through product sale and thereby strengthening their economies. Even the British entered Indian subcontinent to do business under the tag of British East India Company. This form of trade has been going on for many centuries, however, certain countries in different points of their history have put certain restrictions on trade with other countries or enterprises due to political, financial as well as other social reasons. That is, this trade based entry started transforming into imperialism, as the European and other Western powers, tapping the weakness of the Asian and African ruling powers, eventually captured the nations’ territories and started to rule them. This set a bad precedent, and after independence many countries started actualizing a protectionist regime, preventing or restricting entry of foreign organizations. These countries or territories did not allow the entry of foreign companies as well as its products and even went to the extent of preventing its o wn companies to do any business with the foreign companies.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
APA 360 III Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
APA 360 III - Term Paper Example e to determine that race perception is not something that is done automatically by a person because the first image that a person has of the person before him does not leave a truly remarkable impression. Rather, the concept of race is simply something that we have come to think of as automatic due to the mind conditioning that we have undergone since an early age. Since race has no genetic basis, one can safely say that race is therefore an illusion. Neither does a human sub-specie exist as these do in the animal kingdom for us to perceive that one human being is different from another. We all belong to the same specie and therefore exist in the same reality. That is why skin color cannot be used to determine the race of a person. The illusion of race on a physical basis is simply wrong because the real differences between people exist not on a physical basis but rather on genetic variation with 85% of traits being shared by a given population. Therefore, race is not biological and no one skin color is better than the other (â€Å"What is Race? Is Race for Real?†). Due to the fact that there has been an explosion of mixed race births in the United States, the issue of race has come to be outdated using the traditional definition. Therefore, the existence of multiracial beings has forced sociologists to begin studying race anew when it comes to â€Å"intergroup relations, racial stigmatization, social identity, social perception, discrimination, and the intersectionality of race with other social categories such as social class†(Shih, Margaret, Sanchez, Diana T. â€Å"When Race Becomes Even More Complex: Towards Understanding the Concept of Multiracial Identity and Experiences†). The challenge that multiracials pose before the discussion of race is now how to determine the actual race of a person or if the issue of race even exists for that particular person because of the multiple bloodlines running through their veins. Shih, Margaret & Sanchez, Diana. â€Å"When
Friday, August 23, 2019
Financial Management Individual Work 1 Week 8 Essay
Financial Management Individual Work 1 Week 8 - Essay Example Adding 200 safety units we get 392units. Expected delivery time is 2 weeks hence (392/2) 196 units per week. If the usage remains constant, then the Webster could operate at 4 weeks (392/4) when waiting for delivery of each order. It should be noted the discount has reduced the unit price. The TIC IS $24800 so if the Webster now orders 1000 units at a time, the incremental annual cost become $(24800-20000) = $4800. The 1 per cent on each unit of chip will amount to savings of 0.01$(200)*(5000) = 10000 dollars (Tajbakhsh, 2007). The effective savings is $(10000-4800) = $5200 if the firm accepts the discount which is advised to take. i. The EOQ model can be used at different short constant kind of situations taking into account that the assumptions made in the derivation of the model calls for constant variables. It can therefore be used using the annual rates of each period. 4. The manufacturing trend is skewed to flexibility of designed plants, which give a go ahead in production without incurring high costs of setting up. This immensely reduce inventory holding of final
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Creative Song Assignment Essay Example for Free
Creative Song Assignment Essay The Creative Song Assignment was an interesting assignment, because I have zero experience in mixing music. It was an interesting experience, because it did take me out of my comfort zone. When I first started, I felt lost. I had no idea what I was doing, so I decided to do a little research to see how I can best complete this assignment. I finally settled on using a program called Audacity and the genres of hip hop and alternative rock. I chose a program called audacity, because it gives you an option of mixing different songs. I am sure that there are a lot of other programs better suited for this assignment, but I found this to be pretty easy to use. I really enjoyed playing around with the different settings. It took me a couple of days before I finally picked two songs to work on. I am sure that there are many more experienced people out there that can mix my songs better than me, but I think I did a good job considering my experience level. I decide to pick hip hop and alternative rock, because they are two of my favorite genres. I know that hip hop and alternative rock have been mixed before, so I felt an intrigue in trying to accomplish this myself. I knew that I wanted to use Radiohead’s Karma Police as my alternative, because that is one of my favorite songs. I had a difficult time picking a rap song, because the lyrics did not match up well together. I finally decided to just use a hip hop beat that I found on soundcloud. In my opinion, I felt that this was best, because you can hear the lyrics of the alternative song, but still hear the hip hop beat. The part that took me a while was trying to get the songs in sync perfectly. I really wanted to find a way to lower the alternative rock song’s instrumentals, but I could not do it. I think it would have sounded better if I could mix the hip hop beat with the Karma Police vocals. I am sure it could probably be done with professional mixing equipment.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Mary Wollstonecraft and Gender Inequality in Our Modern World Essay Example for Free
Mary Wollstonecraft and Gender Inequality in Our Modern World Essay Ridgeway states that â€Å"In the United States as in many other societies, gender relationships are changing and inequalities between men and women are questioned in virtually every sphere – at work, in the home, and in public affairs.†In Mary Wollstonecraft’s â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of Women,†she argues different issues about women’s role in society, and she called for equality between men and women. However, even now women still demand equal rights with men because gender inequality still exists throughout different countries in the world. Since â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of Women,†many issues have changed for women in society in various fields such as education, employment, and politics, but some specific problems exist now. In the modern world, there are many gaps between men and women in different positions. Wollstonecraft’s piece still applies to women in the modern world because of social, economic, and political inequality. Wollstonecraft argues that women’s societies are neglected when she wrote hundreds of years ago. This is still true in the present day because in most societies men and women are allocated diverse duties, rights, and privileges. Women and men have different roles in society. Gender inequality is characterized by the social process individuals deal with. According to Wollstonecraft, â€Å"There must be more equality established in society or morality will never gain ground, and this virtuous equality will not rest firmly even when founded on a rock†(198). This means that society plays an important role in determining the position role of the women, and that role depends on religion, traditions, and customs. They are attached to values joined to human well-being and prosperity. Research shows that â€Å"Sex categorization unconsciously primes gender stereotypes. This allows the stereotypes to become cognitively available to affect our behavior and judgments†(Fisk ). Regardless, how much they truly do shape our conduct can vary from inconsequential to huge depending on the particular situation and our own specific goals and interests. For example, in general, men are accepted by society to be particularly more skilled than women in male work -settings such as engineering, sports, and positions of expertise, while women are advantaged in female- work settings such as childcare and communication. In other words, Wollstonecraft acknowledges society expects a different thing from men and women. Also, Wollstonecraft writes about the role of women in the economy is not as clear and concrete as it is for men. Wollstonecraft mentions that â€Å"Business of various kinds they might likewise pursue if they were educated in a more orderly manner, which might save many from common and legal prostitution†(205). In other words, people don’t know what women can accomplish because they have never been allowed to fully participate in the economy because of gender-defined jobs. In most of the world, women spend more hours working than men. In addition, they spend a lot of energy doing housework which is unpaid and along these lines not considered when economists analysts measure the amount of work done by men and women. Indeed, even women who have full-time occupations do the majority of housework in the household. In most countries, women possess an exceptionally small percentage of the basic leadership positions in the upper economic range. Although women work more hours than men, the wage gap between the genders remains generally static between women and men working full time according to the study in the article, â€Å"Women still make only about 80% of what men earn for full-time work†(Ridgeway). Also, corporations should assist in treating both women and men similarly because when women choose to have kids and stay home for maternity leaves they dont make it up the chain of leadership. However, companies should significantly assist in executing approaches that incorporate women again into the workforce in senior positions after having children including more flexible advancement processes and activities as strategic scheduling. Furthermore, Wollstonecraft discusses that women’s politics has been intangible for many years and still exists in the modern world. According to the article, â€Å"Women are less likely to hold managerial or supervisory positions, and when they do, their positions carry less authority†(Ridgeway). Men have had the monopoly on political power for a long time which indicates gender inequality and led to its continuation. Even in democratic societies, gender segregation happens in governmental issues both concerning assumptions about political devotions that fall along gender lines, and dissimilar gender representation inside delegate vote based systems. Truly, this is considered obvious when women couldn’t even vote. Wollstonecraft writes that â€Å"They might also study political, and settle their benevolence on broadest basis, for the reading of history will scarcely be more useful than the perusal of romances†(205). The participation of women in politic al life is one of the most important elements of the democratic process in a country. Therefore, the weakness of democratic mechanisms and forces in society contributes to the marginalization of women’s political participation. Public and private communities should strengthen their capacities to contribute to the development of their female population. It should be noted that traditional societies are more likely to recognize women’s political rights. This is important because women with access to political power might have an opportunity to change her situation thus disrupting the narrative that men are the traditionally powerful ones in society. Obviously, when Wollstonecraft wrote the â€Å"Vindication of the Rights of Women,†she opened the doors for women’s rights. Wollstonecraft piece is still applicable to women in the modern world because of social, economic, and political systems. Although women have equal rights in some fields, some issues of equality regarding society’s rights and duties are still with us today because it depends on society how people think about and respects women. Works Cited Fisk, Susan, â€Å"How Does Gender Inequality Persist?.†, Monday,2 May. 2011, Ridgeway, Cecilia. L, â€Å"HOW GENDER INEQUALITY PERSISTS IN THE MODERN WORLD.†, June. 2013, Jacobus, Lee, editor. A World of Ideas. Bedford /St. Martin’s, 2017. Mary, Wollstonecraft. â€Å"Of the Pernicious Effects Which Arise from the Unnatural Distinctions Established in Society†. Bedford /St. Martin’s, 2017, pp. 198-205. NSCC Grading Rubric for Composition I and II Note: All essays are marked for errors and include comments. This rubric shows the breakdown of your score. Any essay that does not meet the requirements of the assignment may not be graded and may receive a zero. Any essay that contains an abundance of major grammatical errors or numerous repetitive errors that negatively affect the meaning and readability may lose extra points. A. Content Topic Fits assignment, narrowed appropriately, focused, original, shows independent thought, creative Thesis Statement Clear, strong, focused, logical, and insightful Rhetorical Technique Adheres to assigned rhetorical technique or blends rhetorical techniques effectively to enhance the strength of content Support Evidence, details, examples, and explanations are sufficient, thorough, accurate, logical, well-developed, and effectively support claims, ideas, and the topic Critical Thinking Appropriate level of analysis, evaluation, inference, or deduction of issues related to the topic Comments Possible Score Your Score 25 B. Organization Thesis Placement Thesis statement is logically placed for the specific essay Introduction Catches reader’s attention, accurately introduces scope of paper, interesting Conclusion Leaves reader with a sense of completion reemphasizes point and/or motivates reader, the appropriate ending for essay Paragraphs Each paragraph is well developed and relates to the thesis has a strong topic sentence and presents solid supporting information Sequencing Careful development of related ideas in coherent, sequential paragraphs with smooth and logical transitions that create a smooth flow of the essay Comments Possible Score Your Score 25 C. Editing Grammar Essay is free from major errors, such as fragments, comma splices, run-ons, and agreement errors, and minor errors, such as punctuation and capitalization Style Tone is mature, consistent, and suitable, a voice is appropriate for academic writing, and awareness of audience is evident Language Sentences are forceful, clear, and logical, a variety of sentence structures are present, and diction is precise and expressive using college-level vocabulary Presentation Correct MLA style formatting, including MLA style heading, double-spacing, correct margins, and font style and size, with a strong title and indented paragraphs Comments Possible Score Your Score 25 D. Documentation Sources Appropriate amount of research is used from credible and quality sources instead of sources such as encyclopedias, SparkNotes, eNotes, BookRags, Wikipedia,, or the like; sources support rather than overwhelm the writer’s ideas Borrowed Information Quotations use quotation marks or are put in block format if needed and are written exactly as the author intended, paraphrases and summaries are written well and do not change the meaning of the original, information is integrated smoothly into text and thoroughly discussed, and quantity and quality of information is appropriate In-text Citations Formatted correctly with a signal phrase and a citation that matches the first element of the works cited the entry Works Cited Page Starts a new page, entries are double-spaced and indented correctly, information is incorrect order and complete, and no extra sources are listed that are not cited in the essay Comments Possible Score Your Score 25 Total Score Possible Score Your Score 100
With The Help Of Bcg Matrix Marketing Essay
With The Help Of Bcg Matrix Marketing Essay In the late 1960s a consultant for the Boston Consulting Group presented his ideas about cash deficient and growth deficient businesses and the need for a balance between cash generators and cash users. In 1968, BCG created the growth-share matrix, a simple chart to assist large corporations in deciding how to allocate cash among their business units. The corporation would categorize its business units as Stars, Cash Cows, Question Marks, and Dogs (originally Pets), and then allocate cash accordingly, moving money from cash cows toward stars and question marks that had higher market growth rates, and hence higher upside potential. The growth-share matrix was intended to analyze a portfolio from a corporate perspective because it is only at that level that cash balance is meaningful. A business may, however, be segmented further using this diagnostic tool to understand the positions of its various product lines or market segments. This portfolio can therefore be made up of products in a multi-product company, divisions in a multidivisional company and companies in a conglomerate. The BCG Growth-Share Matrix is based on the observation that a companys business units can be classified into four categories based on combinations of market growth and market share relative to the largest competitor, hence the name growth-share. Market growth serves as a proxy for industry attractiveness, and relative market share serves as a proxy for competitive advantage. The growth-share matrix thus maps the business unit positions within these two important determinants of profitability It is the most renowned corporate portfolio analysis tool. It provides a graphic representation for an organization to examine different businesses in its portfolio on the basis of their related market share and industry growth rates. It is a two dimensional analysis on management of SBUs (Strategic Business Units). In other words, it is a comparative analysis of business potential and the evaluation of environment. For each product or service, the area of the circle represents the value of its sales. The BCG Matrix thus offers a map of the organizations product (or service) strengths and weaknesses, at least in terms of current profitability, as well as the likely cash flows. The need which prompted this idea was, indeed, that of managing cash-flow. It was reasoned that one of the main indicators of cash generation was relative market share, and one which pointed to cash usage was that of market growth rate. Derivatives can also be used to create a product portfolio analysis of services. So Information System services can be treated accordingly. Relative market share This indicates likely cash generation, because the higher the share the more cash will be generated. As a result of economies of scale (a basic assumption of the BCG Matrix), it is assumed that these earnings will grow faster the higher the share. The exact measure is the brands share relative to its largest competitor. Thus, if the brand had a share of 20 percent, and the largest competitor had the same, the ratio would be 1:1. If the largest competitor had a share of 60 percent; however, the ratio would be 1:3, implying that the organizations brand was in a relatively weak position. If the largest competitor only had a share of 5 percent, the ratio would be 4:1, implying that the brand owned was in a relatively strong position, which might be reflected in profits and cash flows. If this technique is used in practice, this scale is logarithmic, not linear. On the other hand, exactly what is a high relative share is a matter of some debate. The best evidence is that the most stable position (at least in Fast Moving Consumer Goods FMCG markets) is for the brand leader to have a share double that of the second brand, and triple that of the third. Brand leaders in this position tend to be very stable-and profitable. The reason for choosing relative market share, rather than just profits, is that it carries more information than just cash flow. It shows where the brand is positioned against its main competitors, and indicates where it might be likely to go in the future. It can also show what type of marketing activities might be expected to be effective. Relative Market Share = SBU Sales this year leading competitors sales this year. Market growth rate Rapidly growing in rapidly growing markets, are what organizations strive for; but, as we have seen, the penalty is that they are usually net cash users they require investment. The reason for this is often because the growth is being bought by the high investment, in the reasonable expectation that a high market share will eventually turn into a sound investment in future profits. The theory behind the matrix assumes, therefore, that a higher growth rate is indicative of accompanying demands on investment. The cut-off point is usually chosen as 10 per cent per annum. Determining this cut-off point, the rate above which the growth is deemed to be significant (and likely to lead to extra demands on cash) is a critical requirement of the technique; and again makes the use of the BCG Matrix problematical in some product areas. What is more, the evidence, from FMCG markets at least, is that the most typical pattern is of very low growth, less than 1 per cent per annum. This is outsid e the range normally considered in BCG Matrix work, which may make application of this form of analysis unworkable in many markets. Where it can be applied, however, the market growth rate says more about the brand position than just its cash flow. It is a good indicator of that markets strength, of its future potential (of its maturity in terms of the market life-cycle), and also of its attractiveness to future competitors. It can also be used in growth analysis. Market Growth Rate = Industry sales this year Industry Sales last year. The analysis requires that both measures be calculated for each SBU. The dimension of business strength, relative market share, will measure comparative advantage indicated by market dominance. The key theory underlying this is existence of an experience curve and that market share is achieved due to overall cost leadership. BCG matrix has four cells, with the horizontal axis representing relative market share and the vertical axis denoting market growth rate. The mid-point of relative market share is set at 1.0. if all the SBUs are in same industry, the average growth rate of the industry is used. While, if all the SBUs are located in different industries, then the mid-point is set at the growth rate for the economy. Resources are allocated to the business units according to their situation on the grid. The four cells of this matrix have been called as stars, cash cows, question marks and dogs. Each of these cells represents a particular type of business. growth_share_matrix.gif Stars- Stars represent business units having large market share in a fast growing industry. They may generate cash but because of fast growing market, stars require huge investments to maintain their lead. Net cash flow is usually modest. SBUs located in this cell are attractive as they are located in a robust industry and these business units are highly competitive in the industry. If successful, a star will become a cash cow when the industry matures. Cash Cows- Cash Cows represents business units having a large market share in a mature, slow growing industry. Cash cows require little investment and generate cash that can be utilized for investment in other business units. These SBUs are the corporations key source of cash, and are specifically the core business. They are the base of an organization. These businesses usually follow stability strategies. When cash cows lose their appeal and move towards deterioration, then a retrenchment policy may be pursued. Question Marks- Question marks represent business units having low relative market share and located in a high growth industry. They require huge amount of cash to maintain or gain market share. They require attention to determine if the venture can be viable. Question marks are generally new goods and services which have a good commercial prospective. There is no specific strategy which can be adopted. If the firm thinks it has dominant market share, then it can adopt expansion strategy, else retrenchment strategy can be adopted. Most businesses start as question marks as the company tries to enter a high growth market in which there is already a market-share. If ignored, then question marks may become dogs, while if huge investment is made, they may have potential of becoming stars. Dogs- Dogs represent businesses having weak market shares in low-growth markets. They neither generate cash nor require huge amount of cash. Due to low market share, these business units face cost disadvantages. Generally retrenchment strategies are adopted because these firms can gain market share only at the expense of competitors/rival firms. These business firms have weak market share because of high costs, poor quality, ineffective marketing, etc. Unless a dog has some other strategic aim, it should be liquidated if there is fewer prospects for it to gain market share. Number of dogs should be avoided and minimized in an organization. fwk-tanner-fig02_017.jpg Limitations of BCG Matrix The BCG Matrix produces a framework for allocating resources among different business units and makes it possible to compare many business units at a glance. But BCG Matrix is not free from limitations, such as- BCG matrix classifies businesses as low and high, but generally businesses can be medium also. Thus, the true nature of business may not be reflected. Market is not clearly defined in this model. High market share does not always leads to high profits. There are high costs also involved with high market share. Growth rate and relative market share are not the only indicators of profitability. This model ignores and overlooks other indicators of profitability. At times, dogs may help other businesses in gaining competitive advantage. They can earn even more than cash cows sometimes. This four-celled approach is considered as to be too simplistic. BCG Matrix of Nestle According to Nestle, the relative market share and market growth rates of different products are given below:- Name Relative Market Share Market Growth Rate Cerelac 31.2% 45% Nestle Milk 21% 39% Kit Kat 19% 34% Maggi Noodles 18.76% 64% Nestle Dahi 3% 12% Market Growth Star Ceralec Nestle Milk Kit Kat Cash Cowcartoon_cows.gif Maggi Noddles DogNEWFOUNDLAND-DOG-LEO.jpg Nestle Dahi Relative Market Share Conclusions: Cerelac: Cerelac is one of the leading baby food products. It has witnesses quite a long hold on market share and it s a major contributor for Nestle. Nestle Milk and Kit Kat: Relative market share of Nestle milk and Kit Kat is low as compared with its growth thats why they are lying under head Question mark. Maggi Noodles: Growth rate of Maggi Noodles is low as compared with its Relative market share thats why they are lying under head Question mark. Nestle Dahi: Its both relative market share and growth rate are low as compared with other products thats why it is lying under head Dog.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Great Gatsby :: Essays Papers
Great Gatsby4 From the time he wrote his first novel, F. Scott Fitzgerald was bound to be a classic novelist, portraying his life from birth, through his youth, and through his older years in mostly all of his novels, including his most popular novel, The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald’s life from youth to death found full expression in some 160 short stories (Prigozy, 1). The elegiac note that characterizes his reminiscences of his early childhood and struggling adolescence greatly affected his work (Prigozy, 1). F. Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1897 in St. Paul, Minnesota. His father, Edward Fitzgerald was a distinguished lawyer, Fitzgerald’s mother, Mary McQuillan, was left with the inheritance of a million-dollar grocery business after her parents’ death (Philips, 1). Fitzgerald was an intellectual, and he was a very dramatic child, but did poorly in school and he was often known as an outcast (Philips, 1). He grew up experiencing the end of WW1 and the jazz age. He also got to experience the roaring twenties (Prigozy, 1). He moved many times with his family in his young age. His family often moved to different apartments in the same cities (Prigozy, 1). These, his teen years, had a great impact on his life. â€Å"A sense of estrangement so characteristic of his formative years marks much of his fiction, from the first short stories, written when he was thirteen, to his last efforts in Hollywood†(Prigozy, 2). In 1911, at the age of fourteen, Fitzgerald was enrolled into St. Paul academy. This would be where he published his first few short stories in the school magazine. He later re-created his school years in the Basil Duke Lee series, which showed what it was like to be an outsider and to be disliked, as Fitzgerald was (Pr igozy, 2). He was an average student, but managed to get into Princeton in 1913, from which he never graduated (Philips, 1). His years at Princeton were the most influential on his writings, mostly because of a man named John Peale Bishop. Bishop introduced Fitzgerald to poetry, that especially of John Keats and Edmund Wilson, who would become the â€Å"intellectual conscience†of Fitzgerald’s life (Prigozy, 3). Instead of graduating, he enlisted into the Army at the end of WW1, which is when he met his wife Zelda Sayre, whom he met in a boot camp during the war (Philips, 2).
Monday, August 19, 2019
Guilt in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays
Guilt in The Scarlet Letter What is guilt? We all have guilt about something. Maybe forgetting something, lied about something, or even did something that shouldn't of been done. In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne we saw guilt fester in the minds and outward appearance of the main characters, Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth. When you hear the word guilt what do you think it means? Guilt means remorseful awareness of having done something wrong or of having failed to do something required or expected. Does that sound about right? Guilt is something everyone has. Its this mental manifestation that lets us know when we did something wrong but no one knows it yet. Guilt is very powerful. Some people after awhile give in to this guilt and confess what they did. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale commit a great sin. Because of this great sin, it causes them immense guilt and sadness though out the rest of the book. One of the main character's that is affected the most is Arthur Dimmesdale. Dimmesdale handles it in a different way though, to him its more of a "concealed sin." A example of this is, "It may be that they are kept silent by the very constitution of their nature. Or - can we not suppose it - guilty as they may be, retaining, nevertheless, a zeal for God's glory and man's welfare, they shrink from displaying themselves black and filthy in the view of men; because, thenceforward, no good can be achieved by them; no evil or the past be redeemed by better service." Dimmesdale also has another reason for his concealing, he wants to remain silent so that he can continue to do God's work as a minister. Hester Prynne handles her guilt in another way. Instead of worrying about it day after day and letting to fester, she makes it outward. At the beginning of the book she wears the most awesome clothes and shows the world she's not guilty for what she has done. An example of this is, "And never had Hester Prynne appeared more lady-like, in the antique interpretation of the term,
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Free College Essays - Envy in A Separate Peace :: A Separate Peace Essays
Envy in A Separate Peace                   â€Å"People are often vain of their most criminal passions; but envy is one passion so mean and low that nobody will admit it†Francois de la Rochefoucauld(1613-1680), a French philosopher, once stated and that statement summarizes the undertone of A Separate Piece by John Knowles. The story is set at a highly competitive boy’s school on the East Coast that sets the perfect stage to develop the storyline. Gene’s insecurity, which led to jealousy of Finny, is the cause of the overall conflict.                In chapter 1 Finny leaps from the tree for the first time, and then Gene follows. When Gene jumps after Finny he does it not because of being â€Å"shamed into it†(906) as Finny says but out of envy to be more like Finny. Gene gets an odd feeling of gratification that seems to settle his insecurity when he is imitating Finny. On the walk home from the tree Gene boasts â€Å" I then became his (Finny) collaborator†as they were both missing evening meal. This shows that his subconscious jealousy had succeeded in being like Finny. Gene felt that the more he could associate with Finny the more he would be considered like Finny. Even Gene may not have realized his underlying jealousy but it was there from the beginning.                Gene nears completion of his transformation into Finny in chapter 4. â€Å"I jounced the limb†(923) says Gene, and Finny falls through the branches snapping the limbs with his momentum until the fall ended with an unnatural thud. This action initiates the final phase of Gene’s plan he can not completely be Finny until the space is open and until then it was filled. At this point Gene begins to realize what has been happening. At the funeral Gene said that he did not cry then or ever. Gene did not cry because he knew that when Finny was buried that was all that was buried Finny, a body.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
A research paper Essay
A research paper needs to have references written by scholars on the subject matter in order be taken as an esteemed paper worthy to be used also as reference by students and researchers alike in their quest for knowledge. Hence, we find it hard to conceive a situation wherein a researcher is able to make a paper without the support of references and literature on the topic the researcher chooses. If a research is resourceful, there are other ways to find and get the necessary information and data to finish a particular research paper. Current literature is not the best reference alone. In fact, in lieu to this, interviewing certain individuals or groups of people is a good alternative. One gets first-hand information from persons knowledgeable on the particular topic of his/her study. These persons who are sources of information could steer your way also to other sources of data which are not found in libraries and current literature. They may give you age-old documents, things which might be of value to your research. Another alternative to derive data is to for the researcher to make or put up his/her own experiments. The information from the experiment could contribute new knowledge to a particular field of study. One gains information also from conversing with other researchers, scholars, and instructors. Still another alternative is to do on-site research wherein one visits the place of inquiry and gather samples therein. One can distribute questionnaires also to gather information. The possibilities and modes of gathering data are limitless. One has to be determined to find these alternative ways of doing research. In doing so, a researcher adds much needed knowledge to the world in order for humanity to progress further.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Business Studies †Recruitment Essay
The purpose of the recruitment and selection process is to acquire a suitable number of employees with appropriate skills, in order to meet the man power requirements of the organisation. It is in the interests of the firm to achieve this goal at a minimum cost in terms of both time and resources. Businesses use several standard documents in the recruitment process, below are some of the key documentation used by businesses during recruitment. Authority to recruit – Once it is established that there is a need to fill a vacant post, managers need to know whether there is sufficient budget to cover the cost of the vacancy, although McDonalds are a large company they will have budgets for all their costs, this includes having a cash limits on recruiting as each employee costs à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½130 to train, this means authority to fill the post must be given before the recruitment process. Job Descriptions A job description should be created for every job role. This document should set out the overall purpose of the job and the key tasks and responsibilities of the post. Structure and components of a job description Component Function Job Title This should be a short descriptive title that explains the nature of the job, such as customer service assistant or senior team leader. Purpose Usually a one sentence summary of why the role exists: for example, to provide customer service support to retail sales team. Key Tasks These should be specific activities and described clearly using action words: for example, to co-ordinate, calculate and produce sales reports. Scope Of The Role Gives the boundary of responsibility: that is, who the job holder is responsible to, and who they are responsible for. This section should also list any budgetary responsibilities. Special Requirements Specific requirements such as shift r flexible work patterns, travelling requirements, essential languages and professional qualifications. A person specification is not a legal requirement but will be useful when writing a job advertisement and defining the qualities you are looking for in a candidate. Include the knowledge, experience and skills you would like them to have, separating those which are essential for the job from those which are desirable. It’s essential not to discriminate. A person specification describes the requirements a job holder needs to be able to perform the job satisfactorily. These are likely to include: – Education and qualifications – Training and experience – Personal attributes / qualities A job description describes the job; a person specification describes the person needed to do the job. A person specification can, therefore, form the basis for the selection of the most suitable person to fill the job. All job advertisements should be consistent with the job description and the person specification, which should be prepared well in advance before any position is advertised. All advertisements should be worded to attract suitable candidates who match the essential job and person criteria, and should provide a positive public image of the business. A business needs to make sure it attracts a sufficient number of suitably qualified applicants to apply for the job. So it needs to advertise in the right places. One of the key decisions a business like McDonalds needs to make is whether to restrict the job to internal or to invite applications from people outside the company. There are benefits in keeping recruitment in – house: it is cheaper, it can be good for staff morale, and all applicants will already be familiar with the business. However, by looking for external applicants, companies will be able to draw from a much wider pool of talent and, obviously, all businesses need fresh blood at some stage. Below shows the options for advertising vacancies a company like McDonalds may use. Internal Advertisements External Advertisements On Company Notice boards Newspapers – Local Or National In A Company Newsletter Contact with schools, colleges and universities In A Internal Vacancy Bulletin Specialist Magazines On The Premises In he Form Of A Poster Job Centres E-mail To All ( Or Selected ) Staff Internet – Company Website Recruitment Agencies Recruitment Or Job Fairs Radio And Television Advertisements A job advertisement for McDonalds should include * Job title and job description * Title and description of the organisation * Location of the work and any travel involved * Type of person required (qualifications/experience * Pay, conditions, benefits ( to be competitive and make the post appealing ) * How to apply ( such as a complete application form, send in CV and letter of application ) * Timescale (closing date for receipt of applications). The advert could also include other material that might attract a wider net of suitable candidates. For example, it might briefly outline the philosophy of the organisation, its positive attitude to disabled people, or its commitment to family – friendly policies. In general, the advert should be presented so that it captures reader’ attention, arouses interest in the company, creates desire and incites readers to action. A good advertisement will attract prospective candidates but deter those who would be unsuitable to meet the specifications of the job. It is also essential that the job advert conforms with equal opportunities legislation. There are several different methods used by businesses to compile a short list of candidates. Most typically, applicants are asked to return curriculum vitae (CV), a completed application form or a letter of application. Sometimes they are asked to supply two, and occasionally all three, of these different means of job application. These applications are then used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of applicants, which allow the business to draw up a short list to go through to the final stage of the selection process. At this point, there is a further piece of recruitment documentation used within the interview process – a form of recording and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate during the interview. This is considered as part of an in – depth look at interview techniques. The whole interview process is very important for McDonalds because they want their organisation to attract and recruit the highest calibre people available. Having recruited them it’s crucial that McDonalds then go on to develop and motivate them, meaning they can perform to their highest potential. McDonalds are keen to give recognition to their staff and reward them according, this then motivates them to work harder and achieve more with McDonalds, this is done by giving them a employee discount card, they also give them service awards every 3, 5, 10, 20 years you have stayed with McDonalds, each time they will get something special, such as a holiday trip, more time off work, McDonalds will then hope that this scheme will keep employees on board for many years, as there’s always something else for the employee to achieve, having employees stay longer for McDonalds is also a priority so for them, this is because it saves a lot of money as they don’t have to go through the recruiting and training process, for employees to stay longer they will try to recruit friends or family members of existing employees. Another scheme they use to give recognition and to motivate staff is employee of the month / year awards. This rewards consistent hard workers by giving extended holidays and by also putting their name, picture and McDonalds location on a plaque with other contenders for the award, McDonalds know there are other fast foods stores potential employees could join, so that’s the reason why McDonalds offer competitive pay and benefits to their staff, for instance in the first year alone McDonalds offer 3 pay reviews, so if a member of staff has excelled they will get an pay rise as an incentive to work, added to this they also get a private healthcare and free life assurance after 1 year. At McDonalds the staff can become bored due to the repetitiveness of the work, therefore McDonalds need to ensure that their employees are motivated and there is good morale, otherwise they can potentially suffer of poor performance, as a result poor performance can lose the business a lot of money and may deter customers away from there branch. So to make sure employees are happy with their job McDonalds may consider introducing job rotation to the member of staff if they feel he/she is capable. E.g. more outgoing people are more suited to working on the tills and checking over customers, while less talkative or those who can handle pressure are better suited to working in the kitchen area. Motivating staff isn’t just about incentives, it has much to do with the way employers treat and manage staff. Give your staff Purpose Responsibility Empower staff to carry out decision making within the job role. Delegate control and responsibility to the team leaders or supervisors for managing their team. Goals Provide the staff with clear goals that are both challenging and achievable. Resources Ensure staffs are provided with the resources they need to carry out their work effectively. Support Provide support for to the staff, including training and guidance with open and frank communication. Variety The very spice of life! McDonalds should give there staff some element of variety to avoid boredom in their work. Fairness It’s important the branch manager is seen to be fair respected. Regular talk time Through talking on a regular basis, the manager will soon be alerted to any issues that may affect the staff’s short term performance. Encouragement Encouragement to the staff to put forward their ideas and suggestions are important, as this enables the staff to feel that the managers trust them and their opinions. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs In 1935 Abraham Maslow identified five categories of human needs: * Physiological needs (basic life supporting needs such as food and water) * Needs for safety and security (such as a stable, predictable and ordered environment without fear) * Social needs (such as the need for social interaction; belonging to a family or group) * Needs for recognition and esteem (such as the approval and respect of others; influence an power over others) * Needs for self realisation (in order to develop as a person fulfil one’s potential and achieve one’s goal) Although outdated, it is accurate and there is a lot of comparisons to this and how McDonalds operate, for instance McDonalds will try to recruit friends of the family or relatives because it creates a sense of friendship amongst the workers, furthermore McDonalds take their staff on monthly outings to socialise such as going bowling or to the pub, this allows the staff to get to know each other better hence creating a bond between them all. PEST factors are an important part of the recruitment process and has made the whole process more effective, politically changes in legislation, change in policies, may effect how McDonalds can recruit people, for instance there may be a change in the minimum age if it happened to rise, this means McDonalds would lose a large percentage of their employees and would have to spend a lot of money in hiring and recruiting new staff. Mirroring this the maximum age might increase, allowing McDonalds to take on more experienced workers. There may also be Trade restrictions and tariffs which limit how much the business is able to buy and sell, this may result in a reduction of staff if McDonalds have to lower their trading levels, furthermore McDonalds will have to adjust their recruitment process to the changes of the minimum wage, if this slowly increases then it may result in McDonalds recruiting a lower amount of staff, to make up for the money lost in the wage rise. Economic factor effects the change in employment figures, change in disposable income, changes in lifestyle, for instance if a branch is in an area where the cost of hiving is high, they may have less money to spend on take away food, and opt for cooking at home, which is generally cheaper. Additionally if there is a brand new food store opening close by, McDonalds may face fierce competition from them, because the public in general enjoy trying new things, they may find themselves becoming â€Å"bored†of McDonalds and opt for going to the new store for lunch instead, this can then result if a loss of income for a branch which may result in a cut of staff, however to counteract this McDonalds regularly create new meals, to keep customer interest and provide the public with a verity, for instance recently health has been brought up as a concern for McDonalds with a documentary called â€Å"super size me†highlighting the effect of eating fast food on a regular basis, as a result McDonalds has increased the amount of salad’s and nutritional menu’s, and have scrapped the super size meal. Additionally if Interest rates are increased in a certain area, it may mean result in short shortages, or McDonalds offer a lower basic wage to their staff, however in an area where the average household income is high, McDonalds may have to increase their basic wage to match other stores locally, to attract employees. Social factor effects people’s trends, family, culture, demographics, qualifications, for example if people are looking for healthier food, because McDonalds burgers has been in the media getting stick, its likely people will avoid McDonalds, during this period McDonalds may need to create a menu with more healthier foods such as salad, to help get back the customers, if McDonalds are getting a lower income they may have to cut down on their employee numbers. McDonalds may also look to open a store in an area where there has been a sign of an increase in the Population growth rate; this will not only create jobs for locals, but also be profitable for McDonalds. They will also target area’s where there is a high proportion of their target audience which is generally younger people with a reasonable amount of disposable income. Technological effects the advances in equipment, improved technology, news ways of working, this means when recruiting McDonalds may prefer taking on younger employees as in general they are able to work with and learn how to use computers and more technological equipment better then the older generation are. This technological revolution means a faster exchange of information beneficial for businesses as they can react quickly to changes within their operating environment. Those businesses, which are slow to react, will fall at the first few hurdles. Furthermore The Internet is having a profound impact on the strategy of organisations, no more so than McDonalds. McDonalds use their website to get the message across to their customers that they are healthy, all the nutritional values are available, as well as a section on how to stay healthy, their website is typically designed to attract their target audience. Interview Assessment Form Marking Criteria Mrs Carver Mr Checketts Appearance 8/10 6/10 Attitude 9/10 4/10 Personality 8/10 5/10 Education 8/10 7/10 Experience 10/10 8/10 Career Goals 8/10 4/10 How they handled the stress of the interview 10/10 3/10 Skills 7/10 6/10 Aptitude 9/10 5/10 For the poster to stand out its important that its bright and attractive, rather than using a white background I opted for using an image of the outside of a McDonalds store so people can straight away tell what it is, the big bright M, also grabs the attention of viewers, whilst gives the poster an identity. â€Å"McDonalds Recruiting†is in large Green Font so it stands out, it’s also on a yellow background, otherwise the text would be to hard to read against the image, the details of the job description and location is underneath so applicants are able to apply. Beneath this is two images, one showing the recognisable Ronald McDonald and a member of staff with a smiling customer, this gives the business a good image, as well say showing McDonalds operates around a friendly and cheerful atmosphere. The next image is the writing McDonalds against a scenic background, this stands out as it’s a contrast to the rest of the poster. However it’s effective as it’s attractive and relaxing, which is important, as it’s a generally busy looking poster.
Action Plan for Effective Listening
â€Å"Action Plan for Effective Listening†Please respond to the following: Discussion 1: â€Å"Action Plan for Effective Listening. †Create a formalized action plan with specific steps describing what you can do to evaluate your progress in becoming an effective listener. Look at the sample action plan in â€Å"Thinking Activity: 3. 4†and you must review the â€Å"Eight steps of effective listening†before you are able to answer this question. Students will respond to the following: Describe exactly what you will do to improve your listening. Must show steps that relate to improving listening. It takes a lot of concentration and determination to be an active listener. Old habits are hard to break, and if your listening habits are as bad as many people's are, then there's a lot of habit-breaking to do! Be deliberate with your listening and remind yourself frequently that your goal is to truly hear what the other person is saying. Set aside all other thoughts and behaviors and concentrate on the message. Ask questions, reflect, and paraphrase to ensure you understand the message. If you don't, then you'll find that what someone says to you and what you hear can be amazingly different! Describe when and where you will try to improve your listening (days/times/places). Must be specific. I would start using active listening today to become a better communicator, improve my workplace productivity, and develop better relationships. Describe specifically how you will check your progress. Must be specific. Being an actively empathic listener means, then, that you not only make sure you're actively paying attention but that you let the speaker you know you are. You ask questions when you're not clear on what the other person is communicating, you try to infer what the person is feeling, and you let the person know that you remember what he or she actually said. You never drift off into la-la land, and your face doesn't assume that of a computer in sleep mode.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Philosophy †Justice Essay
In most of the ancient world, strong fighters won all the glory. But in Athens, great thinkers and wise men were honored. People listened to them and followed their advice. Even today, people admire the ideas of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Their teachings are at the root of modern philosophy and science. Alfred Whitehead is quoted as saying: â€Å"The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato. †If you really know how to read Plato, the truth behind this statement is easy to see. Nearly every great philosophical idea was discussed by Plato to some extent. The best way to put it is the way the Stanford Encyclopedia puts it: â€Å"Few other authors in the history of philosophy approximate him in depth and range. †A great example would be his theory of justice, the present day definition of justice is â€Å"a scheme or system of law in which every person receives his/her/its due from the system, including all rights, both natural and legal. †This definition dates back to Plato, One’s search for the meaning of justice in Platos â€Å"Republic†would finally lead to two definitions : -Justice is Harmony. (Plato, Republic, Book 4, section 443b) – Justice is doing one’s own job. ( Plato, Republic, Book 4, section 443b) However finding these definitions is hardly enough to define justice, so Plato went further and offered two analogies to get a clear sense of what justice is, â€Å"the division of parts in the soul as well as the parts of the state†, the soul (nature) being personal morals and the state (legal) being societal morals. Another would be his theory of human nature, he believed we were rational, social animals. Plato tended to identify our nature with reason, and our souls, as opposed to our bodies. He believed that who we are depends on what kind of a soul we haveâ€â€a philosopher soul, a guardian or warrior soul, or an artisan soul. This is the general role we should play in society (Theory of self). Success or failure at life depends upon what sort of society we live in. Human life needs to be political for Plato, spent in the discovery of the proper manner in which sociality ought to be organized, and then in the practical implementation of that ideal in our own societies. We are rational and social creatures, but we become who we are in society. In order to become what we truly are, we must live in the true (or ideal) society. Essence is grasped by rational analysis, as it is separate from change. This is yet another theory that according to my view of the world defines human nature, defines who we are as a people and what is required.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
PInk Flamingo
The sass was a period of spunk, pizzazz, and flashy colors. In 1957, Don Featheriness had designed the attention grabber of the generation- the plastic pink flamingo. The lawn d ©corn had originated from the pretty, pink-feathered wading bird. In her recent essay The Plastic Pink Flamingo, Jennifer Price explains that flamingos have always been animals that have attracted attention, similar to the flamingos,Price believes America is a country that wishes to capture the spot light in the world. Price also claims that as the Great Depression came to an end, bright colored objects began to emerge into the United States, including the plastic pink flamingo. Throughout her essay Price reveals that her view of the American culture is that America was finally coming out of the Great Depression era so they focused on changing the countries culture and making It stand out.Since the sass, when the Declaration of Independence was signed, America soused on being a country different from any ot her country. The establishment of religious freedom was the key aspect that separated the united States from the other countries- America propelled itself to stand out. Likewise during the sass, Featheriness design had similar elements to the call of religious freedom; the plastic pink flamingos emerged Into being the hottest Item In America, simply by Its color. While the rest of the world laid on bland colors, America 11th Itself with luminous ones.In her essay Price stated, Kraal Ann Marling had written, the Sassy pinks' were the Panache 2 hottest color of the decade†. The jazzy pink flamingos had formed their own generation In America- a generation that put the country in the center of the world. A translator from one decade to another can be a huge leap In some Instances. During the sass the Great Depression had hit America like a plague. Times were dark and dull; hence when the pink flamingos flew into the country, Americans were filled with light in their eyes.In The Pl astic Pink Flamingo Price wrote, â€Å"The hues were forward- working rather than old fashioned, Just right for our generation, raised in the Depression, that was ready to celebrate its new affiance†. The flamingos settled after the Great Depression- a time when the country seemed Insipid and out of color, as soon as the Depression ended bright colors began to burst Into the alarm changing the generation, one to another. The plastic pink flamingos had taken a turn in history when they arrived during the sass.The plastic flamingos brightened the streets of America with lucid colors. In The Plastic Pink Flamingo by Jennifer Price, Price explains that the pink birds are known to stick out amongst Its fellow birds, likewise Price believes that America would Like to stand out amongst the other countries In the world showing Its the Depression broke through, a whole new generation began to emerge- a generation of change. The arrival of the false flashy flamingo was a movement for A merica to shift away from the past, reform the countries culture, and to stand out in the world.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Summary for a research article-----Litreture review for the article Assignment - 1
Summary for a research article-----Litreture review for the article - Assignment Example The discount rate pertains to the â€Å"opportunity cost†or the anticipated rate of return as one invests on one option, instead of other comparative investments with similar risks (258). The most common discount rate employed is the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), which includes the risk of the cash flows. Second, some of the Income Valuation methods are â€Å"the capitalization of earnings or cash flows and the discount of future earnings or cash flows†(258). Capitalization is preferred when past operations can best indicate the businesses’ future operations (258). The discount of future earnings is more appropriate, when past operations do not reflect future cash flows (258). Some of the different cash flow methods used are: â€Å"Free Cash Flow, Capital Cash Flow and Equity Cash Flow†(259). Third, the Free Cash Flow (FCF) refers to what is left from the cash operations after tax is deducted and it does not consider the organization’s debt level, which means that it does not deduct interest expenses (259). For its valuation, the proper discount rate for Free Cash Flows is the after-tax Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACCAT), which is computed by using the after-tax cost of debt in the WACC formula (259). Bunea-BontaÅŸ and Petre stress that the Free Cash Flow is a vital measure of the capability of the company to present positive returns to its shareholders. They note that one of the weaknesses of FCF is that since the capital structure of the company is continuously changing, this means that the computation for the WACC must be changed as well (260). Fourth, Capital Cash Flow (CCF) values the cash flow for all security holders of the company, including debts or shares (260). It adds all cash flows paid or can be paid to capital providers, by measuring all of the assets’ after-tax cash (260). CCF’s present value is equal to the value of the enterprise (260). It uses the
Monday, August 12, 2019
Describe The Here and Now Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Describe The Here and Now - Essay Example The piece has buoyant rhythms with unpredictable sense of emotions released by the lyrical sentences at the start, as well as at the end of each stanza. The highlighted poem is meditative with emotional moments that give anxiety in the entire poem. It uses heterophony as a way of presenting the message to the intended audience. The sonority and sensibility in unfolding the ideas and concepts in the poem make it interesting and memorable. The lyrics in the piece are metaphysical and touch on things that we cannot touch or even imagine, this makes it elusive and emotional. The here and now shows Theofanidis’ mastery of the orchestra and his strong sense for both drama and melody. The harmonized choral parts allow the lyrics to come out in a clear way. They are made clearer by the shorter sentences adapted by Theofanidis in his poetry piece. The whole piece is viscerally evocative, dramatic, presentational, pretentious as well as intended for meditation. It has been crafted to incorporate neo-romantic qualities similar to that of Shakespeare. The whole piece is quite informative and incorporates all the elements of a comprehensive dramatic poem. With the continuous improvement in the different genres, the poem needs to be all inclusive to accommodate all groups of audience including, the
Sunday, August 11, 2019
SS310 unit 6 Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
SS310 unit 6 Assignment - Research Paper Example the single most potent and important step on the part of the women to win for themselves equal political, social, civil and moral rights (Dunlop, 1998, p. 246). The very fact that this convention was actually held, imbued the hitherto scattered women’s rights groups in the United States with the faith and the confidence that women were not only capable of politically organizing themselves, but were also capable of articulating their rational in an organized and forceful manner (Dunlop, 1998). The reverberations of the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention could well be felt in the drafting and ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920, representing the fructification of the political and social momentum unleashed by the Seneca Falls Convention. Hence, there is no denying the fact that the first Women’s Rights Convention of 1848 in a way constitutes the chronological and ideological epicenter of the Women’s Rights Movement right from its dawn to the present day. It repres ents a first socially and politically organized and symbolic dissent on the part of the women, against the hitherto existing system that denied to them the very basic civil, political and economic rights. It was the 1848 Convention that initiated a debate on the issue of women’s right and other related issues. This also needs to be mentioned that many of the women activists being actively engaged in the abolition movement, were for the first time able to unequivocally express their disenchantment with a society that extended to them less than equal rights and that too with a grudge. Hence, the First National Women’s Rights convention at Worcester in 1850, tends to be a worthy follower to the 1848 Convention, which intended to be a litmus test on the part of its organizers, to test if Women’s Rights Movement could accrue support from varied sections of the American society and whether the time was right for initiating and organizing this struggle. In that sense, the First Women’s Rights
Saturday, August 10, 2019
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Research Paper
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants - Research Paper Example The organization sets up policies and standards to control the acts and non-acts of Certified Public Accountants within the United States. The standards include the Code of Professional Ethics for Certified Public Accountants. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants organization takes a pivotal role to ensure all information transmitted by corporate America to the general public is fairly presented. The organization institutes policies to ensure all its members prepare fairly presented financial reports. noncompliance may result to either minor penalties or major penalties. The organization plays a vital role in crafting and implementing accounting standards. The members of the organization are required to implement all the sections enumerated in the organization’s sets of accounting standards. One of the accounting standards is Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAP). The standards set the guidelines on when and how much of each account should be recorded in the financial reports. The financial reports include the balance sheet and income statement. The accounts listed in the balance sheet include the asset accounts, liabilities account, and the capital accounts. The accounts listed in the income statement include the revenues (sales), cost of revenues (sales), administrative expenses, and marketing expenses (Wlytok, 2011). The organization’s Council implemented the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. The AICPA organization that established the accounting standards is the Financial Accounting Standards Board. The AICPA organization regularly distributes its AICPA Accounting Research Bulletins (Wlytok, 2011) The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants benefits the general public in several ways. The organization sets up the auditing standards. The accountants are required to comply with all the sections listed in the auditing standards. Likewise, the organization ensures that the corporate financial reports
What are the starting activities that the Municipality of XXXX in Research Proposal
What are the starting activities that the Municipality of XXXX in Cyprus need to manage in order to implement successfully Citizen Relationship Management - Research Proposal Example It makes for greater convenience, accountability and reliability on part of a public organization to its citizens. This concept has yet to develop fully in Cyprus. European policymakers hope CzRM would be implemented in all governments to improve overall operations. Although CzRM has been implemented in other regions of Europe, the local authorities of Cyprus are in initial stages of investigating it for their own communities. That is one reason why conducting an investigation of the feasibility of CzRM for the Municipality of Ayia Napa in Cyprus is so important. The aim of this research project will be to suggest to the Municipality of Ayia Napa a list of starting activities for the successful implementation of CzRM according to their existing conditions and needs. These results will help the Municipality of Ayia Napa implement CzRM to increase their effective efficiency. It will ultimately help guide other municipalities in Cyprus because of developmental and operational similarities. There are challenges in CzRM system development. One is interpersonal. Niehoff and Moorman found that direct observation negatively influenced a group’s overall opinions of the monitor but positively affected their opinions of his or her fairness (1993). The other is procedural. According to Lytras, CzRM requires in-depth analysis of infrastructures and knowledge processes (2006). Nevertheless, Thai Government has studied this new stage in participative democracy. They promoted participation through e-forums. (Komolrit 2004). CitiStat is a method of data collection and analysis including behavioral feedback to help city administrators coordinate compartmentalized efforts. Ultimately, it is a technology augmenting management practice including citizens in optimizing participation CzRM connect online portals, electronic case management, call centers, physical one-stop service centers and CRM software (Schellong 2008). Participating municipalities can be in different stages
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