Sunday, May 24, 2020
The American Revolution The Beginning of Independence And...
The American Revolution (1775-1783) was a war between England and the colonies which were settled earlier by the English. There were many factors and events that led to the American Revolution. The Revolution was mainly an economic rebellion that was fueled by taxation without representation following the French and Indian War. The English Parliament was more often than not considered cruel and unfair by the colonists. With conflicts over trade, taxes and government representation, the colonies were at a starting line of a revolution that would later transform into the basis of the United States of America. Before the start of the revolution, the colonists were faced with a threat. The French owned a large portion of American soil and had†¦show more content†¦The colonists believed they had a right to be represented in Parliament before being taxed or at least vote for the taxing officials. The phrase â€Å"no taxation without representation†began to become popular within the colonies. Parliament passed the Townshend Acts, which placed taxes on paper, lead, paint, and tea that was imported to New England. The colonist began to boycott these goods which angered English authorities. They placed military officials so that they could force the colonists to pay the much needed taxes. Tensions between British soldiers and colonists escalated. This lead to the Boston Massacre; it was propagandized and impassioned many settlers to rebel. In response for the unfair taxes on tea, the colonists dumped the imported tea into the harbor. People became much more ardent to their side after the incident. You were either for the revolution; a patriot, or you sided with England; a loyalist. The First Continental Congress was called into session in 1774. The Congress did not encourage independence. Instead, they wanted to show England how to fix the wrongs that had been imposed on the colonists. They hoped that this would unify the colonies and grant them a voice in parliament. The congress wrote the Declaration of Rights and Grievances, which consisted of American complaints that they addressed to the King. The delegates stayed loyal to King George III and made it clear that they were anymore for Parliament. Americans began collectingShow MoreRelatedThe Revolutionary War Of Independence1366 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Revolution which began as a War of Independence for American quickly transformed into a civil battle between the American patriots and loyalists joined by Indian forces. This war of independence, irrefutably, had a great effect on the citizens of America in varying degrees. The revolution, of course, gave a free rein to unforeseen political revolutions which often spark social revolutions. However, the American Revolution has foreseen the beginning of an abolitionist movement for AfricanRead MoreRevolutions are usually described as â€Å"radical†events. 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The American Revolution was a modern and democratic revolution headed by the upper middle class and had three key phases, a moderate beginning, radical middle, and a conservative end. The American Revolution was precipitated by the irritation of the wealthy due to tax acts imposed by Britain on the colonies. The rich did not like the taxes because of the negative effect the tax acts had on personal financial interests, but the Colonial masses were convinced by menRead MoreHegels Contradiction in Human History Essay1243 Words  | 5 Pages Ideologies are born as human’s interpretation of the world and belief system, also an endeavor to seek the truth of human nature. Ideologies emerge throughout the periods of great changes: the Enlightenment, the English â€Å"Glorious†Revolution, the American Revolution, etc. They have become the motivations, the standards, and the roots to modern political systems. Their roots are the philosophies developed by famous philosophers throughout the time. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Campus Wide Proposal For Fayette County Community Action...
Smoking Suspension Campus wide proposal for Fayette County Community Action Agency (FCCAA) The mission of Fayette County Community Action Agency is to strengthen individuals and families to become more self-sufficient, achieving their potential by taking advantage of opportunities, improving the conditions in which they live, and taking ownership of their community. The Agencies Mission statement makes a commitment to the well-being of the customers, residents, employees and business partners. The agencies staff and partners are dedicated to helping people help themselves, help each other, and enhance the community s quality of life. With the impending HUD policy applicable to Public Housing Agencies, and the federal Governments†¦show more content†¦Separating smokers from nonsmokers, cleaning the air, and ventilating buildings cannot eliminate the exposure of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke.†It should be noted that there is no current written smoking policy included in the lease agreements of Community Action residential facilities. In part because of this overwhelming evidence the department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is in the final stages of implementing a smoking policy. This proposed rule would require each public housing agency (PHA) to implement a smoke-free policy. â€Å"Specifically, this rule proposes that no later than 18 months from the effective date of the final rule, each PHA must implement a smoke-free policy for all public housing indoor areas. The policy must also extend to all outdoor areas up to 25 feet from the housing and administrative office buildings. HUD proposes implementation of smoke-free public housing to improve indoor air quality in the housing, benefit the health of public housing residents and PHA staff, reduce the risk of catastrophic fires, and lower overall maintenance costs. With the extensive campus and complex implementation problems this proposal suggests a policy that would cover the entire campus, all owned or leased property, should become smoke free for the consumers, residents, the employees and the community at large. This policy will be particularly important for residents in our supportiveShow MoreRelated_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 PagesIowa, concentrated on statistics, computer programming, psychometrics, and test development. Currently, he divides his duties between teaching and evaluation; in addition to teaching, he is the assessment facilitator for the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Community Schools. In his spare time he enjoys reading and hiking. He and his wife have a daughter, Anna, who is a graduate student in Civil Engineering at Cal Tech. JAY DEVORE earned his undergraduate degree in Engineering Science from the University of California
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Main Health Issues Of John Ryan - 1508 Words
This essay critically examines the main health issues of John Ryan. Recent referral from a health care team have heightened the need for John Ryan to the community nurse to do a home visit for an initial assessment and review. So, as my first visit to John as a community health nurse it is my role to integrate several nursing skills which includes assessements, carry out direct care, educate John, encourage health improvements and work together with other health care professionals to advance health. (reference here). This essay has been divided into four parts. The first part gives a brief overview of the current health history of John Ryan focusing particularly on the most current issues of his deteriorating health. The second part focuses and discuss on the priorities that will need to undertake as part of the initial home visit which include assessments, and therapeutic interventions, followed by the rationale reason of the mentioned priorities. After examining the priorities of the visit, the third part of this essay will critically evaluate a range of management strategy for goal of care for John. John Ryan has a history of chronic back pain correlated to spinal stenosis which was diagnosed in his early forties and has been experiencing constant significant pain in his lower back and hip. Spinal stenosis is considered one common cause of back pain in older adults and normally have an effect on lower lumber spine. Resulting density on the nerve formations whichShow MoreRelatedThe Opening Line Of The Movie Crash Essay1734 Words  | 7 Pagesand being effected by racial discrimination and degradation. Crash, directed by Paul Haggis, is a movie that illustrates the connectedness of a variety of different members of social class, gender, and race who are living in Los Angeles. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Fog Computing and Its Role in the IOT-Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.What does the statement "the best interface for a system is no User Interface"? 2.Compare the bandwidth, distance, interference rating, cost and security of a) twisted pair cable, coaxial cable and fibre optic cable. 3.The three common ways to obtain information from IoT devices are sensors, RFID and Video tracking. 4.Discuss the Issues associated with security and privacy in the context of the Internet of Things. 5.budget time saved by redesigning the application to use the Publish. 6.Describe Nielson's Law. How does it relate to Moore's Law? What are the implications for the Internet of Thing? Answers: 1.This statement means that the interface complicates on the lives of individuals, rather than making them better. An example, lays out how we got to this app-obsessed point and how we could turn things and ensure that one is using the best tool for the job. This may or may not be an app on your smartphone (Atzori, Iera Morabito, 2010). Many companies as well as the designers are defaulting to using of the screens and the apps when they are actually making the task you are trying to achieve more difficult. Moreover, the statement could relate to the aspect that organization are fighting harder to keep the users in their ecosystem. This would be better on the company shareholders, but not on the users experience (Gubbi, Buyya, Marusic Palaniswami, 2013). The user experience should not be applicable to everything but rather an option on the table when individuals are solving problem. Individuals should focus more on something alluring other than the apps (Gubbi, Buyya, Marusic Palan iswami, 2013). The attitude of there is an app for everything has ruined the design. It is important to embrace on the actual situation, and not just what works on the screen. It is important to stop designing the interface rather than solving the user problems. 2.It is the lowest priced in addition to the most in-demand guided transmission medium. It comes with the two insulated copper wiring organized in the normal spiral patterns. The wire generally acts as the individual communication link. Over the longer ranges the cables could contain numerous pairs. When it comes to interferences the twisted cable are likely to reduce the cross talk between the adjacent pairs in the cable (Gubbi, Buyya, Marusic Palaniswami, 2013). The neighbouring cable have bundle which have distinct twist sizes to decrease on the crosstalk inference. On the long distance links, the twist length varies from 5 to 15 cm and the thickness of the wire is from 0.4 to 0.9mm. The transmission of the signal are required about every 5 to 6 km. Twist cables are categorized as follows: Category 3: This is a UTP cable along with the connected linking hardware whose transmission features are particular up to 16MHz. Category four is the UTP cable and associated connecting hardware whose signal function up to 20 MHz The last is category five that is a cable and associated connecting hardware transmission around 100MHz (Kopetz, 2011). Figure 1: Shows the untwisted and twisted pair Coaxial cable It is similar to the twisted pair consisting of two conductors, but it is constructed differently in order to permit it to operate over wide range of the frequencies. There are two types of coaxial cables which are the thinnet and thicknet. Thinnet is the flexible coaxial cable of around a quarter of an inch in thickness. It is used for short distances. Thicknet is thicker cable than the other. It is about half an inch in thickness can support the transmission of data over longer distances (Gubbi, Buyya, Marusic Palaniswami, 2013). The bandwidth of the coaxial cable is 10 Mbps. On the aspect of interference they are resistant to the effect of attenuation up to a certain length of up to 100 meters (Weber Weber, 2010). In terms of the cost it is more expensive than the twisted cable and less than the optical cable. Fibre optical cable These uses the optical fibers which hold the data signals in the form of the modulated pulses of the light. There are basically two types of fibres single mode fibre and Multi-Mode Fibre (Weber Weber, 2010). The single mode fibre utilizes the single ray of the light in carrying transmission over the lengthy ranges (Kopetz, 2011). Multi-Mode fibre employs the multiple rays of light simultaneously with every ray of light running to the numerous reflection angle to hold the transmission over short ranges .The multimode fiber optic could deliver the rates of data up to 1 Gbps. It operates on the wavelengths of 85p nm and 1300nm (Kopetz, 2011). When it comes to the bandwidth of 100 m or less the bandwidth is unlimited. The cost of this cable is higher than the rest. On the interference rating the rate is much lower than the coaxial and the twisted pair. 3.Sensors Advantages They have a high current capability They have a low cost They are resistant to harsh conditions They are very predictable Disadvantages They requires physical contact with the target There is the issue of the distance limitations There is the aspect of the environmental changes. Examples of the application are the level sensing, web brake and the level control sensors. RFID Advantage RFID technology is versatile in nature and thus smaller and the large RFID devices are available per application. The technology is used for the security and the attendance purpose. Are able to hold more data than the barcodes Disadvantages They have a high cost Some of the materials could create signal problem There is issue of the interference Applications This application has been used for the tracking of the language and monitoring health history of the patients when it comes to the hospitals (Kopetz, 2011). Video tracking There is a shorter matching time which is based on the good detection rate especially in the target detection. It addresses on the object tracking of in the motion, or the illumination as well as appearance change Disadvantages There are various hardware as well as special programs required to obtain and process the data. The capture system could have specific requirement for the space to which it is operated in. 4.In the IOT privacy issues there are as follows; one of them is too much data. The sheer amount of information which the IOT devices could generate is staggering. On the second issue is on the unwanted public profile, the organization could utilize the data collected which the consumers willingly offered to make employment decisions (Xia, Yang, Wang Vinel, 2012). There is also the issue of the eavesdropping where the manufactures or perhaps the hackers are able to use the connected devices virtually to invade on individual homes. When it comes to the security issues there is the public perception. In case the IOT will definitely take off there is certainly need to be the first issue which the manufacture might deal with. An additional concern is on the vulnerability to the hacking (Bonomi, Milito, Zhu Addepalli, 2012). The researchers have been capable of hack into the real, to the market devices with plenty of time and energy. An additional issues are on the true security aspect. Securing the IOT devices signifies more than one securing on the actual devices themselves. 5.Total time taken is 2+12+3= 17ms Changes after 1 s Therefore; 60ms is equivalent to 1 sec 17ms will equal how many seconds 17/60=0.28 Thus 1-0.28=0.72 s Time saved 0.72s 6.Nelsons law states that the high end users connection speed can grow up by fifty percent per year. This law of the broadband connectivity lags the Moore law of the computer processing for some strange reasons (Bonomi, Milito, Zhu Addepalli, 2012). The observation made by Nelson were based on the Moore law which often mentioned the observation to which the computer process can doable every eighteen months. His law relates to that of Moore law in that the observation which he did was based on the Moore law, which states the computer double in the capabilities in every eighteen months, which correspond to sixty percent of the annual growth. Moore law for the computer speed, the bandwidth grows at a slower than the computer power (Xia, Yang, Wang Vinel, 2012). The reason for the slow growth of the internet bandwidth is more of the business realities than the technological limitations. The implication of the internet of things is that there is wide spread of the adaptation of the IOT devices and other product which will use the same broadband connection, and the technology will be available for Nelsens law. References Atzori, L., Iera, A., Morabito, G. (2010). The internet of things: A survey. Computer networks,54(15), 2787-2805. Bonomi, F., Milito, R., Zhu, J., Addepalli, S. (2012, August). Fog computing and its role in the internet of things. In Proceedings of the first edition of the MCC workshop on Mobile cloud computing (pp. 13-16). ACM. Gubbi, J., Buyya, R., Marusic, S., Palaniswami, M. (2013). Internet of Things (IoT): A vision,architectural elements, and future directions. Future generation computer systems, 29(7), 1645-1660. Kopetz, H. (2011). Internet of things. In Real-time systems (pp. 307-323). Springer US. Weber, R. H., Weber, R. (2010). Internet of things (Vol. 12). New York, NY, USA:: Springer. Xia, F., Yang, L. T., Wang, L., Vinel, A. (2012). Internet of things. International Journal of Communication Systems, 25(9), 1101.
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