Thursday, December 26, 2019
Obesity, Lack Of Nutrition And Physical Activity - 945 Words
Obesity, Lack of Nutrition and Physical Activity Health is about creating a balance between input and output of energy and materials that are necessary for normal body growth, and the purpose of health is having a positive outlook for further survival. Abnormal nutrition practices have a significant role in an increase in non-communicable diseases. Todays, one of the biggest health concern is obesity that unfortunately is leading causes of death. According to World Health Organization (WHO), obesity is unusual or extreme fat added that may impair health (Torres-Fuentes, Schellekens, Dinan, Cryan, 2015). Indeed, obesity or overweight happens once energy stored in the body as fat tissue and becomes very large, but many people who suffer from weight gain believe the body s metabolism or slow metabolism are the main cause of this problem. Unfortunately, more than 1.4 billion adults and 40 million children in the world are overweight than the normal, healthy weight (Raine et al., 2014). There is the multifactorial reason, such as envir onmental, genetic, disease, nutrition, and physical activity which has a significant impact on overweight. This study was aimed to investigate the relation between nutrition, physical activity, and obesity has been set. Nutrition Nutrition will help the organism to receive proper nutrients and use them to deliver growth or repair of the body tissue. An unhealthy diet and consumption of processed foods and beverages are the effective etiology ofShow MoreRelatedHealth Promotion For Combating Obesity973 Words  | 4 PagesChildhood obesity prevalence rates have been steadily increasing in the United States and in 2010; it was identified in more than 42 million pre-schoolers (WHO, 2013). Obesity has various medical risks that are related to obesity in children including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, sleep apnoea, asthma, dyslipidaemia, metabolic syndrome, orthopaedic complications, and a reduced life expectancy. Health promotion to combat childhood obesity is therefore needed to prevent childhood obesity andRead MoreAn Early Prevention Of Healthy Diet And Physical Activities1190 Words  | 5 PagesAn early prevention of healthy diet and physical activities can prevent obesity. U.S. Department of Health Human Services (n.d) concluded that about 80.3 million Americans are physically inactive and about 78 million Americans are obese. By the year 2018, healthcare cost is projected to be US $344 billion (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). Kim Basu (2016) studied 12 different articles that indicated that since 1990s, the rate of obesity has increased by 30 percent. Due to thisRead MoreFactors In Decreasing The Risk Of Obesity920 Words  | 4 Pages Decreasing the Risk of Obesity Aidrea M. Ford Grand Canyon University: HLT-550 August 2, 2017 Decreasing the Risk of Obesity One of the leading health indicators identified by HealthyPeople2020 is nutrition, physical activity, and obesity (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2017). These factors are important to living a healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition combined with a healthy body weight and physical activity is key to decreasing the risk of developing seriousRead MorePolicy Priority Issue : The Childhood Obesity Essay1614 Words  | 7 PagesPolicy priority issue: The childhood obesity Childhood obesity is one of the major public health challenges of the 21st century. The prevalence of obesity is increasing globally. In 2013, the number of overweight children under the age of five was estimated over 42 million. Childhood obesity can cause premature death and disability in adulthood. Overweight and obese children will grow up to become obese adults and are more likely to develop diseases like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes at aRead MoreChildhood Obesity And How Can We Change It?862 Words  | 4 Pages Why is There Childhood Obesity and How Can We Change It? Patricia Brown Gen 499: General Education Capstone Instructor Sonja Bethune 11/23/15 We hear so many times that the children are our future. Our future is dying right before our eyes. They are obese and it is an epidemic that needs to stop. Obesity is not something to be taken lightly. It can lead to so many complications and future chronic health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and kidney diseaseRead MoreChildhood Obesity : The United States1202 Words  | 5 PagesChildhood obesity is becoming one of the top public health concerns in the United States. â€Å"Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates have tripled in the U.S., and today, the country has some of the highest obesity rates in the world: one out of six children is obese, and one out of three children is overweight or obese†(World Health Organization, 2015). With the drastic increase in obese children over the last 30 years and the huge healthcare associated costs many programs and incentivesRead MoreChildhood Obesity : Obesity And Obesity1515 Words  | 7 Pagesthe past 30 years, the rate of overweight and obese children has been growing at an alarming rate. The cause of this increasing problem is due to lack of physical activity, poor eating habits, and genetics. Childhood obesity can also lead to conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and bone problems later on in life. The prevalence of obesity varies among ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and age. Hispanics (22.4%) and non-Hispanic black youths (20.2%) are more likely to be overweight andRead MoreObesity Prevention and The Nurse ´s Role1472 Words  | 6 Pagespreventing Obesity It cannot be denied that obesity is a growing problem in today’s modern society. Individuals with obesity face many complications in their lives, such as heart complications, diabetes, osteoarthritis and of course, early mortality. However, the astonishing thing is that obesity is a preventable disease. According to (the Department of Health, 2005, p.6), 39% of Irish adults are overweight, and 18% are classified as obese. The main factors in causing obesity are poor diet, lack of activityRead MoreObesity Rates Among The United States1182 Words  | 5 PagesThe obesity rate in America has become a major national health issue over the last several decades. Increasingly alarming statistics have garnered national headlines. Current statistics place 68.5% of the U.S. population in classifications ranging from overweight to super obese. Approximately 35% of all U.S. adults currently fall under the label of obese.(Ogden, et al., 2014) Potentially more alarming is the prevalence of obesity in adolescents. U.S. youth are becoming obese at earlier andRead MoreChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic With The United States Essay804 Words  | 4 PagesReducing Childhood Obesity †¢ Introduction o Childhood obesity has become an epidemic with the United States o The Healthy People 2020 Topic †¢ Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents who are considered obese (Healthy People 2020, 2016). o Definition of Childhood Obesity: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2015), a child with a body mass index (BMI) at or above the 85th percentile and below the 95th percentile for children and teens of the same age and sex are considered
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Essay On Vygotsky And Scaffolding Theory - 1036 Words
The aim of this assignment is to look at and explore how Vygotsky’s theory of constructivism supports independent learning in children with complex learning needs. Firstly, looking at how his scaffolding theory works to build such independence by observations conducted in an early years setting which will be carried out ethically in accordance with BERA guidelines, BERA (2011). Looking at what they have learnt using the Skinner theory with operant conditioning with the use of PECS which is a Picture Exchange Communication System. Vygotsky theory looks at how step by step changes in children can change behaviour, there would seem to be too many constraints on a child or learner with special needs (Lui Matthews, 2005, p.392). When†¦show more content†¦86) (online). So on reflection the more investigating done into the theory by Vygotsky now, no longer seems viable. Vygotsky’s approach is complex and difficult to condense. His key point ( the importance of culture in generating and shaping child development) is worth hanging on to (Maclean and Harrison, 2008, p.71). Vygotsky (1978) model (see appendix 1) sees the Zone of Proximal Development as the area where the most sensitive instruction or guidance should be given - allowing the child to develop skills they will then use on their own - developing higher mental functions (online) https// (accessed 26th October 2017). When children with complex learning needs, need to work on tasks independently they, have to be supported though out the whole process with motivators to keep them on task. Vygotsky’s ZPD which creates a zone of proximal development will only get the learner with complex learning needs thus far as this type of development is also solely reliant on the learner having the ability to learn and problem solve independently â€Å" Autistics have problems learning things that cannot be thought about inShow MoreRelatedVygotsky s Theory On Cognitive Development Essay733 Words  | 3 Pages â…“ of a page on vygotsky Lev Semionovich Vygotsky was a Russian psychologist and constructivist learning theorist who was known for arguing against the theories of psychologist Jean Piaget. Piaget believed that in order for any learning to occur there had to development within the individual first, but Vygotsky argued the contrary. He argued that in order for development to occur, the individual would first have to have learning take place through instruction and example in a given appropriate environmentRead MoreVygotsky And Vygotsky s Impact On The Early Childhood Sector Essay1302 Words  | 6 PagesThis essay will discuss Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky and their theories as well as critical points from their theories and explain how they relate back to each theory. It will discuss how both of these theories can be applied to work in relation to a role in the Early Childhood sector. It will include Dr. Rangimarie Pere’s studies in education and how they compare to those of Piaget and Vygotsky. This e ssay will also link the chosen theories back to Te WhÄ riki and the New Zealand early childhood curriculumRead MoreDiscuss Major Theories Of Human Development And Learning Essay1617 Words  | 7 PagesDiscuss major theories of human development and learning, including MÄ ori and Pasifika perspectives. This essay will discuss Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky and their theories as well as critical points from their theories and explain how they relate back to each theory. It will discuss how both of these theories can be applied to work in relation to a role in the Early Childhood sector. It will include Dr. Rangimarie Pere’s studies in education and how they compare to those of Piaget and Vygotsky. This essayRead MoreTheoretical Perspectives On Language Development1590 Words  | 7 PagesThis essay will consist of three theoretical perspectives on language development Burner, Vygotsky and Piaget. Each theory has key features that will be explained they are all opposing theories on language development; the main framework throughout this essay will be discussing the social interaction and cognitive development. In addition the essay will argue the main contrast and comparison using the key features that have been explained. Language is what separates mankind from any other species;Read MoreA Comparison of Theorists989 Words  | 4 PagesDecember 14, 2014 There are many great theorists for the Early Childhood Education. Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget are two of the many theorists that benefit the teachers and parents to comprehend their children learning development. The paper will compare the two theorists and their difference of their cognitive development. Jean Piaget vs. Lev Vygotsky Jean Piaget cognitive development theory explained the changes of logical thinking of children and adolescent. Piaget suggested that childrenRead MoreThe Importance of Scaffolding in Children’s Play2069 Words  | 9 Pagessocial and cognitive development is scaffolding. Scaffolding generally refers to the process through which adults facilitate children’s learning by enabling them achieve a level of ability beyond the child’s capacity at the time (Scarlett, 2005). This essay will discuss how scaffolding facilitates and supports meaning making in children’s play. First, the essay will briefly introduce the concept of scaffolding and its importance in children’s development. The essay will then explore various early childhoodRead MoreTheories of Cognitive Development in Relation to Mathematical Knowledge1083 Words  | 5 Pagescapabilities through the theories of cognitive development presented by many influential theorists. The following essay elaborates a chosen theory of cognitive development in relation to mathematical knowledge with a link to the Australian Curriculum to demonstrate how the document chosen allows for scaffolding of children’s learning for kindergarten students. Also, it demonstrates a comparison of the chosen theory with other theories and an explanation on which theory is best suited to the learningRead MorePiaget And Vygotsky Theory Of Cognitive Development Essay826 Words  | 4 Pages This essay seeks to identify and describe the concept of cognitive development and, highlight both Piaget and Vygotsky’s theory as it relates to cognitive development, and the significant differences between them. The term cognitive development refers to the process of growth and change in intellectual, mental abilities such as thinking, reasoning and understanding. It comprises of the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge. Infants draw on social-emotional, language, motor, and perceptualRead MoreThe Theories Of Piaget And Vygotsky On Childhood Development1703 Words  | 7 Pagespsychology, both the works of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky have become prominent in an understanding of developmental cognition in childhood (Duchesne, McMaugh, Bochner Karuse, 2013, p. 56). Their theories are complimentary and provide a more rigorous comprehension of childhood development (Shayer, M., 2003, p. 465). Their varying principles are applicable to many situations concerning the development of children. The focuses of Piaget and Vygotsky on the ways of childhood development differ. PiagetRead MoreSimilarities Between Piaget And Vygotsky And Cognitive Development953 Words  | 4 PagesDEVELOPM ENTAL PSYCHOLOGIST This paper will explore two influential men whose theories have a remarkable influence on development and learning. Second, this essay will examine Piaget and Vygotsky’s background, each hypothesis as it relates to cognitive development and education, the similarities and differences, the impact of having better insight into and understanding the concept of learning. Developmental science involves looking at the entire realm of human thought, behavior, and expression (Steinberg
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Rowing Essay Example For Students
Rowing Essay Rowing, the Best Team SportRowing, the thrilling team sport that gets you physically/mentally fit and provides you a second family with many friends. In the sport of crew, teamwork is very crucial. With that teamwork comes new friends and wonderful coaches. Even though you might think this is a physical sport it is also considered to be a mental sport. Just think, baseball has nine innings, approximately two hours of play and a lot can change in that period of time for a loss or win. With crew you only have about seven minutes to get your eight man boat down a two thousand-meter racecourse to receive a medal or win. If you have the lead it is mentally hard to come back and win for the rowers behind the top three boats. Aside of the teamwork going on is the individual effort that you yourself is contributing to the boat. As you are out on the water in the eight man boat you always need to give it your all even if it means pain. In fact, our coach just tells us to eat pain. As you are giving 100% and in pain, your brain is working 100% too. Handle height, legs down quick and hands down and away quick along with the part of feathering the blade. Those are the things you focus on during a race. Oh yeah you also have a cool little person screaming at you to pull harder. They are known as the coxswain (Cox-in). When the coach isnt there listen to them because they are the assistant coaches. All this is the first stride you take to get that gold medal. Come on you can do one more push up! When youre in the gym you do not have the support of teammates. At crew you will not give up because of the support you have from your teammates behind you. In the gym you can just say, Oh that set can be done another day, and give up. We have in crew on Tuesday and Thursday a 2k-meter ergometer (erg) test to see who will be in an 8A boat, that is our eight fastest men of our crew. These are the days that you need your friends behind you pushing you so your time comes true that the couch gives you. I know this might seem harsh but when it is all over with you feel very great about the way you look and how you just pulled on the 2k test. In the years I have played baseball running around the bases for thirty minutes was a pain. With rowing I now look forward to those longer runs because it builds stamina and cardiovascular fitness for the win on race day. With life being a great big challenge crew is preparing me for that challenge in many ways. Wo rking with others and gaining respect for the more wise and elders are the two main things that crew will teach you. The last stride, putting the power to work in the boat. You now need technique. When you get that down pat the boat will scream down the course faster than anyone. In the eight man boat there is the coxswain and eight rowers including you. The boat is approximately sixty feet long and in the middle it is about two feet wide. All hands are down . . . . .. Attention . . . ROW. And we are off, the power is horrendous and our boat is in the lead. The send of the boat is feeling great. Seven minutes later Capital Crew, who I row for takes first place. After nine months of work, five days a week, and two and half-hours a day pays off and the victory is here. The gold medal is presented to you in front of the rest of the losing crews. The part that is most fun is at championships, the other crews give you their jersey if you get first. With all those strides there is to take the F word of them all is FUN. Rowing is now clearly the thrilling team sport that gets you physically/mentally fit a nd provides you with a second family of many friends. Friend is what crew is all about. Without them you should go do gymnastics or curling the non team sport. My body has never been in this good of shape. My mind still thinks how will I get this workout done but when it is over with I feel great. It may seem tuff but when you give it a try you will never stop thinking of rowing. Remember it never hurts to try a new sport because you can always quit if it doesnt seem fun. Well, I have to go row now so give it a try and see for yourself the benefits you gain from crew.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Romeo and Juliet summary Essay Example
Romeo and Juliet summary Paper For my English coursework, I have been studying the Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet is a romantic tragedy. The plot chronicles two star-crossed lovers, which belong to two feuding families, the Capulet family and the Montague family. For the two to be happy they must deceive their families. This is done with the help of Juliets maid and Friar Lawrence. The dramatic play concludes tragically as the couple die, together, in a sad twist of fate. The scene I have chosen to dramatise and direct, as on stage is, Act 1 Scene5. During this scene the two main characters, Romeo and Juliet, meet at the Capulets masked ball. Romeo sees Juliet and is infatuated, he then follows her. Meanwhile Tybalt, a highly respected, powerful Capulet, discovers that Romeo, a Montague, is at the party, Tis he the villain Romeo. Tybalt is told not to pursue Romeo and let him be, by Sir Capulet It fits when such a villain is a guest; I shall not endure him. Approaching the end of the scene Romeo finds Juliet. He takes her behind a curtain, and tries to kiss her My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss, She gives in after playing hard to get, and the two kiss twice. Juliets maid then interrupts and tells Juliet that her mother wants to talk to her Madam your mother craves a word with you. Juliet goes, and Romeo leaves the party. At the end of the scene Juliet asks her maid what was Romeos name, She answers, His name is Romeo, and a Montague; The only son of your great enemy. On that note the scene ends. We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet summary specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet summary specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet summary specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In the scene leading up to this, the Montagues were deciding whether or not to crash the Capulets party. We find out more about Romeos best friend and companion Mercutio, this character plays a large role in this scene, and also later in the play. Romeo then enters the party disguised in a mask. In the scene following on from mine, the party has ended and Romeo intrudes into the forecourts of the Capulet Mansion. Romeo then goes to Juliets balcony. Then the sentence that is most well known, O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and Ill no longer be a Capulet. is proclaimed. This is an example of irony, because Romeo is actually hidden very near the balcony from which she is speaking. She then encounters him later in the scene Romeo and the two embrace romantically before nearly being caught. During Act 1 Scene 5 we discover some important information about some of the main characters, such as Romeo, Juliet, Juliets Nurse and Tybalt. We learn that Romeo has strong feelings towards his newfound love Juliet, and he seems anxious to pursue these feelings. We also learn that Romeo is about nineteen years old. He is also a Montague, and only son of his father Sir Montague. Juliet is young but is mature, she is about thirteen years old. She is a Capulet. Also she is the only daughter of Sir Capulet. This proves a difficulty later in the story. Tybalt is the henchman of Sir Capulet. He is very powerful and seems to be second in command to Sir Capulet. Juliets nurse is understanding of Juliets new found love. She is he one who walks into the two would be lovers first embrace. She accepts that Romeo is a Montague, the enemy of the family she works for, and doesnt hold it against him. She actually acts as a go between, later in the story. She is the one who delivers the news to Juliet, that Romeo is a Montague. In this scene I am trying to draw out the love and passion of the two characters. I want to show that even though the two families despise each other, Romeo and Juliet would put that behind them, as their love is so strong. I want to point out that Romeo is infatuated with Juliet and the audience should be aware of this. O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night like a rich jewel in an Ethiopes ear; beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear! So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows, as yonder lady oer her fellows shows. The measure done, Ill watch her place of stand, and, touching hers, make blessed my rude hand. Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I neer saw true beauty till this night. This is what Romeo says when he first sets eyes on Juliet, and it is a great example that he is infatuated with her.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Europeans Dictatorship essays
Europeans Dictatorship essays Journal entry *** HITLERS WILLING EXECUTORS Goldhagen builds up his argument not on proofs but on speculations. Who doubts that the Argentine or Chilean murderers of who opposed the recent authoritarian regimes thought that their victims deserved to die? (...) Why do we not believe the same for the German perpetrators? (p. 14-15). There are several examples that show that Goldhagens way of putting facts in sentences, rather than the actual proofs persuade the reader. He is describing ordinary germans as potential willing mass killers (p. 15), who HAD a choice whether to continue what THEY did or not. He forgets about the fact, that only about 10 % of the Germans were actually involved in the Holocaust, the massive slaughtering of the jews. People who served the army were concerned about their motherlands victory rather than about killing all the jews in Germany. It is true to some extend, that the deeds of soldiers in Poland, for example, are not understandable, just as it is hardly believable, that russian soldiers killed h undreds of germans, who tried to escape to the west after the second World War, did it because they had orders. There is a whole mystery about why people killed so many people (not only jews, but also homosexuals and simply every person with non-german origin); how people who were able and willing to let the gas into the gas chambers during the day, could sleep at night. It seems, however, as if Goldhagen (the name sounds jewish to me) would have approached the theme with the clear goal to sue all germans in general for the holocaust. The wife of the SS-officer, who had to feed 2 children, as well as the Christian who struggled between maintaining christian morals and obeying Hitlers terror. I believe, that Goldhagen goes way to far with his statement. I have written a 60 ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Parts of a Flowering Plant
The Parts of a Flowering Plant Plants are eukaryotic organisms that are characterized by their ability to produce their own food. They are vital to all life on earth as they provide oxygen, shelter, clothing, food, and medicine for other living organisms. Plants are very diverse and include organisms such as mosses, vines, trees, bushes, grasses, and ferns. Plants can be vascular or nonvascular, flowering or nonflowering, and seed-bearing or non-seed bearing. Angiosperms Flowering plants, also called angiosperms, are the most numerous of all the divisions in the Plant Kingdom. The parts of a flowering plant are characterized by two basic systems: a root system and a shoot system. These two systems are connected by vascular tissue that runs from the root through the shoot. The root system enables flowering plants to obtain water and nutrients from the soil. The shoot system allows plants to reproduce and to obtain food through photosynthesis. Root System The roots of a flowering plant are very important. They keep the plant anchored in the ground and obtain nutrients and water from the soil. Roots are also useful for food storage. Nutrients and water are absorbed through tiny root hairs that extend from the root system. Some plants have a primary root, or taproot, with smaller secondary roots extending from the main root. Others have fibrous roots with thin branches extending in various directions. All roots do not originate underground. Some plants have roots that originate above ground from stems or leaves. These roots, called adventitious roots, provide support for the plant and may even give rise to a new plant. Shoot System Flowering plant stems, leaves, and flowers make up the plant shoot system. Plant stems provide support for the plant and allow nutrients and water to travel throughout the plant. Within the stem and throughout the plant are tube-like tissues called xylem and phloem. These tissues carry water, food, and nutrients to all parts of the plant.Leaves are the sites of food production for the flowering plant. It is here that the plant acquires light energy and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and releases oxygen into the air. Leaves can have various shapes and forms, but they all consist of a blade, veins, and a petiole. The blade is the flat extended part of the leaf. The veins run throughout the blade and provide a transport system for water and nutrients. The petiole is a short stalk that attaches the leaf to the stem.Flowers are responsible for seed development and reproduction. There are four main flower parts in angiosperms: sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels. The stamen is considered the male portion of a plant and the carpel is considered the female port ion. Pollen is produced in the stamen, and the female ovary is contained within the plant carpel. Pollen is transferred from stamen to carpel by plant pollinators such as bugs, birds, and mammals. When the ovule (egg cell) within the ovary becomes fertilized, it develops into a seed. The ovary, which surrounds the seed, becomes the fruit. Flowers that contain both stamens and carpels are called perfect flowers. Flowers that are missing either stamens or carpels are called imperfect flowers. If a flower contains all four main parts (sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels), it is called a complete flower. Sexual Reproduction and Flower Parts Flowers are the sites of sexual reproduction in flowering plants. The stamen is considered the male portion of a plant because it is where sperm is produced and housed within pollen grains. The carpel contains the female reproductive organs. Sepal: This typically green, leaf-like structure protects the budding flower. Collectively, sepals are known as the calyx.Petal: This plant structure is a modified leaf that surrounds the reproductive parts of a flower. Petals are typically colorful and often scented to attract insect pollinators.Stamen: The stamen is the male reproductive part of a flower. It produces pollen and consists of a filament and an anther.Anther: This sac-like structure is located at the tip of the filament and is the site of pollen production.Filament: A filament is a long stalk that connects to and holds up the anther.Carpel: The female reproductive part of a flower is the carpel. It consists of the stigma, style, and ovary.Stigma: The tip of the carpel is the stigma. It is sticky so it can collect pollen.Style: This slender, neck-like portion of the carpel provides a pathway for sperm to the ovary.Ovary: The ovary is located at the base of the carpel and houses the ovules. While flowers are necessary for sexual reproduction, flowering plants can sometimes reproduce asexually without them. Asexual Reproduction Flowering plants can self-propagate through asexual reproduction. This is accomplished through the process of vegetative propagation. Unlike in sexual reproduction, gamete production and fertilization do not occur in vegetative propagation. Instead, a new plant develops from parts of a single mature plant. Reproduction occurs through vegetative plant structures derived from roots, stems, and leaves. Vegetative structures include rhizomes, runners, bulbs, tubers, corms, and buds. Vegetative propagation produces genetically identical plants from a single parent plant. These plants mature faster than and are sturdier than plants that develop from seeds. Summary In summary, angiosperms are differentiated from other plants by their flowers and fruit. Flowering plants are characterized by a root system and a shoot system. The root system absorbs water and nutrients from the soil. The shoot system is composed of the stem, leaves, and flowers. This system allows the plant to obtain food and to reproduce. Both the root system and shoot system work together to enable flowering plants to survive on land. If you would like to test your knowledge of flowering plants, take the Parts of a Flowering Plant Quiz!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Evaluation to population genetics data Assignment
Evaluation to population genetics data - Assignment Example The genetic variants identified accounted for small part of heritability. The genome wide association of the wider sample was used to determine the remaining data set. The small part of the unrelated gene shows the proportion of the total variance in the polymorphism. Allele frequency was calculated by power stats v 12 application. Hardy Weinberg equilibrium was analyzed using the Chi square x2. Significance level was 0.05 in all the 15 Loci. The sampled population was compared to Turkey, Iraq Iranian, Pakistan and Russian populations. The Fst values were calculated and Bonferroni correction test done in order to confirm the significant differences in the analysis. The estimated haplotypes frequencies from the data show there is 56 haplotypes and estimated 107 with no missing genotypes. The estimated result show haplotype frequencies are identical. Implementation of Stephen Al’s Bayesian method is used since the haplotype frequencies is not to be included in the reporting phase.(Czarny 2005). The analyzed genotype showed that data sets with 200 subjects and 132 STRs contained in one gene. Allelic diversity which provides unbiased estimates of the expected heterozygote frequency was computed. The genotype data was used to estimate the power of discrimination (Pakstis&Castiglione 1997).Allele frequencies distribution for 15 PCR based Loci D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSFIPO, D3S1358, TH01, D13S137, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, vWA, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818, FGA) for a sample of 200 unrelated individuals as it shows in the table below. The observed allele frequencies and statistical parameters based on the 15STR as summarized in the above table show allelic frequencies ranging from 0.0021 to 0.4077 with number of alleles ranging from 6 (THO1, TPOX and D5S818) to 17 (D21S11, D18S51 and FGA). The 15 STR are highly polymorphic. The new allele is underlined while most common alleles are indicated
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
TEAM COMMUNICATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
TEAM COMMUNICATION - Essay Example Team communication represents the message from the team and not from the whole team in disjointed fashion. Team communication is also dependent upon who does most of the talking and when. This is essential since there should be harmony and accord in the message that is delivered by the team and everyone needs to be on-board with what is being said and delivered by the team. There should be no misunderstandings in a team. Team communication demonstrates that the team is a whole rather than a disjointed unit. This gives the essence of a single core group that is talking to the general public. It also manifests that the team is committed and dedicated to its respective work ethics and it would not compromise on those principles however difficult the circumstances. There is also a need to appoint a leader who will do all the talking so that the fundamental message that goes out of the team is solitary. Leadership qualities require that the leader gets the best out of the group members no matter how hard and trying the circumstances are. However the role of a team leader cannot be denied its due place. Team communication guarantees that the whole team looks after each other and provides incentives to the working bases of each other. Team communication favors working as a single entity rather than working in different sub-groups which means there are problems within the team itself. The team leader is an essential part of the team – he decides who needs to do what and how things will shape up in the future. Team communication can only succeed if each and every team member knows his role and tries to justify his position within the team keeping in mind the assigned task and role. Responsibility thus have to be taken by the team members so that communication becomes easy. In the end, one must realize that team communication plays a central role towards the better functioning of team affairs and matters and it is best to have a
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Environmental Scanning Essay Example for Free
Environmental Scanning Essay Everyone in Pakistan well as many sitting thousands of miles away, the business community too is waiting to exhale. And so, all that’s visible in the run up to the precise moment – General Elections 2013 – are lots of breathlessly red faces. Generally, election year produces diametrically opposing reactions within the public and private sectors. While the incumbent seeks to woo fickle voters through last ditch spending (think: poverty alleviation, development projects, etc.), the private sector often buries its head and its wallet in the sand until the storm of unpredictability has passed. Consequently, the business outlook for 2013 will remain depressingly unexciting until the new government settles down. The global recession isn’t going away anytime soon and the IMF recently cut global growth forecasts for 2013 to 3.6%, down from its earlier estimate of 3.9%. Although the Pakistani Government is doing its best to convince anyone who will listen that it is going to manage ‘four’ percent growth in the coming year, nobody is really convinced. The Government doesn’t really have the money to spend. Public revenues – proposed tax amnesty schemes notwithstanding – are low; the fiscal deficit is 8.2% and, to make ends meet, the Government is borrowing heavily from the banking sector. For decent growth, the Government needs a tax-to-GDP ratio in the vicinity of 16%; all it can muster at present is 9.1%. While inflation has finally been brought into the single digit realm, few are deluded enough to imagine it will last. First, global commodity prices (particularly oil) are still heading upwards. Second, with just enough forex reserves left for three months of imports and no bilateral or multilateral donor rushing to save Pakistan from Islamabad, the rupee is poised to come under serious pressure. (In November alone, Pakistan had to repay a staggering $616 million to the IMF.) Third, the Government has the State Bank printing Rs 1.5 billion a day. All inflationary enough on their own, the combined effect of these three will make for a very painful and prolonged hangover . Further, savings are low and the cash flush banks are too busy throwing rupees at the Government to bother with the few businesses that would be willing to invest in Pakistan prior to elections. Simply put, banks would much rather bolster their profits by lending to an insatiable but dependable Government than lend to the brilliant but risky private sector. Significantly, while the Central Bank has now cut its policy rate by a cumulative 200 basis points since August, its critics are still unhappy with the decision. Their first bone of contention is that the temporarily low inflation numbers do not merit monetary easing and the State Bank is just making it cheaper for the Government to borrow more rather than hauling it up for doing so. Further, they cite data on private sector credit off take that shows that the same actually declined after the deep cut in August (150 basis points) while Government borrowing increased. Businesses, on the other hand, say that interest rates are st ill too high to consider investing. (Foreign investment, of course, requires a climate unavailable in a frontline state in the war against terrorism.) While the specific merits of this allegation can be argued over, the business environment in the country presents a series of uncontroverted and inescapable realities that dilute the impact of the high cost of borrowing. There are obviously those who cry about energy shortages, the unpredictability of supply and the fear that the dollar-rupee exchange rates will cross Rs 100 by June 2013. There are others who moan about the law and order situation and the fact that extortion levels jump up dramatically in the run-up to an election as political parties gather funds for electioneering. But first and foremost is the fact that the entire country is in a state of political flux and the economy is teetering on the brink of a full blown crisis. Typically, investment – be it the setting up of large projects or just the import of new machines for spinning – has a significant gestation period. An investor, who can’t predict whether his deals with the current Government will be honored by the next or what the duty structure will look like by the time his machines come in, is generally wary and prefers to sit on the sidelines until he gets more clarity. Take the example of the energy sector. The long, sizzling summer of 2012 and the frequency of power riots across the country clearly showed that Pakistan has graduated from being energy insecure to an energy crisis state. Throughout this period, the Government and its ministers frequently spoke of the need for more energy related projects, alternative energy and what not at much touted ‘energy conferences’. At various points during the year, the import of energy from even Iran and India were discussed. Clearly, there is significant unmet demand and correspondingly, great returns in the business. Theoretically then, given that energy infrastructure projects take ages to mobilise, investors should be queuing up to begin these before the summer of 2013. But while a few canny, deep pocketed investors are making ambitious plans, even they are not committing money to these projects just yet. Clearly, the top priority, for even those investors who are mostly immune to political persecution because of their wealth and/or influence, is political stability. This stability, however, refers not only to the political parties that form governments but also the nature of the economic policies they pursue. If an investor raises $200 million to set up an LNG import business, for example, he needs to know what the returns will be and how long the government intends to buy the product for and in the absence of this certainty; no one will cough up the cash. Key External Factors Business, now-a-days is vitally affected by the economic, social, legal, technological and political factors. These factors collectively form business environment. Business environment, as such, is the total of all external forces, which affect the organization and operations of business. The environment of an organization has got internal, operational and general lives managers must be aware of these three environmental levels and their relationship and importance. The term business environment implies those external forces, factors and institutions that are beyond the control of individual business organizations and their management and affect the business enterprise. Business environment influence the functioning of the business system. Thus, business environment may be defined as all those conditions and forces which are external to the business and are beyond the individual business unit, but it operates within it. These forces are customer, creditors, competitors, government, socio-cultural organizations, political parties national and international organizations etc. some of those forces affect the business directly which some others have indirect effect on the business. 5 Key External Factors: * Economic Forces * Social, Cultural, Demographic and Environmental Forces * Political, Governmental and Legal Forces * Technological Forces * Competitive Forces Economic Forces: Economic environment refers to the aggregate of the nature of economic system of the country, the structural anatomy of the economy to economic policies of the government the organization of the capital market, the nature of factor endowment, business cycles, the socio-economic infrastructure etc. The successful businessman visualizes the external factors affecting the business, anticipating the prospective market situations and makes suitable to get the maximum with minimize cost. Social, Cultural, Demographic and Environmental Forces: The social dimension or environment of a nation determines the value system of the society which, in turn affects the functioning of the business. Sociological factors such as costs structure, customs and conventions, cultural heritage, view toward wealth and income and scientific methods, respect for seniority, mobility of labor etc. have far-reaching impact on the business. These factors determine the work culture and mobility of labor, work groups etc. For instance, the nature of goods and services to be produced depends upon the demand of the people which in turn is affected by their attitudes, customs, so as cultural values fashion etc. Socio-cultural environment determines the code of conduct the business should follow. The social groups such as trade unions or consumer forum will intervene if the business follows the unethical practices. Political, Governmental and Legal Forces: The political environment of a country is influenced by the political organizations such as philosophy of political parties, ideology of government or party in power, nature and extent of bureaucracy influence of primary groups etc. political stability in the country, foreign policy, Defense and military policy, image of the country and its leaders in and outside the country. The political environment of the country influences the business to a great extent. Legal environment includes flexibility and adaptability of law and other legal rules governing the business. It may include the exact rulings and decision of the courts. These affect the business and its managers to a great extent. Technological Forces: The business in a country is greatly influenced by the technological development. The technology adopted by the industries determines the type and quality of goods and services to be produced and the type and quality of plant and equipment to be used. Technological environment influences the business in terms of investment in technology, consistent application of technology and the effects of technology on markets. Competitive Forces: * Globalization of corporations, knowledge, products, consumers, and communication. * Growing competition within and across countries, amongst domestic companies, and between domestic and transnational companies. * Link between international trade and international labor standards and parallel efforts to secure labor market flexibility through relaxation of labor laws and standards for stimulating investment, both domestic and foreign * Speedy flow of information, capital, and innovation throughout the world. * Rising expectations of all stakeholders. * Easy access to the best and the least expensive products and services, worldwide. * Rapid pace of change ( £If the rate of change in our organization/society is slower than the rate of change outside the organization/society, we will be led by others.’) * Faster response time (As Smajda of the World Economic Forum avers, the days of big fish eating small fish are over. It is the fast fish which swallows the small fish.’) * Growing socio-economic inequity. Now, we are going to discuss about different sectors which are affected by these key external factors and take opportunities to it but threats are also exists. * Service Sector * Agriculture Sector * Telecom Industry * Cement Industry Service Sector Services sector is largest and fastest growing sector in the world economy, accounting largest share in total output and employment in most developed countries. In case of Pakistan, the shares of services are increasing in all sectors of economy over the period. In fact, the growth rate of services sector is higher than the growth rate of agriculture and industrial sector. The Services sector has registered a growth rate of 4.0 percent during July-March of the fiscal year 2011 12 against 4.4 percent last year. It is dominated by Finance and Insurance at 6.5 percent, Social and Community Services 6.8 percent and Wholesale and Retail Trade 3.6 percent. I. Distributive Services: Transport, Storage and Communications * Railways * Water Transport * Air Transport * Pipeline Transport * Road Transport * Mechanized * Non- Mechanized * Communications * Storage * Water Transport Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotels and Restaurants * Wholesale and Retail Trade including * Imports * Purchase and Sale Agents and Brokers * Auctioning II. Producer Services: Financial Institution * State Bank of Pakistan * Commercial Bank * Other Financial Intermediaries * Insurance Corporations and Pension Funds III. Social Services: Public Administration and Defense Social Community and Private Services * Education * Medical and Health Services Environmental Scanning: Economic Forces The Services sector contributes 53.8% to Pakistan’s GDP. Its major sub sectors are Finance and Insurance, Transport and Storage, Wholesale and Retail Trade, Public Administration and Defense. Services contribution to our GDP is gradually increasing. During the current period of financial downturn, the services sector has been a major contributor to growth. Pakistan’s GDP grew at the rate of 2.4%in 2010-11. The services sector grew at the rate of 4.1% as against 2.9% last year. The main contributors to this growth are public admin and defense (13.2%) and social services sector (7.1%) A cursory look on the composition of subsectors that contribute most to the services sector shows that retail trade, wholesale trade, research and educational consultancy services, restaurants and hotels, financial, construction, and some business services, such as computer and information technology (IT) services, and professional services, such as engineering, legal and accounting services, IT and related services have been most significant. Banks, DFIs and insurance companies, account for 98 percent of value added in this sector. The finance and insurance sector comprises State Bank of Pakistan, all scheduled (domestic and foreign banks) development financial institutions (DFIs), all insurance (life and general) companies, Modaraba/leasing companies, moneychangers and stock exchange brokers. The financial sub-sector consists of all resident corporations principally engaged in financial intermediations or in auxiliary financial activities related to finance. Social, Cultural and Demographic Forces Demography and lifestyle changes have the major contribution to increase in the growth of consumer demand of services. Pakistan’s consumption data shows that the demand of services is increasing over the time. During the 1985-86 people spent more of their income on goods then services. A number of factors such as income growth, changing demographic profile due to more urbanization, and the socio-economic environment are having its impact on retail scene. Pakistan retail is currently a virgin territory. This is more important in view of the large number of middle class population and available high-disposable income in the age group 25-35 years. Successful Retail Chains like Hyper star, Metro Makro has opened the avenues for the upcoming retailers. In Lahore, large numbers of households do the grocery shopping at Hyper star, Jalal sons, Alfatah, HKB, Metro, Makro and CSD. This shows the changing lifestyle and shopping preferences of the urban population of Pakistan. This retail growth is also supported by the increasing literacy rate in Pakistan; current urban population is more educated than their ancestors and has a better understanding of retailer influences on shopping as the larger retailer give quality assurances to consumers. Political, Governmental and Legal Forces Governments around the globe are gradually coming online using processes in which Information and Communications Technology (ICT) play an active and significant role, beyond simple digitalization, or automation of governance services, or provision of LANs, since it is ultimately a tool for good governance and human development. The main objectives of e-Governance are to increase transparency of government working, increase and diversify public information and its value, and increase the quality of products and services being currently offered. This helps reduce high transaction costs (in terms of time, efforts and opportunities lost) by timely and relevant access to government information, especially for those who are disadvantaged or marginalized or living in remote rural areas. Services are still identified with line ministries and government departments; there is increasing recognition amongst policymakers for improvements in skill levels in many sectors and for a departure from inward-looking policies. In view of the dramatic changes in the services sector, regulatory and policy issues have continued to gain importance in policy-making circles for the last 15 years. Technological Forces Technology allows businesses to do everything faster. Many processes that once required ledgers, checkbooks and journal notations have now moved onto computer systems. Logging in and out, updating inventory information and communicating can now are happening much more swiftly. Technology moves very quickly, constantly evolving and creating new devices and faster systems. Businesses note these changes and attempt to move with technology, adapting it to their present and future needs. Pakistan has seen an explosive growth in the ICT sector in the last few years with deregulation and ending of the monopolies of the state sector. The number of mobile phones achieved their 2007 target two years earlier, and the recent deregulation of long distance (LDI) wireless local loops (WLL), other sections have served to provide faster, better and wide coverage, all at lower costs. Competitive Forces Of the non-factors input used by the services sectors, 61.1 percent were purchased from commodity producing sectors, suggesting strong backward linkages of services with commodity producing sectors. Of the total purchases from the commodity sectors, 73.9 percent were purchased from manufacturing sector, followed by 14.6 percent from construction, and 7.7 percent from electricity and gas sectors. The service sectors purchases from agriculture sector account for 3.3 percent of total purchases from commodity sectors. About 76.5 percent of services sector (public administration and defiance, 40.6 percent and transport and communications 35.9 percent) made purchases from the commodity producing sectors respectively. Forward linkages the shares of individual service sectors in total purchases from commodity producing sectors are agriculture 28.1 percent, mining and manufacturing 70.2 percent, electricity and gas distribution 1.0 percent, and construction 0.7 percent. Technology also increases the possibility of crime. A tech-savvy employee can embezzle funds and make it difficult for the company to trace. Hackers can access personal and financial data of customers who trust the company to keep their information safe. Agriculture Sector Agriculture: Agriculture, also called farming or husbandry, is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fiber, biofuel and other products used to sustain life. Agriculture was the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization, whereby farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that nurtured the development of civilization. The study of agriculture is known as agricultural science. Agriculture generally speaking refers to human activities, although it is also observed in certain species of ant and termite. The word agriculture is the English adaptation of Latin agricultÃ… «ra, from ager, a field, and cultÃ… «ra, cultivation in the strict sense of tillage of the soil. Thus, a literal reading of the word yields tillage of fields. Agriculture Sector in Pakistan: Pakistan has a rich and vast natural resource base, covering various ecological and climatic zones; due to which the country has great potential for producing all types of food produce. Agriculture has an important role in generating economic growth. Agriculture affects the economy in three ways namely, first, it provides food to consumers and fibers for domestic industry; second, it is a source of scarce foreign exchange earnings; and third, it provides a market for industrial goods. Agriculture Sector is a key sector of the economy and accounts for 21 percent of GDP. The supportive policies of the government resulted in a growth of 3.1 percent against 2.4 percent last year. Major Crops registered an accelerating growth of 3.2 percent compared to a negative growth of 0.2 percent last year. The major crops including Cotton, Sugarcane and Rice witnessed growth in production of 18.6 percent, 4.9 percent and 27.7 percent respectively. However, preliminary estimates of wheat production showed a negative growth due to late receding of flood waters in lower Sindh which hampered the timely cultivation of the wheat crop. Livestock has witnessed a marginally higher growth of 4.0 percent against the growth of 3.97 percent last year. Fisheries sector showed a growth of 1.8 percent. Forestry recorded a growth of 0.95 percent as compared to the contraction of 0.40 percent last year. The total geographical area of Pakistan is 79.6 million hectares. About 27percent of the area is currently under cultivation. Of this area, 80 percent is irrigated and Pakistan has one of the highest proportions of irrigated cropped area in the world. Most of Pakistan is classified as arid to semi-arid because rainfall is not sufficient to grow agricultural crops, forest and fruit plants and pastures. About 68 percent of the geographical area has annual rainfall of 250 mm, whereas about 24 percent has annual rainfall of251 to 500 mm. Only 8 percent of the geographical area has annual rainfall exceeding 500 mm. Hence supplemental water is required for profitable agricultural production, either from irrigation or through water harvesting. Agriculture is largely dependent on artificial means of irrigation. Of the total cultivated area, about 82 percent or around 17.58 million hectares is irrigated, while crop production in the remaining 3.96 million hectares depends mainly upon rainfall. The Irrigation Canal Command Area (CCA) has been grouped into classes on the basis of the nature and severity of its limitations water logging, salinity, sodality and texture. At present about one-fifth of the cultivated land in CCA is affected by water logging and salinity to varying degrees. An additional area of 2.8 million hectares suffers from sodality. Notwithstanding huge investments, the water table was 0 to 1.5 m under 2.2 million hectares of irrigated land, 1.5 to 3 m under6 million hectares and 0to 3 m under 8 million hectares. Thus Pakistan needs to overhaul its entire drainage and reclamation strategy reduces its cost and makes it efficient. Environmental Scanning: Economic Forces Flooding in 2011, affected crops like rice, cotton and sugarcane, although in the current year, 2011-12, they performed well and provided support and continued to support food security objectives this year. The agriculture sector recorded a growth of 3.1 percent in 2011-12. The profitability of agriculture sector during 2011-12, remained high because the farmers received good prices for rice, cotton and sugarcane, which allowed for greater financial resources passed on to the rural economy. During 2011-12, the overall performance of agriculture sector exhibited a growth of 3.1 percent mainly due to positive growth in agriculture related subsectors, except minor crops. Major crops accounted for 31.9 percent of agricultural value added and experienced a growth of 3.2 percent in fiscal year 2011-12 with negative growth of 0.2 percent in 2011. The role of credit is instrumental in the agriculture sector where Pakistani farmers often lack finances necessary for carrying out vital farming activities. This issue, if not addressed, can cause a multitude of problems, ranging from the exploitation of poor farmers at the hands of informal sources of credit, to a slowdown in the adoption of modern farming techniques and inputs, resulting in slow development of this chief sector of our economy. Social, Cultural and Demographic Forces Agriculture generates productive employment opportunities for 45 percent of the country’s labor force and 60 percent of the rural population depends upon this sector for its livelihood. * Established 40 surveillance and 66 rapid response units (RRUs). * Processed 0.4 million samples of blood, tissues and swabs for screening against Avian Influenza * Establishment of the Bio security Laboratory-3 is under process * Disbursed Rs. 23.5 million as compensation to Avian Influenza affected farmers Pakistan is maintaining Avian Influenza (bird flu) free status since June 2008 million tons was from marine production and the remaining came from inland waters. In July-March, 2010-11 the production was estimated to be 937,082 million tons, where 672,652 million tons was marine and the remaining was produced by inland fishery sector. Recognizing the vital role the sector plays in ensuring food security, generating overall economic growth, reducing poverty and the transforming towards industrialization. Political, Legal and Governmental Forces The present government is determined to improve the quality of life of the people and to banish hunger and malnutrition from the country by making agriculture an efficient, productive and profitable sector of the economy. In order to improve governance in the public sector the government took bold steps and brought in the 18th Amendment to the Constitution of 1973. Accordingly, Ministries performing tasks which were provincial subjects were devolved from the Federal level, including the Ministry of Food and agriculture. Two major steps in order to solve the food security issues on a permanent basis; The first step is the establishment of the National Food Security Council representing Federal, Provincial and local level Governments. Secondly, through a Letter of Intent the Ministry, in collaboration with World Food Program, is launching the Zero Hunger Program worth US $ 1.6 billion to address the food security objective. A total of 290 veterinary clinics have been established providing veterinary services at 70 percent reduced costs to rural farmers at their door steps i.e. 100 percent achievement. Technological Forces The Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department (FSCRD) is engaged in providing seed certification coverage to public and private sector seed companies of the country. It provides seed quality control services through its 28 seed testing laboratories as well as monitoring of seed quality in the market. The activities and achievements of the department during 2011-12 are described below: * During the year 2011-12, forty-five (45) new seed companies were registered, making the total number of registered seed companies in the country 774, which includes four public sector and five multinational companies. * Twenty-two (22) new crop varieties were approved {(5) wheat, (11) cotton, (3) oilseeds, (2) pulses and (1) fodder}. * During 2011-12, different crops offered by the various seed agencies, totaling 502.6 thousand acres, were inspected for certification purposes. * During 2011-12, a total of 13.7 MT of imported seed of various crops and hybrids, with a total value of Rs. 3287.6 million, was tested under the Seed (Truth in Labeling) Rules. 1991 at the port of entries i.e. Lahore and Karachi. * Almost 718 samples of seed and propagating material of various vegetable and fruit crops were tested at the Central Seed Testing Laboratory, Islamabad for detection of fungal and viral disease using latest diagnosis techniques and protocols. The Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department (FSCRD) is engaged in providing seed certification coverage to public and private sector seed companies of the country. It provides seed quality control services through its 28 seed testing laboratories as well as monitoring of seed quality in the market. Competitive Forces Pakistan is member of the Cairns Group (an alliance of 18 countries looking for ambitious outcome in the Market Access areas), G-20 (group for safeguarding interest of developing countries in agriculture negotiations) and the G-33 (group of developing countries and LDCs aiming to get preferential terms in Market Access and Special and Differential treatment). In negotiations on market access, domestic support and export competition, Pakistan’s stance is supportive of the G-20 collective position. Pakistan strongly supports improvement in market access by reducing tariffs, reducing tariff escalation, and eliminating tariff peaks. Pakistan also works closely with the Cairns Group on tropical products issues. Pakistan has entered into Free Trade Agreements (FTA) with China, Malaysia and Sri Lanka and has exchanged a draft FTA with Singapore which includes an investment protection clause. In addition to WTO membership, Pakistan is party to two agreements for regional trade liberalization. The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) comprised of Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan; and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) with India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal and the Maldives. A Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) have been in place between Pakistan and the United States since July 2003. Both countries are now negotiating a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT). Telecom Industry Telecommunication: Word Telecommunication has two parts. One is Tele and other is Communication. Communication means conveying or disseminating the information. Word Tele is a Latin word which means far off. Telecommunication is the dissemination of signals to a far palace for the purpose of sharing some message or idea. In ancient time codes, smokes, drums or other components were used for conveying information but now a day telephones, fax, emails etc is used. So now the new definition of Telecommunication states sharing of data over a distance, through electric means. Telecom Sector in the World: In this fastest growing world information flows through the signals and cables in form voice or text. Telecommunication is not just bringing the people together but it is also bringing different economies, cultures and countries together. Now we can see the whole world as a Global Village. Now Telecommunication is an essential part of our lives. With the Expansion of this sector, the world has gained about $3.85 trillion in year 2008. And the service revenues have reached about $2 Trillion and Expected to reach the level of $3 Trillion in 2013. And this revenue is about 3% of the World GDP. The major part of telecom sector is internet and Telephones. Telecom Sector in Pakistan: Pakistan is on the verge of Telecom revolution Pakistan continues to be one of the fastest growing telecom markets in the world. Reforms introduced by successive Pakistani governments over the last decade have dramatically changed the nature of telecommunications in the country. The Pakistani telecom sector has attracted more than $9 billion in foreign investments. During 2007-08, the Pakistani Communication sector alone received $ 1.62 billion in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) – about 30% of the country’s total foreign direct investment. By March 2009, Pakistan had 91 million mobile subscribers – 25 million more subscribers than reported in the same period 2008. In addition to 3.1 million fixed lines, while as many as 2.4 million are using Wireless Local Loop connections Pakistan is ranked 4th in terms of broadband Internet growth in the world, as the subscriber base of broadband Internet has been increasing rapidly with the total base crossing 170,000 in the country. The rankings are released by Point Topic Global broadband analysis, a global research centre. Pakistan according to PC World was amongst those top five countries with the highest SMS traffic processed with 763 million SMS during 2008-09. In terms of year-on-year growth, Pakistan traffic volume grew by 253 percent compared to last year during the same period. The contribution of telecom sector to the national exchequer increased to Rs 110 billion in the year 2007-08 on account of general sales tax, activation charges and other steps as compared to Rs 100 billion in the year 2006-07.Pakistan telecom industry is handling the telecom companies which are operating at this time like Mobilink, Ufone, Warid, Telenor, Zong etc†¦
Friday, November 15, 2019
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Passage Explication (928 -1207) :: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Essays
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Passage Explication (928 -1207) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight was written in the fourteenth century by an anonymous contemporary of Geoffrey Chaucer. It is a tale of bravery, adventure, and coming of age. This is the ballad of Sir Gawain, one of King Arthur's knights, who is challenged to seek the green knight whose head he chopped off during the Arthur's Christmas dinner. The Modern English translation by Marie Boroff (1967) makes the poem easier to read and understand. The passage that is explicated is between lines 298 and 1207 in the Modern English translation. In the passage, Gawain, after feasting with the host, finally gets to meet the lady of the Bercilak. He is also introduced to Morgan le Faye, Arthur's evil half-sister, who is disguised as an older woman. Sir Bercilak, the host of the castle tells Gawain that he knows the location of the green chapel, and has Gawain play a game with. All throughout the passage different clues are given that the aforementioned castle has unusual abnormalities, but Gawai n choses not to ponder about their significance. If Gawain thought about unusual things that were happening in the castle, he could have avoided his future ebarrasment and cut on the neck. In the beginning of the passsage Gawain finally gets to meet the lady of Bercilak, in the chapel on Christmas day. The entrance of the lady is very ceremonial; she is led in by an older, less attractive woman, Morgan le Faye, who Gawain failks to recognize. The text describes the clothes that the lady wears and contasts her beauty with the ugliness of her companion. But unlike to look upon, those ladies were, for if the one was fresh, the other was faded: bedecked in bright red was the body of one; flesh hung in folds on the face of the other; on one a high headdress, hung all in pearls; her bright throat and bosom fair to behold, fresh as the first snow fallen upon hills; a wimple the other one wore rounded her throat; her swart chin well swaddled swathed all in white; her forehead enfolded in flounces of silk that fraimed a fair fillet, of fashion ornate, and nothing bare beneath save the black brows, the two eyes and the nose, the naked lips, and they unsightly to see, and sorrily bleared. A beldame, by God, she may well be deemed of pride! (Norton 178)
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Multigrade Classes
Multi-grade teaching refers to the teaching of students of different ages, grades and abilities in the same group. It is referred to variously in the literature as ‘multilevel', ‘multiple class', ‘composite class', ‘vertical group ‘,’ family classes, and, in the case of one-teacher schools, ‘unitary schools'. It is to be distinguished from mono-grade teaching in which students within the same grade are assumed to be more similar in terms of age and ability. However, substantial variation in ability within a grade often leads to â€Å"mixed-ability†teaching. There can also be wide variations in age within the same grade, especially in developing countries, where the age of entry to school varies and where grade repetition is common. This condition of â€Å"multi-age-within-grade†teaching appears not to have generated such universal recognition, perhaps because it occurs more often in developing than in developed countries. The summary of experiences from Australia, Bangladesh, Peoples Republic of China, India, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines and Thailand confirmed that: †¢ primary curriculum documents and their associated lists of â€Å"minimum learning competencies†have not been specifically designed for use by teachers in multi-grade schools †¢ school plans, instructional materials and methodological guidelines are often difficult to apply to multi-grade teaching situations †¢ there is a shortage of support materials for teachers and individualised instructional materials for learners †¢ there is a need for more work on the kinds of continuous evaluation, diagnostic testing, remediation and feedback which would best assist multi-grade teaching and added that †¢ although many teachers work in multi-grade teaching situations few countries have developed special teacher training curricula for pre- or in-service training. Teaching practice during preservice is invariably carried out in mono-grade schools †¢ teachers posted to teach in multi-grade schools â€Å"develop a sort of psychological alienation from the school††¢ the educational system as a whole pays inadequate attention to the proper functioning of multi-grade schools through, for example, not filling vacant teaching positions in rural areas, the absence of systems of teacher accountability, a lack of basic physical facilities in these schools, lack of training for supervisors of multi-grade schools and a general â€Å"inattentiveness of education officers to the needs of these schools†Factors Contributing to the establishment of Multigrade Teaching * * Cultural factors * Socio-economic factors. * Benefits of multigrade teaching * Richer learning environment * Greater community involvement. Development of health competition * Greater understanding between learners and educators Advantages and Challenges of Teaching Multi-level Classes When faced with the challenge of a multi-level classroom many teachers do not know where to start. They fear that the preparation will take much longer, and that the students will be more demanding. Schools that have multi-level classes often have limited budgets, and teachers may fear that they will not be paid for what they are worth. However, it is only by looking at the advantages of the multi-level classroom and employing strategies to overcome the challenges, that teachers can achieve success. Advantages of Multi-level classrooms * Students are able to learn at their own pace * Students learn to work well in a group * Students become independent learners * Students develop strong relationships with their peers * Students become partners in learning Challenges of Multi-level classrooms * Finding appropriate teaching resources and material * Organizing appropriate groupings within the class * Building an effective self-access centre in the classroom * Determining the individual needs of each student * Ensuring that all students are challenged and interested Teaching Method Strategies Experiment with different types of groupings to find the ones that work best. You may find that cross-ability pairs work best for certain types of activities, while like-ability small groups work better for others. If possible, use a wide variety of groupings to keep things interesting for your class. Use a simple schedule that is similar each day. Here is an example: 1. Start with a warm-up that involves the whole group. 2. Break part of the class off into one type of grouping (i. e. pairs) and work with part of the class on a lesson, grammar point, or activity. 3. Break off the class into another type of grouping (i. e. small groups) and have the other students use self-access materials. 4. Bring the class back together for a whole group activity/game. Isolate students within the class who are interested in peer tutoring. This doesn't have to be the student with the highest level of the subject. Your students who fall somewhere in the middle may in fact be the most valuable to you, as they strive to attain a level of competency comparable to the most advanced students. Remind your students that the best way to practice and improve a new language is to teach it to someone else. Consider enlisting a volunteer. Limited budgets or low enrolment are often the reasons behind multi-level classes. For this reason, it may be difficult to convince administrators or managers that you need a paid assistant. If you feel overwhelmed, consider hiring a volunteer. Finding someone who is interested in helping you with your preparation work and teaching may not be as difficult as you think. ARTICLES ABOUT MULTI-GRADE TEACHING/CLASSES Multigrade classes bring more children to school Friday 30th of March 2012 PASIG CITY, March 30 â€â€Will a teacher not hold class if there are just a few enrollees? Should a student drop out if the school is far from home or there is not enough teachers and classroom? If you ask the Department of Education, the answer is no because it continues to find ways to bring children to school in order to complete their basic education. One of these is the holding of multigrade classes. A multigrade class is a class consisting of two or more different grade levels inside a single grade classroom handled by one teacher for an entire school year. It is offered in elementary schools located in distant and sparsely-populated localities, a statement from DepEd said. Figures from DepEd show that there are close to a million enrollees in multigrade classes across the country. Education Secretary Armin Luistro said most of the students attending multigrade classes are learners who belong to isolated and poor communities, indigenous peoples or those who reside in far-flung mountains and islands where schools are far apart from each other. â€Å"This is part of our thrust to democratize access to education and make the learning experience inclusive to as many sectors. In effect, we are bringing more students to school,†he added. If a class does not meet the required number of enrollees and therefore it is not viable to conduct a class of limited number of pupils, the supposed enrollees are merged into a single class and taught by one teacher,†Luistro explained. The small number of students for each grade level; the shortage of teachers; the distance from the community to the nearest school; and the inadequacy of funds and classrooms are reasons that necessitate the organization of multigrade classes. In the Philippine public school system, classes with two grade levels inside a single classroom and handled by the same teacher is called combination classes. Those with three grade levels in one classroom and handled by a single teacher is called a multigrade or multi-level class. This means that a multigrade classroom mixes children with different skills and abilities, different developmental levels and needs while working together under the guidance of one teacher. â€Å"The truth is long before multi-tasking became a buzzword, our teachers were actually already living up to the word,†Luistro said. While DepEd has always recognized the existence of multi-grade classes it was only in 1990 that the department started to consider the formal organization and continuing operation of multigrade classrooms all over the country in keeping with the goal of Education For All (EFA). Thus, DepEd continues to invest in teachers’ training, curriculum development and in the preparation of learning materials appropriate for multi-grade classes to improve elementary education especially in underserved and remote areas. (DepEd) More Than One Million Filipino Students Have Classmates At Different Grade Levels Academia March 30, 2012 The Philippine Department of Education says more than one million students are enrolled in multigrade classes, where three or more grade levels are taught by a single teacher. AsianScientist (Mar. 30, 2012) – Should a teacher cancel a class if there are only a few enrollees? And should a student drop out if the school is far from home or if there are insufficent teachers and classroom? The Philippine Department of Education (DepEd) says no. Instead, it has found one way to solve this problem, by holding multigrade classes. In the Philippine public school system, classes with two grade levels inside a single classroom taught by the same teacher are called combination classes. Classes with three grade levels conducted in one classroom taught by a single teacher are called a multigrade or multilevel classes. Figures from DepEd show that there are close to a million enrollees in multigrade classes across the country. Education Secretary Armin Luistro said most of the students attending multigrade classes belong to isolated and financially challenged communities, are indigenous peoples, and reside in far-flung mountains and islands where schools are far apart from each other. The small number of students for each grade level, the shortage of teachers, the distance from the community to the nearest school, and the nadequacy of funds and classrooms are reasons that necessitate the organization of multigrade classes, he explained. This means that children with different skills and abilities, developmental leve ls, and needs are mixed in a class under the guidance of one teacher. â€Å"This is part of our thrust to democratize access to education and make the learning experience inclusive to as many sectors. In effect, we are bringing more students to school,†Luistro explained. â€Å"If a class does not meet the required number of enrollees and therefore it is not viable to conduct a class of limited number of pupils, the supposed enrollees are merged into a single class and taught by one teacher,†he added. Although the DepEd has always recognized the existence of multigrade classes, it was only in 1990 that the department started to formally acknowledge multigrade classrooms, in keeping with the goal of Education For All. Source: Philippine Department of Education. Disclaimer: This article does not necessarily reflect the views of AsianScientist or its staff. A Review on Multigrade Education by admin on Jan. 09, 2012 Multigrade teaching occurs within a graded system of education when a single class contains two or more student grade levels. It is contrasted with the usual pattern of classroom organization in graded systems where a single classroom contains students of only one grade level. In many graded systems, age and grade are congruent, so a grade level is also equivalent to a particular age group of students. However, this may not be the case in systems where grade level satellite phones repetition and acceleration are common. There are three important reasons why multigrade teaching may occur in both developed and developing countries. First, multigrading is often associated with ’small’ schools in remote and sparsely populated areas. In such schools, there may be only one, two or three teachers, yet they offer a complete cycle of primary education. If that cycle consists of eight grade levels, then each of these teachers must deal with multigrade classes. These ’small’ schools are also sometimes referred to as ‘multigrade’ schools. Multigrade schools have attracted attention in the developing country context because of their potential to increase primary school participation rates. By bringing the school closer to the community, they encourage more children, especially girls, into school. Second, multigrade teaching is also common in larger urban and suburban schools. In some countries, it is a response to uneven student enrollment. For example, a school with a two and a half grade entry may have to combine two grade levels to make up class sizes. Also, in countries where teacher absenteeism is high, and there is no ‘cover’, grades may be combined to avoid having a class with no teacher present. A single teacher then has to deal with two grade level groups together. Third, multigrade teaching may be a deliberate response to educational problems. In developed countries, this is linked to the multiage perspective. Proponents of mixed age grouping argue that there are sound pedagogical reasons for placing students of different ages together in the same classroom. Mixed age classes, it is argued, stimulate children’s social development and encourage greater classroom cooperation. These arguments are seldom raised in the developing country literature, although several commentators take the view that multigrade organized classes are potentially a cost effective means of providing quality education in difficult to reach areas.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Interpreter of Maladies Essay
Poor communication and unexpressed feelings cause distress for characters in the stories.’ Discus In Jhumpa Lahiri’s collection of short stories ‘Interpreter of Maladies’, poor communication and suppressed feelings result in distress for characters. Many protagonists in these stories have all been through some sort of anxiety due to impaired communication with those around them. Mrs Das in ‘Interpreter of Maladies’ seeks consolation for her guilt from Mr Kapasi, whom was having difficulty himself communicating with his wife. In ‘Sexy’, Miranda misinterprets Dav’s meaning of sexy and In ‘A Temporary Matter’, Shoba and Shukumar hardly interacted with each other anymore after their baby died. Mrs In ‘This Blessed House’, newly wed Twinkle and Sanjeev had numerous fights over Christian artefacts found throughout the house. Through these stories, Lahiri is trying to convey that healthy communication is essential to maintain connections with people so that we will not fail in many ways such as failure in romance. Usually in a tragedy, husbands and wives would comfort and assuage one another, try putting the past behind and move forward together. Following the stillbirth, both Shoba and Shukumar grieved separately and ever since then their relationship went downhill. However in ‘A Temporary Matter’ this was not the case for Shoba and Shukumar. â€Å"Instead he thought of how she and Shukumar had become experts at avoiding each other in their three-bedroom house, spending as much time on separate floors as possible.†Lahiri chooses to write from Shukumar’s point of view so that readers would not be expecting Shoba’s ulterior motive for introducing the game, which was in order to gently reveal she was moving out by herself. Furthermore, through Shukumar, we can understand what kind of a person Shoba initially was, â€Å"She wasn’t this way before.†prior to the incident and also see how much she has changed. â€Å"In the beginning he had believed that it would pass, that he and Shoba would get through it all somehow.†Here we can see that Shukumar had hopes that he and Shoba could live normally again, but merely hoping did not solve anything as he clearly did not put effort into making that happen. Instead, the two of them just waited for one another to make a move. Consequently, the stalemate and lack of communication between the two had caused the married couple to be awkward and uncomfortable being around each other, and thus the main cause for the downfall of their marriage. Mr Kapasi and Mrs Das struggle to interpret each other’s maladies.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Power to Declare War Essay Example
The Power to Declare War Essay Example The Power to Declare War Essay The Power to Declare War Essay The Power to Declare War Ritwik Ravin Poltical Science Mrs. Mooney December 13, 2010 Ricky Ravin, Mrs. Mooney The Power to Declare War Congress and the president use their powers to check and balance each other. One power of Congress is the ability to declare war. However, Congress generally gives the president control during war time. Because of this, the president is able to acquire more power over the war while Congress can do little if they have already given their approval. After the Vietnam War, in which Presidents Johnson and Nixon continued to wage despite a divided Congress[i]; they decided that the Constitution did not warrant the president to have the power to declare war, so they passed the War Powers Resolution[ii]. While the War Powers Act was meant to explicitly limit presidential war powers, it is largely ignored by the president, who holds the power to send troops into combat. According to Section 2C of the War Powers Act, the constitution states that the president holds the right to send troops into combat only after: a Congressional declaration of war, a specific statutory authorization, or in a National emergency created by an attack on the United States. Since the president does not follow this statement, the War Powers Act attempts to curb some of the powers he has obtained that have been set by precedent. Under Section 3, the act states that if possible, the president must consult with Congress before sending troops into combat, and he must report to Congress regularly on the status of the war. Section 4 is more specific, it states that if troops are sent into war without a declaration, the president needs to report on: why it’s necessary, the constitutional authority under which such introduction took place, and the estimated duration of the war. Furthermore, it states that between sixty and ninety days after a report is submitted or is required to be submitted, the president must terminate use of troops unless Congress: declares war, authorizes use of the troops, extends the period, or cannot meet due to an attack on the United States[iii]. Prior to the War Powers Act, President Harry Truman, rather than seek Congressional declaration, used his constitutional power as commander in chief to commit troops to the Korean War. Congress had no say in whether this war would be fought. Along with this, the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gave Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon the power to â€Å"take all necessary measures †¦ to prevent further aggression[iv]. †This gave the presidents complete control over the war despite the Congresses eventual division, who could do nothing about it. These incidents caused Congress to decide that the Framers did not intend for the president to have this kind of war making power, so they passed the War Powers Act on November 7th, 1973, right after the Vietnam War. The War Powers Act was explicitly meant to limit presidential powers during war time, but it has failed to do so. The ninety day limit has never been followed and while 99 reports have been submitted to Congress because of the Resolution, the reports are simply to inform, rather than consult with Congress, after a planned action is already under way. During the presidential reign of Gerald Ford, the United States was involved with six military crises: the rescue of U. S. citizens and refugees in Vietnam after the war, the rescue of the Mayaguez, and two evacuation operations in Lebanon. The War Powers Act was not applied in any of these situations, and it’s relevancy in military rescue operations has been questioned. Also, in 1990, President George H. W. Bush committed 500,000 troops to Saudi Arabia in Operation Desert Storm. The troops were left there for longer than 60 days without Congressional approval, again defying the limits of the act. President Bill Clinton sent troops into Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, the Middle East, and Kosovo, all without Congressional approval. Clinton, like other presidents, believes that the president has the authority of Commander in Chief to send troops into combat. House Joint Resolution 114, passed on October 16th, 2002, gave a broad authorization to the President to use troops against Iraq to protect the national security of the United States. The plaintiffs argued in the Supreme Court case Doe vs. Bush and Rumfield, that a specific declaration was necessary for the president to use troops. The case was dismissed as it was believed that foreign policy is outside the jurisdiction of the courts and President Bush was allowed to wage this war without any Congressional Declaration. In fact, Congress has only declared five wars, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Spanish-American War, World War I, and World War II. In these wars, the president has been the one who decided that war was necessary and asked Congress for a declaration. On the other hand, the president has waged over 100 conflicts without Congressional approval. The Constitution was left ambiguous by the framers when it came to war powers. They did not clearly state that the president could not send troops without a declaration of war, and they did not give Congress the final power to wage wars. Technically, Congress does have the final say on a war because they provide the money for the troops; but they have not used this power because the troops would be stranded without supplies. The framers left the Constitution ambiguous on war powers in order for it to be flexible for changing times[v]. Congress does not need to declare war for it to be fought, and the president has the final say in declaring war. Throughout history, Congress has let the president have complete control of wars while they focus on laws. The War Powers Act has attempted to restrict presidential powers, but it is largely ignored by latter presidents. Congress supports wars that are won even if undeclared, but they criticize the President if an undeclared war is lost. Congress is an important part of wartime with the supplying of troops, nevertheless, it is the President’s call whether to wage a war or not. Congress can declare war, but if the President does not send troops, then there is no war. As Commander in Chief, it is the president who can truly declare war. Bibliography National Constitution Center. â€Å"War Making – Executive and Legislative Powers – Educational Resources. †National Constitution Center. http://constitutioncenter. org/ncc_edu_War_Making_Executive_and_Legislative_Powers. aspx (accessed December 9, 2010) Washington Post. â€Å"War Powers Act Timeline. †Washington Post. washingtonpost. com/wp-srv/onpolitics/articles/timeline_politics1. html (accessed December 9, 2010) Williams, Charles F. â€Å"War Powers: A New Chapter in a Continuing Debate. †Social Education 67 (April 2003): 128, 131-132 Yale Law School. â€Å"Avalon Project – War Powers Resolution. †Yale Law School. http://avalon. law. yale. edu/20th_century/warpower. asp (accessed December 9, 2010) [i] Washington Post, â€Å"War Powers Act Timeline,†Washington Post, ashingtonpost. com/wp-srv/onpolitics/articles/timeline_politics1. html. [ii] Ibid. [iii] Yale Law School. â€Å"Avalon Project – War Powers Resolution. †Yale Law School. http://avalon. law. yale. edu/20th_century/warpower. asp (accessed December 9, 2010) [iv] National Constitution Center, â€Å"War Making – Executive and Legislative Powers – Educational Resources,†National Constitution Cent er. [v] Charles F. Williams, â€Å"War Powers: A New Chapter in a Continuing Debate,†Social Education 67 (April 2003): 128, 131-132.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Deal With Having No Friends in College
How to Deal With Having No Friends in College So, you are almost ready to head off to college? It is an exciting time in any student’s life – you get to leave high school behind and embark on a new adventure. However, it can also be a daunting prospect for many people. While in high school, you have had several years to build up your group of friends and now it is likely that you are all headed off to different colleges – maybe even hundreds of miles apart. What are you going to do if you end up making no friends in college as a freshman? Believe it or not, this is something that even the most confident of people worry about! That’s why we have put together a few tips for how to deal with I have no friends in college situation. Start with the Classroom The most obvious place to start if you need to find new friends is in your classroom. Talk to your classmates – after all, you are doing the same course, so you must have at least one shared interest? A great way to make friends with classmates is to form a study group. This is a win-win situation since you are going to have support when exams and assignments roll around plus you get the chance to get to know people better and perhaps form some deeper friendships. Assignments and exam prep are sure to give you something to bond over and if that isn’t the basis for a lasting friendship we don’t know what is! If you still havent chosen classes you are going to attend, consider the most fun classes. How Do You End Up with No Friends in College? As we have already noted, most people starting college will be coming to campus without their high school friends (you will miss them so much, wont you?) However, there can be other reasons why college students find themselves without friends on campus. Perhaps you have transferred from another school mid-semester? Did you change your major and now have a totally different schedule to your former course mates? It could even be that you just want to break away from your current social group due to differing goals or opinion. Whatever the reason for your limited social circle, there are plenty of ways to make new friends. Join a Club or Society If you have no friends in college as a sophomore, then it is time to put yourself out there and start meeting new people. One of the great things about college is that you will find a wide variety of extra-curricular clubs and societies. Think about what sort of activities you enjoy or subjects you would like to learn more about and see if there is a suitable club you can join. This is going to give you direct access to people who share similar interests giving you a great foundation on which to build a friendship. It might take a few weeks to start fitting in to an existing group, but before long you will be inviting other members for coffee or other social activities. Get to Know Others in Your Dorm If you find yourself with no friends in college and you are staying on campus, then your dorms are a great place to start. Aside from your room-mate, make an effort to talk to others on your hall or even on other floors. It is common for dorms to hold social events in the common area from time to time, so make an effort to attend. Even if there are no scheduled events in your dorm you should make a point of spending time in the lounge, so you can meet others living in the building. Maybe you could even think about throwing a dorm party on your own? Look for Friends in Library or Cafeteria It is also important NOT to spend all of your time in the dorms. Make an effort to go out around campus. Study in the library instead of in your room. Eat your lunch outside on a nice day and strike up a conversation with others who are doing the same. You won’t make new friends if you don’t make the effort to get out and meet people. You can’t do that hiding away in your dorm! Don’t Be Afraid to Look Off Campus If you have no friends in college, don’t be afraid to try looking off campus. Check out local coffee shops, cafes and restaurants off campus and you might meet some cool people. You could also try volunteering somewhere or going to concerts and events off campus. You might be surprised how many people from college hang out in these places too – plus its good to get away from school from time to time! Always Remember You Are Not Alone It can feel like you are the only person on campus who has no friends in college, but the truth is that you are not alone. Even although it seems like everyone else is having a blast surrounded by great friends, you are certainly not the only one struggling with socializing. Never forget that it is perfectly natural to feel out of place in a new environment. Remember that: Others are in the same boat and are nervous about finding new friends at college too. Try not to make such a big deal out of finding new friends. Just take the time to go out and have fun, meet new people and you will naturally start to build relationships with people. Don’t be scared to talk to people. Strike up a conversation and suggest hanging out together. Others feel as much nervous about finding new friends at college as you. All it takes is for one of you to make the first move. If you need even more help with not making friends in college, you should also read our post on how not to be an outcast in college. In conclusion, there is no need to be too concerned about ending up being that one person with no friends in college. It is likely that you are going to find a much more diverse group of people on campus than you encountered at high school which is going to make it easier to find people you have something in common with. Take some time out to socialize and you will soon find some like-minded people to hang with.
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