Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Mexican immigrants undocumented Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Mexican immigrants undocumented - Essay Example Most importantly, the social workers should know that immigrants or refugees despite the duration they will stay in the host country, they are most likely to be faced with a duality of cultures and hence do work with norms and expectations that conflict often. Although refugees and immigrants all seek new residence in a foreign country, their social and economic statuses differ and hence their adoption to the host country may also vary. Immigrants go to a host country on their own volition by attractiveness they see in that particular country. Usually they plan their entry carefully and selectively bringing some assets while relinquishing the assets at home (Abdulla, et al., 1997). Whether their reason for migrating is economic or political, they easily adopt since they at least have somewhere to start from. On the other hand, refugees are forced to flee their homelands and seek asylum from the host country for various reasons and would probably prefer to return if safety is permitted. Usually they flee home with little or no planning and with few belongings if any and are usually traumatized by the destruction they have witnessed and so it takes time for them to adapt to the new surroundings. With this knowledge, the social workers could know how to handle them and the issues that affects them for effective integration. Prior to the World War 11, the Mexicans accounted for less than 10 percent of the Florida immigration, and a quarter of Florida’s migrants in the early post war periods. In the 1960s, the Mexican immigrants percentage rose to 40 percent and by 1990s the figure rose to 50 percent of the total migrants in Florida. Prior to the 1970s, about 300,000 Mexican immigrants gained legal permanent residence in the United States yearly with most of them settling in Florida. In the last three decades, the number of legal permanent immigrants from Mexico to Florida has been doubling in each decade. This increasingly
Monday, October 28, 2019
The strengths and weaknesses of relativist views of ethics Essay Example for Free
The strengths and weaknesses of relativist views of ethics Essay A. How might a moral relativist respond to the claim that people should always tell the truth? B. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of relativist views of ethics. (A) To tell the truth is morally right, but telling a lie can also be morally right. Can the contradictions both be justified if the motive is love? Can we lie if the intention is love, or by always telling the truth are we better people? Some relativists claim that as long as the intention is love, then an action is morally right. In a relationship, when the crucial moment arrives and your partner turns to you and says, Do you love me?, how best do you respond? Morally, can you justify lying to someone about love? The law of love says that you can not refrain from action. If refrain denies you from following a certain course, then can lying be accepted? Dependant upon whether you do love the person or not, the best approach to take will be a matter of your personal opinion and beliefs. Fletcher would deal with a situation relative to love. Relativism, relativizes the absolute, it does not absolutize the relative. If the absolute is such that, you should tell the truth because it is the loving thing to do, then relativism would say that, maybe saying Yes, I do love you, may be justifiable, but it may also cause the most pain in the long run. This relativist approach is held by consequentalists. The pain of turning to someone and saying, No, I dont love you, may be initially hurtful, but it is done to bring about the best long-term result. A deontological approach would differ with this, and impart a belief that your answer would come from a pre-determined set of rules that you chose to live your life by. Here, there is no intention of harming or pleasing someone, as the consequences of your response would not factor into it. When responding to a situation, who has the right to justify whether the action was morally right? Is justification dependant upon love, motive, intention or belief? Where does love factor into a situation? If love is the determining factor behind a lie, is it therefore justified? Situation ethicists would say that love decides which actions are morally right. The circumstances of which an act is executed, decides upon the moral justification. Responsibility appears to widen as the choice of outcome increases. By telling a lie, you therefore have to accept full responsibility for its consequences. Will this widening of freedoms be a problem in a society where we are all of different moral standing? The truth of the matter is that maybe there may be some people within society who do not conform to the same moral standards set down by their community. When making important moral decisions (some may classify lying as one such example), is it not important to be fully qualified? Some may argue that those who are morally uneducated are not competent of making important decisions, and therefore this widening freedom, is potentially a road to moral disaster. Lies are justifiable, as conception of morality and social ethics are distorted. Perception of truth is also an underlying factor for discussion. The ability to rationalise situations depends upon intellect and up-bringing. Most situations can be rationalised as morally right, (if youre of the belief of subjectivism everyone has the right to their own moral beliefs), as long as a person is of a high enough intellect. Lying can equally be justified by those who are of low and of high intellect, as a full understanding and comprehension of the consequences and detriment of certain actions is understood on different levels. Those who have greater understanding may therefore see the lie as morally wrong. This would be due to the fact that they have a different insight into the situation. Different people have different views upon moral attitudes, and most believe theyre more than entitled to their opinion. Cultures will rationalise situations with different theories and attitudes, and as a result of this, lying in one culture can be morally right, whereas in another it will be morally wrong. Society will nurture people into certain beliefs and understandings, and consequently the moral justification surrounding lies will always differ from society to society. (B) Living in the modern world, we are lead to believe that social tolerance is a norm. It would be nice for this to be the reality; however, we all know it is an unachievable dream. The subjectivist creates a lifestyle which everyone aspires to but society denies us of. The idea that you have the ability to think, understand and believe whatever you would like to, would be nice, the practicality of it unfortunately, is that this type of thinking would only bring about conflict within humanity. No level-ground would exist. With everyone of the opinion that they were right, would we not be on our way to creating an argumentative generation who are not capable of compromise? The theory is good, but the practise should never be tried if we want our world to stay relatively civilised. If society should be made to conform, then why are we not living in a land where our lives are shaped by rules and regulations? Absolutists would relish the day that humans are made to toe the line. Conflict and difference within the world, would not occur as everyone would be living within the same rules, and therefore there would be no room for discrepancies. The diversity between societies creates an environment in which tolerance is needed to overcome conflict. By establishing a theory which allows a plural approach to situations, it can be understood that we are encouraging a greater respect and appreciation of the differences between cultures. This conventionalist approach rejects ethnocentricity, but accepts, like subjectivism, certain ideas like Hitlers genocide. How can an approach such as this be received as acceptable within the civilised world? Other controversial questions are raised by this point of view, e.g. How can we remain neutral in response to situations which one culture accepts to be morally right, and another deems morally wrong? This question would never arise if an absolutist approach was imposed upon the world. The principle that there is one set of moral truths to be followed by everyone, independent of religion or culture, can also be believed to be the will of God. His omnipotence means that his law is the only law. The other philosophy is that of Jesus claim, that love is the greatest charge, and therefore there is leeway, as far as love is the driving factor. On the reverse, situation ethics would argue, that ethical rules are very often minor; the individual situation should be individually evaluated. Maybe love is the greatest factor, but this is highly disputed between the theorists. The love theory: Im sure many people would like to believe that if the motive, intention or even the outcome is love, then lying is morally acceptable, but for many the truth may not be so clear cut. Once again, the idea is good in theory, but the practice may not be so realistic. Telling the absolute truth to everyone you meet seems like an ideal way to live; never having to cover up lies with more lies. Minimally distorting the truth, (white lies), is an excepted custom these days. Lying is an accepted way of life for two fundamental reasons: 1. To provide gain and 2. To avoid pain. However, the problem facing people today is the fact that lies are easily exposed by our body language, and most peoples natural feeling of guilt. So, are we really gaining or avoiding anything, if the truth is bound to surface sooner or later? Truth be told, the world may be a better place if the world was to be lie less, but we may all believing in a perpetual land of unhappiness. At present however, it seems that most people are happy to live in an oblivious state; a happy state, even if they are living a lie.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Shakespeares Macbeth - The Character of Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
Macbeth Character Shakespeare The character of Macbeth is not an easy one to understand. At the beginning of the play Macbeth is praised by many people as being a hero when he has defeated the Norwegians. The captain says: "Brave Macbeth "When Duncan hears the news he adds: "o valient cousin "and "Noble Macbeth ". However Macbeth is becoming tied up with things that are not good. The three weird sisters said they would meet with him. When the three weird sisters do meet with Macbeth and Banquo: "All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee Thane of Glamis! ", " All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee Thane of Cawdor! ", "All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee that shalt be king here after. "Macbeth knows he is the Thane of Glamis but how can he be the Thane of Cawdor, the Thane of Cawdor lives a prosperous life and becoming king is just unthinkable. This gets Macbeth thinking about what they mean. At the start of the play the audience hail Macbeth as a hero but as he begins to think about murdering the king the audience feels he isn't so heroic after all, and they begin to dislike him. We learn from Lady Macbeth, the person who knows him best that he is too nice to be able to kill anyone especially the present king: "is too full o' th' milk of human kindness, "says Lady Macbeth. She then devises a plan to kill Duncan while he is staying with them. Duncan has arrived and is having dinner. Macbeth leaves and decides not to murder Duncan. Lady Macbeth accuses him of being less than a man for not killing him. Macbeth is not a natural born killer, Lady Macbeth has to persuade him to murder the king; he is initially reluctant to do such a deed: "We will proceed no further in this business: "Macbeth says this because he thinks he might become king without killing the present king, it might just be fate. But Lady Macbeth then begins to persuade him and soon a chink forms in Macbeth's armour. Macbeth says: "If we should fail "which shows us that Macbeth has once more changed his mind this shows us that he is very unwilling to murder Duncan. Once Duncan is asleep and Macbeth is on his own he sees a dagger before him. Shakespeare's Macbeth - The Character of Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework Macbeth Character Shakespeare The character of Macbeth is not an easy one to understand. At the beginning of the play Macbeth is praised by many people as being a hero when he has defeated the Norwegians. The captain says: "Brave Macbeth "When Duncan hears the news he adds: "o valient cousin "and "Noble Macbeth ". However Macbeth is becoming tied up with things that are not good. The three weird sisters said they would meet with him. When the three weird sisters do meet with Macbeth and Banquo: "All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee Thane of Glamis! ", " All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee Thane of Cawdor! ", "All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee that shalt be king here after. "Macbeth knows he is the Thane of Glamis but how can he be the Thane of Cawdor, the Thane of Cawdor lives a prosperous life and becoming king is just unthinkable. This gets Macbeth thinking about what they mean. At the start of the play the audience hail Macbeth as a hero but as he begins to think about murdering the king the audience feels he isn't so heroic after all, and they begin to dislike him. We learn from Lady Macbeth, the person who knows him best that he is too nice to be able to kill anyone especially the present king: "is too full o' th' milk of human kindness, "says Lady Macbeth. She then devises a plan to kill Duncan while he is staying with them. Duncan has arrived and is having dinner. Macbeth leaves and decides not to murder Duncan. Lady Macbeth accuses him of being less than a man for not killing him. Macbeth is not a natural born killer, Lady Macbeth has to persuade him to murder the king; he is initially reluctant to do such a deed: "We will proceed no further in this business: "Macbeth says this because he thinks he might become king without killing the present king, it might just be fate. But Lady Macbeth then begins to persuade him and soon a chink forms in Macbeth's armour. Macbeth says: "If we should fail "which shows us that Macbeth has once more changed his mind this shows us that he is very unwilling to murder Duncan. Once Duncan is asleep and Macbeth is on his own he sees a dagger before him.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Critical Appraisal of Life Cycle Assessment
Having an understanding of environmental sustainability of the complete life cycle of products and services Is becoming Imperative for organizations so they can comply with environmental standards and to meet the growing public expectation regarding the organization's role in managing their environmental impacts.But this is a complex matter and this essay critically appraises Life Cycle Assessment (LLC) as a tool to provide decision-making support in improving production processes in order to minimizes their environmental Impacts. The definition of LLC, a review of its application In Industry and advantages will be discussed first to form a basis for Its critical evaluation. The usefulness of this tool and Its potential Limitations and weaknesses in terms of applicability, standardization, cost, complexity and requirements of expertise will be considered.As an example, the role of LLC in improving the environmental impact of milk production system will be used. In literature LLC Is d efined as a systematic approach to analyses the environmental burden through the whole life cycle of a specific product or service that In turn helps o reduce that environmental burden by triggering areas of Improvement so that better technologies, product materials and process options can then be adopted (Roy et al. 2009; ISO 1997, AAA; The Finnish Environment Institute, 2010).To critically appraise LLC it is imperative to see its application in a specific sector so milk production Is considered. Milk production Involves live stock, agriculture, dairy farming, dairy packaging and distribution (Household et al. , 2003). These systems are highly inter-related and their combined effect is very complex for the LLC first phase of boundary allocation. Milk is not produced in isolation but production of cheese, court and butter is also uses the similar inventory and production system that make it difficult to identify the system boundaries (Hospice et al. 2003). Multi-product system and d ifficulty of LLC in allocation of system boundaries Is also discussed by Warden et al. (2012) that relates the outcomes of LLC with allocation. In studies, contribute to transportation, packaging waste and CA emissions respectively (Thomas et al. , 2008). Roy et al. (2009) declare LLC as useful tool for various food industries that helps to reduce environmental load by suggesting alternate reduction, processing, packaging, and distribution and consumption patterns.LLC also provides quantitative information that ultimately helps to provide stakeholders with information about company steps that have been practically taken to minimizes the environmental impacts of their production activities (Roy et al. , 2009). However there are various issues like generalization of LLC results, its cost and time intensiveness, the required expertise, difficulties in allocation of system boundaries and lack of standardization in its methodology that are imperative to resolve before adopting this metho dology (Reap et al, 2008).The complex interacting nature of the environment and highly different environmental scenarios in different industries and countries also affect the usefulness of LLC. For example, in a review by Rossi (2004) of the LLC of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic across its lifestyle found that LLC quantitative methodology is highly subjective to data collection which can mislead the outcomes and in toxic chemical determination LLC is cannot provide accurate measurement. This implies that pesticides, antibiotics and detergents should be carefully analyses as part of the farm impacts and should be considered as a ‘hot spot' in milk production (HogwashAide, 2002). Defining functional units is very important and errors can arise due to assigning functional units to multiple functions and when handling non-quantifiable functions (Cooper, 2003). However in milk production functional units are quantifiable but not standardized across various studies so that it is d ifficult to compare different results (Gao, 2012; Hogwash Aide, 2002). Similarly, boundary selection is subjective that could lead to less confidence in comparative studies of LLC (Such et al. , 2004).For example, in milk production if the packaging waste and the production of feed at the arm is ignored, that can generate highly different findings regarding environmental impacts. Omitting social and economic considerations in defining the goal and scope of LLC has also brought criticism that technical improvements cannot remove the need to make socially influenced decisions (Reap et al. , 2008). Therefore the lack of environmental and economic integration in LLC methodology can miss opportunities or limit the influence of LLC in decision making, especially in private sector (Norris, 2001).To conclude, despite the limitations and inability of LLC to incorporate social and economic factors in relation to product life cycle assessment, it is still a useful and highly established and ad opted methodology for the analysis of environmental impacts. However it is difficult to implement LLC in small scale firms due to its cost, time intensive nature and required expertise in executing LLC. Standardization of methodologies and generalization of results is also a natural flaw in this approach due to highly different environmental condition and technological use by organizations.However in milk production, LLC as been very successfully applied in any countries as it allows boundaries to be set and also the selection of functional widely used in the whole dairy industry and results are being used to minimizes the environmental impacts especially when selecting chemicals, packaging, transport and feeding. Finally, it is concluded that there are no other alternative highly established methods of finding a product or services environmental impacts than LLC but economic and social considerations should be involved in this process to make it more useful in improving environment al impacts.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Poetry Essay: â€ÂPeaches and cream†by Mudrooroo Essay
In this poem I shall compare and analysis two poems †peaches and cream†by mudrooroo and †last of his tribe †by oodgeroo noonuccal. The need for analyzing both poems is that they are dedicated to people who fought for the Aboriginals; only an in-depth analysis can give a clear understanding of their poems. Analysis The Last of His Tribe by Oodgeroo Noonuccal is a true example of the period of Australian poetry it consist of the paternalistic manner that is was commonly found in the Australian colonists of the 19th century , Oodgeroo Noonuccal gives emphasizes to the loneliness of an Aboriginal tribe ‘s last member. The poet’s complete focus is on the individual’s ambiguity, his suffering and his abhorrent fate. He detailed dramatization the of the thoughts which the tribe men had, he further dramatizes the memories of hunts of yore and of fights he fought. The poem carries a elegiac mood as the poet invokes a sad and bleak image of Willie Mackenzie, who is the last existing member of his tribe he pictures him as if someone were re kindling the fire of memory in the poet . The poet uses Willie Mackenzie as a symbol of the tribes that disappeared ad the culture and times that are disappearing with them (Derek p24). The poet emphasizes on elements of fauna as well as the tribe’s cultural artefact such as â€Å"boomerangs, nullah, sling as well as spear†abide with wallaroos, rocks as well as thunder. Oodgeroo Noonuccal’s memory of is the most wonderful part about the poem as it helps the poet in describing the past quite clearly: the poet gives an clear illustration of the happy hunts that this tribe experienced prior to the invasion of the white in the twentieth century era. The poem consists of thirty five lines. It is divided into seven formal verses and consists of ababb rhyming. Oodgeroo Noonuccal was expressive and assertive so much so that she was successful in drawing the reader to her persona. Due to this the reader sympathizes for Willie, exactly like the poet is particular in the line â€Å"All gone, all gone. And I feel The sudden sting of tears†. The kind of verse the poet has made use of is a formal verse. The poet tries to give a clear picture of the Australian landscape in verse is exemplified here. Due to her tone and emotions she is successful in portraying the unique proceedings of the Australian scenery as well as their history in a regretful and sympathetic manner. Noonuccal presents, the environmental destruction which we can imagine just by reading the poem and by using the twentieth century style she shows the sad irony of their circumstances. Whereas Mudrooroo in his poems peaches and cream seems to be talking about a time when the Aboriginal people were fighting for their freedom. His tone is very a strong sad tone, a tone full of hopelessness. His poem is based a on a person who fought for their freedom, till he feel sick and his people did not support him. The way the poet highlights the likes and dislikes of this person symbolizes that he was an ordinary person who just wanted freedom for his people. The reason behind him naming the poem peaches and cream is that’s what this mans; intentions were as sweet and good as peaches and cream is. The ending of the poem is, similarly to the beginning, ambiguous. It is unclear whom the poet is referring to when he states in the first verse you like peaches and cream, And white bodies made urgent â€Å", also following with the conversional tone established in the last line. One interpretation of this is that he is expressing the realization that if things are going to progress then there is a definite need for greater unity and understanding among all Australian people, without racial division. The utilization of unique kind of rhyming makes the it a wonderful poem. The poem highlights the fact that there were people who were fighting for them so that Aborigines could also be known as â€Å"Australian†as White Australians, and the likelihood to unite the two cultures as one so that they might progress together. The use of the following lines:Perhaps one day I’ll understand,Though many didn’t and called you hypocrite;But they didn’t knowThat even Christian peaches and creamMay be sweet with a taste of injustice,And try to sweeten it more with you. ( above mentioned verse illustrates the fact that the composer is experiencing an inner journey as he is experiencing an internal battle. The poem consists of the poet’s strong emotional feelings for the cause which this person was fighting for, and his control to suppress this anger does not actually diminish the anger. These lines also exhibit the anger he has for people who called this freedom fighter a hypocrite; he further uses the peaches and cream as symbols of sweetness and richness that he brought to his people. The line in the last stanza shows confusion:Last night I saw you on the telly,Projecting Jesus and his message,Perhaps one day I’ll understand( the beginning he states that the person he is referring to was a religious person and fought for their freedom while keeping Jesus’s message in mind. But the fact that he says that perhaps one day he will understand could mean that he does not understand the message given by the person who he is referring to , which seems very strange since throughout the poem he is clearly describing his likes and dislikes., and praising him and his efforts. Conclusion Undoubtedly then these poems clearly illustrate the eras in which they were written. Themes, craft as well as points of view reflect diverse periods the history of Australia. The enjoyable part of these poems is that they express different emotions and approach so efficiently to us nowadays when we need personal faithfulness, tribal unity and economic certainty. Work Cited: Derek Lewis; Poetry Workbook, Pascal press 2006 retrieved on 13 July 2008
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Characterization of Hamlet, Gertrude and Ophelia Essay Essays
Characterization of Hamlet, Gertrude and Ophelia Essay Essays Characterization of Hamlet, Gertrude and Ophelia Essay Paper Characterization of Hamlet, Gertrude and Ophelia Essay Paper Hamlet is a character of extraordinary complexness and deepness. No simple expression can function to work out his enigma. A different Hamlet might hold killed his uncle Claudius on the strength of the Ghost’s accusal. ascended the throne. married Ophelia and lived merrily of all time after. But such a typical hero was non likely to be of involvement to Shakespeare. We can besides state that in Hamlet Shakespeare presents a liquidator and revenger who is both ruthless and reluctant and his decease is the ultimate consequence of his being charged by the Ghost to transport out instructions which were violative to his moral rules. Like other tragic heroes of Shakespeare he is besides endowed with exceeding qualities like royal birth. graceful and charming personality among his ain countrymen. He has a high rational quality as Ophelia observes: O what a baronial head is here overthrown! / The courtier’s. soldier’s. scholar’s oculus. lingua. blade. / Th’ anticipation and rose of the just province. / The glass of manner. and the mold of signifier. / Th’ observed of all perceivers. [ Act III. Scene I ] In malice of possessing all these high qualities which rank him above the other characters the defect in his character leads to his ruin and makes him a tragic hero. The tragic defect in the character of Hamlet is that he thinks excessively much and experience excessively much. He is frequently disturbed by his ain nature of ‘self analyses’ . What is required of Hamlet is prompt action. whereas he broods over the moral idealism which leads to his hold in action. When he gets an chance to kill Claudius. he puts aside the idea because he can non strike an enemy while he is at supplication. Several causes account for his inactivity. By nature he is prone to believe instead than to move. He is a adult male of ethical motives and his moral idealism receives a daze when his female parent remarries Claudius after his father’s decease. Chance excessively plays an of import portion in determining his character. Chance places him in such a place in which he is incapable of making anything. He becomes inconsistent and is no longer a individual who reaches a decision merely by concluding. Like other tragic heroes Hamlet excessively has to confront struggle. both internal and external. The internal struggle is between his moral consciences and the act of retaliation which he is called upon to execute. Love of his male parent. the dishonour of his female parent and the villainousness of his uncle prompt him to take retaliation while his aristocracy. his moral idealism. his rules and his faith rebellion against such a barbarous act. The consequence is that. rupture within himself. he suffers mental anguish. Hamlets wants to take retaliation against Claudius. the liquidator of his male parent. the supplanter of his rights to the throne and the seducer of his female parent. In Hamlet Shakespeare presents a revenger who is both ruthless and loath. As a revenger he must move. on behalf of indignant virtuousness. to reconstruct a profaned order. put right what is ‘out of joint’ . But the act he is impelled to make. affect him in immorality of the sort which he would penalize. As the ruthless revenger he exemplifies in his ain individual the immorality which is inseparable from the good in human nature ; as the loath revenger he can typify the good’s abomination of it. As compared to Fortinbras and Laertes. Hamlet is slow in taking retaliation because of his wont of believing long and deep. Bradley clearly describes this status and says he suffered from melancholia. a pathological province which may good develop into madness. ( p. 121 ) There is an another facet of Hamlet’s word picture i. e. his lunacy. T. S Eliot argues that ‘the lunacy of Hamlet ballad in Shakespeare’s manus ; in the earlier play a simple artifice. and to the terminal. we may assume. understood as a regulation by the audience. For Shakespeare it is less than lunacy and more than feigned. ’ ( p. 102 ) By feigning to be huffy. Hamlet kept unfastened the safety valve and could talk order to alleviate the force per unit area on his head. This is what T. S Eliot means when he uses the words â€Å"more than feigned. †Samuel Johnson ( 1765 ) besides considers his lunacy as fabricated even in his ( Hamlet’s ) intervention of Ophelia. Johnson says in this respect. ‘He plays the lunatic most. when he treats Ophelia with so much discourtesy. which seems to be useless and motiveless inhuman treatment. ’ ( Johnson. 1765 ) Shakespeare’s word picture of Gertrude and Ophelia in Hamlet is self-contradictory as it challenges every bit good as complements the modern-day societal traditions and norms. Gertrude is the best illustration of this paradox that is manifested through her extraordinary domination over all the major characters of Hamlet. her influence in the tribunal affairs and province personal businesss and her blind obeisance to Claudius. Ophelia is besides active in her domestic sphere but her involvement are restricted to amative and marital maters merely and they are farther directed by his male parent Polonius and brother Laertes. She is an prototype of traditional feminist looks of the age that require celibacy. conformity and credence of male dominancy from adult females. Ophelia remains inactive in the domestic and emotional sphere. Ophelia has no individuality of her ain and all her domestic and amative affairs are directed by her male parent. Polonius enterprises to manner the life and attitude of Ophelia harmonizing to his ain wants. He considers his desires as her desires and attempts to orient her attack by assorted agencies. Ophelia is farther guarded by his brother against any possible menace to her celibacy and virginity. At Ophelia’s entry into Hamlet. her brother. Laertes bodyguards Ophelia reding her on her relationship with Hamlet. So right from the really start. Ophelia is under the sway of Laertes and Polonius. So her character is in complete conformance with the traditional values of that clip. Polonius ever responds from a place of authorization over Ophelia. stressing his power as the decision-maker for her. Both her male parent and brother have a ego assigned undertaking of directing Ophelia how to move decently in every sphere of her life. Although Shakespeare has characterized Ophelia as inferior to male characters. but word picture of Gertrude has double feature. Sometime it challenges the traditions of the conformist society and sometime it itself become conforms to the values of the society by moving passively.
Monday, October 21, 2019
10 Ethnic Terms
10 Ethnic Terms 10 Ethnic Terms 10 Ethnic Terms By Mark Nichol The vocabulary of ethnicity identity is fraught with peril. It is unfortunate that humans must at times distinguish between various subgroups, but it’s best to keep up-to-date on which descriptions are considered valid or acceptable among those belonging to those populations. Here’s a guide: 1. African A person of African descent. Some people so described use this term even if they are US residents because, due to their recent arrival in the United States, they do not identify with black, or African American, culture. 2. African American An American of African descent. Most people answering this description have no problem with the term black, but some groups and publications prefer this term, and it’s useful, at least, as elegant variation. Unlike as with the case of people from Asia, African Americans are less likely to be identified by their specific country of origin, such as in â€Å"Kenyan American.†3. Asian A person of Asian descent. 4. Asian American An American of Asian descent. More specific terms such as â€Å"Japanese American†are used when necessary; note, however, that immigrants from nations from which relatively few people come to America can also be identified by such a construction, even if the phrase is not common (such as â€Å"Pakistani American†). 5. Black An American of African descent; this term is generally lowercased but is capitalized by some groups and publications. 6. Chicano An American of Mexican descent. This is one of those terms best reserved for use by those it refers to. People of similar ethnic heritage from countries other than Mexico may share communities and philosophies with Chicanos, but they may prefer not to share the name. (The feminine form Chicana is used when referring specifically to women.) 7. Hispanic A person of mixed Spanish or Portuguese and Indian heritage. Some people of this description oppose the term because it emphasizes the European element at the expense of other identities. 8. Indian This term has two distinct meanings: a person descended from people who long ago immigrated to the Americas from Asia, or people of Indian descent (that is, from India). Many people in the first category so identified prefer this term to â€Å"Native American,†and some use â€Å"American Indian†only to distinguish themselves from people originating in India. (American Indians were originally misidentified as such by Christopher Columbus, who believed, in error, that he had reached India rather than the Western Hemisphere.) 9. Latino A person of mixed Indian and Spanish or Portuguese descent. This term, although no more etymologically valid than â€Å"Hispanic,†is preferable among many such people. (The feminine form Latina is used when referring specifically to women.) 10. Native American A person descended from people who long ago immigrated to the Americas from Asia. Many people adhering to this description prefer to be called simply Indians or to be identified by their tribal name. (Note that the terms indigenous and aboriginal are not strictly correct, because Indians did not evolve in the Western Hemisphere. Canadian Indians who call themselves the First Nations are more accurate.) Of course, many other descriptors for ethnic groups exist, including many broadly considered derogatory and even offensive. However, some people belonging to ethnic groups so labeled use such terms among themselves to reclaim them and diminish their painful associations. A final note: I use the term American (which need not be hyphenated to another proper name) to refer to US citizens, although Americans meaning people who live in the Western Hemisphere who do not reside in the United States outnumber those who do. This apparently arrogant appropriation of the term is objectionable to some people, but it is unrealistic to expect that it will be abandoned. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Yiddish Handbook: 40 Words You Should KnowBody Parts as Tools of MeasurementInspiring vs. Inspirational
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Countries Bordering the Mediterranean Sea
Countries Bordering the Mediterranean Sea The Mediterranean Sea is a large body of water with Europe to the north, northern Africa to the south, and southwestern Asia to the east. The narrow Strait of Gibraltar to the west is the only outlet to the Atlantic Ocean. Its total area is 970,000 square miles, and its greatest depth is off the coast of Greece, where it is 16,800 feet deep. Because of the Mediterraneans size and central location, it borders 21 countries on three continents. Europe has the most nations with coastlines along the Mediterranean Sea with 12. Populations listed are from mid-2017. Africa Algeria covers 919,595 square miles and has a population of 40,969,443. Its capital is Algiers. Egypt is mostly in Africa, but its Sinai Peninsula is in Asia. The country is 386,662 square miles in area with a population of 97,041,072. The capital is Cairo. Libya has a population of 6,653,210 spread over 679,362 square miles, but about a sixth of its residents are centered in the capital of Tripoli, the nations most populous city. Moroccos population is 33,986,655. The country covers 172,414 square miles. Rabat is its capital. Tunisia, whose capital is Tunis, is the smallest African nation along the Mediterranean, with just 63,170 square miles of territory and a population of 11,403,800. Asia Israel has 8,019 square miles of territory with a population of 8,299,706. It claims Jerusalem as its capital, although most of the world fails to recognize it as such. Lebanon has a population of 6,229,794 squeezed into 4,015 square miles. Its capital is Beirut. Syria covers 714,498 square miles with Damascus as its capital. Its population is 18,028,549, down from a high of 21,018,834 in 2010 due at least in part to a longstanding civil war. Turkey, with 302,535 square miles of territory, is in both Europe and Asia, but 95 percent of its land mass is in Asia, as is its capital, Ankara. The country has a population of 80,845,215. Europe Albania is 11,099 square miles in area with a population of 3,047,987. The capital is Tirana. Bosnia and Herzegovina, formerly part of Yugoslavia, covers an area of 19,767 square miles. Its population is 3,856,181, and its capital is Sarajevo. Croatia, also formerly part of Yugoslavia, has 21,851 square miles of territory with its capital at Zagreb. Its population is 4,292,095. Cyprus is a 3,572-square-mile island nation surrounded by the Mediterranean. Its population is 1,221,549, and its capital is Nicosia. France has an area of 248,573 square miles and a population of 67,106,161. Paris is the capital. Greece covers 50,949 square miles and has as its capital the ancient city of Athens. The countrys population is 10,768,477. Italys population is 62,137,802. With its capital in Rome, the country has 116,348 square miles of territory. At just 122 square miles, Malta is the second-smallest nation bordering the Meditteranean Sea. Its population is 416,338, and the capital is Valletta. The smallest nation bordering the Mediterranean is the city-state of Monaco, which is just 0.77 square miles and has a population of 30,645. Montenegro, another country that was part of Yugoslavia, also borders the sea. Its capital is Podgorica, it has an area of 5,333 square miles, and its population is 642,550. Slovenia, another part of the former Yugoslavia, calls Ljubljana its capital. The country has 7,827 square miles and a population of 1,972,126. Spain covers 195,124 square miles with a population of 48,958,159. Its capital is Madrid. Territories Bordering the Mediterranean In addition to 21 sovereign countries, several territories also have Mediterranean coastlines: Gibraltar (British territory on Spains Iberian Peninsula)Ceuta and Melilla (two autonomous Spanish cities on the northern African coast)Mount Athos (autonomous part of the Greek Republic)Akrotiri and Dhekelia (British territory on Cyprus)The Gaza Strip (Palestinian National Authority)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Marks and Spencer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Marks and Spencer - Essay Example Strengths of Marks and Spencer, primarily is their assets. Many of their outlets are purchased when land inside metropolitan areas was not at a premium; as a result the value of these outlets has skyrocketed. Secondarily one of our key strengths is their image (also a weakness that I shall arrive at later) and their brand name, St.Michael. Finally their last identifiable strength is their market share (currently static at 13%) [5]. Their Weaknesses are, as mentioned already, the image and brand name. This is mainly because their target market is split into a number of segments, the most easily identifiable being: School Clothes; pre-teens; teens - 30; 30's - 40's; 50+. This diverse coverage means that they lack the Marketing Economies of Scale with which to target and cater for each of these specifically. In addition to this there is a certain amount of product association that occurs, in the same way Lexus is attached to Toyota, they can't shake the image of a post-war retailer from the minds of the younger people that they're targeting. Opportunities are present in their ability to reshape the firm. With the main segments of the market identified I believe positive steps could be taken to capitalize on this discovery [5]. They can use this information to re-brand certain areas to make them more focused on the individual segments rather than trying to nurture a "One product suits all" ethos. They cultivate a new strategy that makes us more individual. Threats to them still remain the use of Marketing Economies by our competitors. There is no way they can get these simply because of the range that our products are targeting. Other weaknesses include their recent bad press regarding treatment of suppliers which is magnified by their previously thought reliability as a top retailer [1]. The stock marketis a threat to them, mainly because their falling share price leads to less people being interested in purchasing our shares. Chapter 3: Factors Affecting Decision Making: 3.1 The threat of entry: Economies of scale e.g. the benefits associated with bulk purchasing. The high or low cost of entry, e.g. how much will it cost for the latest technology Ease of access to distribution channels e.g. Do our competitors have the distribution channels sewn up Cost advantages not related to the size of the company e.g. personal contacts or knowledge that larger companies do not own or learning curve effects. Will competitors retaliate Government action e.g. will new laws be introduced that will weaken our competitive position How important is differentiation This desensitises the influence of the environment. All they above questions are determinants for a competitor or a new firm to enter the market. Marks and Spencer is constantly bombarded with newer brands which are more consumers specific and focused. People perceive Marks and Spencer as being 'behind the times' and so they have to bring their image in line with the 21st Century in order to win back the customers they have lost to the likes of Gap, Next and USC. According to recent customer surveys, people believe that Marks and Spencer have no specific market. People have commented on the fact that they cannot identify with the store because Marks and Spencer
Article evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Article evaluation - Essay Example The article concludes that the three theories; the routine activity theory, environmental criminology and rational perspectives all contend that the organizational environment plays a significant role in the commission of such crimes and that the management of organizations must develop appropriate relationships with the environments to safeguard both their resources and the privacy of the employees. The routine activity theory, for example, develops the concept of targets. By routine activities with computers at the place of work, helps reveal the weaknesses that perpetrators often exploit before they commit crimes.The case study shows the importance of enhancing the safety of information systems in an organization. Using the case, the article applies the three theories thus showing the nature of the relationship that exists between the staff and the organization environment. Despite the strengths, the article has several other weaknesses key among which is the application of the th ree theories since they sound repetitive. The routine theory, for example, explains the behavior of employees at an organization thereby showing the features of both the victims and perpetrators. Environmental criminology does the same a feature that makes either redundant.The author of the article draws a systematic conclusion by proving the application of each theory in the Barings Bank case. He concludes that criminals often use the knowledge of the environment coupled with their understanding of the operations of the organization to commit a crime.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Analysis of Sex Offences Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analysis of Sex Offences - Coursework Example This affects the issue of identifying them in that: If the plaintiff cannot prove that the acts resulted to harassment, alarm or distress, and it was to other people outside the accused person’s household and that an order is required to prevent further antisocial behavior, then the accused cannot be charged or granted the order. A good example of an order to prevent antisocial behavior is that of two Manchester teenagers, who were barred from wearing one hand glove, as it was a symbolic representation of belonging to a certain terror gang. The reporter can only be required to leave if the case at hand is very sensitive, for example, a case dealing with serious matters such as national security, rights of vulnerable children or crime victims. If the case is about any other issue, then the judge is not right to tell the reporter they are not supposed to attend (Banks and Hanna). The clerk can only refrain from giving such names of the magistrate if the case they are handling is of such a sensitive nature. Otherwise, they should provide the names and other relevant details, that are relevant and in the best of the public interest. The order to abolish the publication of any information that would disclose the identity of the victim is only valid if it was a sexual or criminal offense perpetrated against the victim, who is still alive (Banks and Hanna). For example, in the Watergate scandal, the name of the witness was barred, with him being referred as ‘Deep Throat. Since the victim was killed in our case, there is no reputation being preserved or any avoidance of victimization, and therefore the order given is invalid. The judges have issued opinions in conformity to this. As a journalist sitting on the press bench, I would challenge the validity of such an order. Â
Death Penalty in Texas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Death Penalty in Texas - Essay Example In array for a killing to be a "capital murder," it have to meet one of the condition explain beneath under the Capital assault. There are a multiplicity of projected lawful and cultural enlightenment because to why Texas has additional executions as compare to several other state of U.S. The furthermost explanation is, of course, that statistically Texas has the second- biggest inhabitants of any state, sprawling only California. On the other hand, Texas also has the second- excessive rate of executions for every capita, sprawling Oklahoma, so that at the same time as the inquiry is legitimately increase, it could better be inquire of that state previously so as to of Texas. Texas's appellate panels of adjudicators are selected by the ancestors of the state, not allotted by an alternative authority. As Texas's political attitude is in general conventional, judges could find it beneficial to take a hard point of view on crime to guarantee reelection; evaluator also declare that the excellence of these designated jurists is not as high-level as those select in other states. On the other hand, according to a learning by Cornell University staff members, Texas is amongst the states that allocate the death penalty only to accurate kinds of murder, for example individuals of a police official or witness, and to the same extent a result have minor death judgment rates than those make use of further subjective standards, such as the evil nature of a crime, the learning noted. The states among the added objective laws allocate the death penalty fewer (with reference to 1.9 percent during 1977-99) as to those with the additional subjective laws (which allocate it about 2.7 percent throughout that period). A 2002 Houston History census of Texans originate that when question "Do you encourage the death penalty'" 69.1% answer back that they did, 21.9% did not encourage to backing and 9.1% were not sure thing or give away no answer. This is to some extent high ranking than the bear witness to of 68% originate by a Scripps Howard News Census in March 1998. Backing has drop down from 86% during 1994. First of all, I would like to say that in other states of U.S or in Texas. Second of all, Third of all, I would like to say that I am against the use of the death penalty in the United States. I will remain against the death penalty If the individual was find guilty as a party, a supplementary "anti-parties" charge is certain asking whether the defendant in reality bring about the passing away of the deceased otherwise did not in fact origin the passing away of the deceased however intended to kill the deceased or " projected " that a human existence would be there taken. If this question mark is answered 'yes' in adding up to the yes-no model As a result of the special issues in death penalty cases, there are also different rules of evidence that apply in capital cases in the punishment phase than for a non-capital case. In a non-capital case, the State may introduce evidence of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Economic - Essay Example There are even stray reports of tribes, scavenging the barren earth to seek out any plant life, or sapling which may have grown under cover and beneath the rocks. Concerted efforts have been made to serve cooked food at many centers, and even dry food packets have also been distributed from various locations in order to tackle this menace. The effectiveness of these adopted strategies can be felt to a great extent, but to completely wipe out this menace from the earth’s face, needs a long drawn and sustainable fight. It is indeed an irony, that when hunger and malnutrition is so rampant, large tracks of cultivable land explicitly for agricultural production, is being covertly and illegally altered to cultivate the highly profitable ‘poppy’ crop. The cash rich small farmers brave the authorities’ eyebrow, and a few corrupt officials are bought off by the powerful lobby of drug mafias, not only in Africa but in a few countries of Latin America. The world authority is striving hard, but political boundaries often act as a hindrance. The following table and illustration will make the gap between the income of developed and developing economies prominent: The prominent height of the two columns corresponding to the nations of America and UK shows the stark difference in individual level income or wealth from that of the developing economies of China and India. However, in these less developed countries of the world, the problem is not restricted to the cultivation of ‘poppy’ only by a restricted few – the signs are ominous enough! A whole new generation has been entrapped in its grip. It is quiet widespread in the towns and cities, and that too, among a cross- section of the society who can ill afford to. It is indeed a tragedy that the less fortunate strata among these less developed countries are its worst victims, who could otherwise have lived a life not so mucky and enslaved. The rehabilitation
Logos in Adverstising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Logos in Adverstising - Essay Example The paper tells that the logo that is used with fashion is one of the most important concepts that are used, specifically because it relates not only to the corporate identity but also to fashion statements. The products and the logos which are connected to these become the link to style that is used. The product of fashion then becomes dependent on the brand logo and the relationship which this creates to different consumers. Understanding and evaluating this links creates a stronger understanding of how brand identity can be altered with the fashion statements that are available. The concept of advertising and brand identity has become more important and relevant with the growth of businesses into modern times. It has been found that advertising is not only able to establish a company and the identity which they hold. It also creates a sense of value that is added to the company and the way in which consumers perceive this. Creating a sense of added value leads to a conscious choic e of one linking to the identity of the brand, specifically because the mind relates to the brand. The psychological relationship to the brand then continues to develop by creating a relationship to the consumer. If the brand identity is not strong, then the conscious choice of the consumer also focuses on how the product or service won’t be able to provide the best results. For the strong brand identity, is a relationship that the consumer creates that is developed from the belief that the brand is able to provide more value to one’s life, identity and the use of products that are associated with this. ... As the international brands continue to grow are more distinctions that fashion industries are required to make that help with the recognition of the brand. The image, advertising and the global campaigns that are created need to move across boundaries and focus on creating an international culture that recognizes and relates to the fashion which is established. The use of specific campaigns is one which creates separation from the identity and the celebrities which are used. However, the brand that is used is able to move across boundaries, specifically because it is recognized as the latest fashion statement of the brand, as opposed to a specific culture. As the world and the international concepts become even more established are specific associations with creating a strong identity against competitors and which helps with the recognition of the global consumer (Moore, Fernie, Burt, 919). Relationships of Brand Identity The concept of building a strong brand with fashion for the m arket is one that is shown through a variety of examples. Brand identity that is used within the international market is one which is identified specifically by creating a relationship with consumers. This moves outside of cultural identity and into attitudes which describe the clothing and fashion and which create a different response within the market. For example, the Hilfiger brand is one which is known to carry specific attributes and styles. Most describe this as couture clothing through the advertisements and brand name which follows this. The styles that follow continue with the overall creation of couture clothing that is recognized with the brand name. By keeping this specific attitude,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Economic - Essay Example There are even stray reports of tribes, scavenging the barren earth to seek out any plant life, or sapling which may have grown under cover and beneath the rocks. Concerted efforts have been made to serve cooked food at many centers, and even dry food packets have also been distributed from various locations in order to tackle this menace. The effectiveness of these adopted strategies can be felt to a great extent, but to completely wipe out this menace from the earth’s face, needs a long drawn and sustainable fight. It is indeed an irony, that when hunger and malnutrition is so rampant, large tracks of cultivable land explicitly for agricultural production, is being covertly and illegally altered to cultivate the highly profitable ‘poppy’ crop. The cash rich small farmers brave the authorities’ eyebrow, and a few corrupt officials are bought off by the powerful lobby of drug mafias, not only in Africa but in a few countries of Latin America. The world authority is striving hard, but political boundaries often act as a hindrance. The following table and illustration will make the gap between the income of developed and developing economies prominent: The prominent height of the two columns corresponding to the nations of America and UK shows the stark difference in individual level income or wealth from that of the developing economies of China and India. However, in these less developed countries of the world, the problem is not restricted to the cultivation of ‘poppy’ only by a restricted few – the signs are ominous enough! A whole new generation has been entrapped in its grip. It is quiet widespread in the towns and cities, and that too, among a cross- section of the society who can ill afford to. It is indeed a tragedy that the less fortunate strata among these less developed countries are its worst victims, who could otherwise have lived a life not so mucky and enslaved. The rehabilitation
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Impact of Globalisation on Toyota Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Impact of Globalisation on Toyota - Essay Example Globalisation has played a major part in the emergence of automobile industry and Toyota has been a leading name in the industry which has also been impacted due to globalisation. The paper will discuss and explore the characteristics or issues of globalisation along with its impact on Toyota. Theoretical Framework Globalisation does not have any definite or specific definition. According to Vogel (2010), â€Å"Globalisation is known as the domination of the world economy by multinational companies†. Free trade policies and practices have enabled these large corporation entities to operate their business globally further influencing world economy. Capitalist nations have been mostly benefitted by globalisation. Trade and multinational companies have been highly benefited as a result of globalisation (Vogel, 2010). Globalisation has influenced the political as well as technical environment of the world. However, globalisation can be termed as practice of trading among the natio ns through the operations of the internationally operating corporations. The exchange of goods and services were possible as globalisation enabled these companies to operate in various nations facing minimum friction (Martin Frost, 2011). The effect of globalisation was noticeable after the World War II. The monetary and corporative movement was highly noticeable after the World War II which can be marked as increasing pace towards globalisation. The advancement of technology, establishment of new organisations along with introduction of legal policies and establishment of legal systems are highly responsible for globalisation to flourish and develop. The characteristics of globalisation has... This research focuses upon Toyota that is considered to be amongst the largest car and vehicle manufacturing companies. The company operates its business in a global market and industry where intense competitions are observed. As a result of globalisation, the industry the company deals in is facing many emerging potential competitors from various nations. The advancement of technology has created huge demand in the markets. The advancement of technology has allowed better productions which are gaining demand in the market. Toyota has incorporated advanced technologies in the process of its manufacturing goods. Although, the efforts applied by the company need to be enhanced to cope up with increasing pace of globalisation and upgrading of technologies. The company needs to be actively involved in advancing the technologies it incorporates in manufacturing its goods. As the company is globally renowned, the expectations of the customers would grow with the expansion as well as increa sing impacts of globalisation. Toyota is recognised as an environmental friendly company. This has contributed in its image globally, adding to its brand image gaining company goodwill. With the help of various entry strategies accommodated by the company, it has been able to operate well in multiple nations. Being a Japan originated company, the company has been able to generate maximum of its profit from various European nations and the US as well.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The importance of camaraderie in Apologia Pro Poemate Meo Essay Example for Free
The importance of camaraderie in Apologia Pro Poemate Meo Essay Making close reference to language, imagery and verse from, consider ways in which Owen portrays his views of the importance of camaraderie in Apologia Pro Poemate Meo Apologia pro poemate meo means the reasons for my poetry and is about the friendships made throughout the war. As a response to Robert graves letter telling Owen for gods sake cheer up and write more optimistically, and the more positive style is shown throughout the rhyme, metre and rhythm as it is all regular. However the poem reads as a contradiction as it is merry yet still about the war. This upbeat tone throughout could also be portrayed as sarcastic. I will be referring to insensibility as it is a contrast to this poem and gives a different view on how men cope in war. I will also refer to strange meeting as it gives a twist to importance of camaraderie, as the man he killed whom he meets in hell, shows they are more likely friends rather than enemies. The importance of camaraderie is highlighted throughout apologia pro poemate meo, Merry it was to laugh there shows that even though war is such a horrific place, the friendships between the men overcame this and made it enjoyable and merry. The use of paradox is to show the juxtaposition of war and friendships: Found peace where shell-storms spouted reddest spate. . Here, Owens uses of sibilance, shows the soldier has found peace in the battlefield, which is absurd as shells are falling all around them, but again, it shows that the friendships made are so powerful, they make war seem less horrific as it is. Religious imagery is used as well to highlight the importance of camaraderie: I, too, saw God through mud-. Here, to see god could also refer to seeing hope, as soldiers prayed to god for help and safety on the battlefield, so this soldier has seen hope in the war as his friendships made, make it worth baring. However, Owen could be using sarcasm here, as Graves told him to cheer up and write something worthwhile, but war is a horrific and dreary matter. To write of war as something cheery would wrong in all sense. This links to a further point, as towards the end of the poem, Owen again, shows his true feelings towards Jessie Pope (the pro-war propaganda poet). You shall not come to think them well content /by any jest of mine. Here, Owen has a dig towards Jessie Pope, as she writes as if war was a game, yet has never experienced it, so she cant judge their wellbeing. This links to yet a further point; Owen links to the Romantics here, as he was inspired by them: I have perceived much beauty /in the hoarse oaths that kept our courage straight, however, like Pope, they did not experience war and wrote about it as beauty and that it was honourable to fight for your country, so again he dislikes them for this. Owens use of sibilance is another method of portraying how important camaraderie was in war. For love is not the binding of fair lips /with the soft silk of eyes that look and long, here Owen tries to tell us that the fellowships he made were much stronger than friends, it was brotherly love. Owen believed that the friendships made in war had the strongest bond ever achieved, as the men fought cried and died amongst each other. When referring to other poems, Insensibility portrays a different way on how men coped with war, instead of the fellowships, they block off emotion. The use of metaphor here portrays this well: Happy are men who yet before that are killed/can let their veins run cold, this shows that the men who can block off all emotion before their death are happy ones, yet ones who dont will not be. Insensibility goes further to say cursed are the dullards whom no cannon stuns, is it worth the price, if youre blocking off emotion. Strange meeting also portrays the importance of camaraderie in war, as it is about an officer who killed an enemy soldier, and when he is dead and goes to hell they are reunited and realise they have more in common as friends, then they did as enemies. I am the enemy you killed my friend shows that even though they were enemies, after walking through hell, he recaps and wonders whether they are friends. When he reaches hell, the soldier who he killed recognizes him and lifting distressful hands, as if to bless. This religious imagery shows that the soldier forgives him and they are better to be friends than enemies. In conclusion, Owen portrays his views of the importance of camaraderie in Apologia Pro Poemate Meo very effectively. Throughout the selection, no other poem goes into such greater detail about the fellowships made in war. The use of imagery, metaphor and the linkage to other poets shows how he truly felt about the friendships made in war and how important they were to the survival and sanity of the men. Insensibility shows us a different view on how important camaraderie was, as it takes the view that being able to block out emotion is the vital thing that will get you through war. Finally, Strange Meeting adds further to the point that camaraderie is important as even though as enemies in war, in death they become friends, to comfort each other for the rest of eternity. Eventhough portrayed effectively, it is not portrayed throughout, and so Apologia Pro Poemate Meo is the most effective from the selection.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Paper Cranes :: Creative Writing Essays
Paper Cranes 1. From the Menninger Institute's seven criteria for emotional maturity: The capacity to find more satisfaction in giving than receiving. The capacity to relate to other people in a consistent manner with mutual satisfaction and helpfulness. The capacity to love. 2. In the opening scene of the film L.I.E., the main character, Howie, a fifteen-year-old boy with baggie jeans and hair that does a chipmunk tail flip at the top of his forehead, jumps up to stand on the railing of an overpass on the Long Island Expressway. Arms extended to the sides, he tightrope walks to the left. He stops, turns, and begins back. Then stops again and lifts one foot so he's balanced only on the tip of one sneaker, on a metal beam the width of a cassette tape. We, the audience, see him from behind: a thin figure in too-big clothes, car after car after car whizzing by beneath him, all oblivious to the boy who, with just the slightest sudden gust, could land, crumpled, on their roof. As you watch, all you want to do is wrap your arms around the boy and hug him to the ground, to safety, to chiding words about what could've happened, and keep on hugging him. And as you watch the rest of the movie, that feeling never leaves: Howie only seems more and more alone. You see th e already motherless Howie abandoned by his father, abandoned by the boy he'd thought was his best friend, bullied at school, until the only person left to listen to him at all is a middle-aged man who also happens to be a pedophile. At first I was outraged that the director portrayed this pedophile as the only person willing to put a supportive arm around Howie's shoulder. After all, aren't pedophiles scum? But then I realized that maybe that was the point. It's easy to judge. And it's easy to keep speeding home, aware only of the other metal boxes zooming along next to you in tenuous synchrony. 3. When I was little I got fevers. They were uncomfortable fevers that made it so all I could think about was feeling nauseous and anticipating the moment when I would feel well enough to eat the promised popsicle. But the worst part was at night, when I'd float somewhere in and out of consciousness: since I wasn't always sure if I was sleeping or not, I wasn't sure when I was dreaming or not, either.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
UML and its fit in the business community :: essays research papers
UML in the Business Community In the modern world, business analysts use UML as a communication tool to relay business needs to the IT professionals. What is the Unified Modeling Language (UML)? Here is a definition of UML according to the Object Management Group (OMG) specification. â€Å"The Unified Modeling Language is a graphical language for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system. The UML offers a standard way to write systems blueprints, including conceptual things such as programming language statements, database schemas, and reusable software components.†First I will start out with a brief discussion on the history of UML. I will then briefly go over the different modeling aspects. Last, I will cover the different UML diagram types. What do you get when you take the different concepts of Booch, OMT, OOSE and Class-Relation then integrate them all into one single modeling language? Do you give up? You create a common and widely usable modeling language such as UML. UML strives to be the standard modeling language which can monitor both concurrent and distributed systems. According to Wikipedia, the OMG has in fact made UML into an industry standard by calling for information on object-orientated (OO) methodologies that might create a rigorous software modeling language. Many industry leaders answered this calling to help create the standard. There are three different aspects of the modeled system which are handled by UML. These three modeling aspects are the functional model, object model and the dynamic model. The functional model is concerned with how the system functions from the user’s point of view. This model includes use case diagrams. The object model deals with the structure and substructure of the system using objects, operations, associations, and attributes. This model includes class diagrams. The dynamic model deals with the internal behavior of the system. This model includes sequence diagrams, activity diagrams and statechart diagrams. There are many types of UML diagram types. These diagram types consist of use case diagrams, class diagrams, collaboration diagrams, sequence diagrams, statechart diagrams, activity diagrams, and deployment diagrams. Use case diagrams are used to obtain system requirements from a user’s perspective. The use case diagram can be thought of as an interaction that a user has with a system to achieve a goal. Class diagrams represent static structure of the classes and their relationships in a system. Interaction diagrams consist of both sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Ebags Case Study
eBags Case Study BUSI: 2003 Operations Management 11/16/2012 The eBags Corporation The purpose of this paper is analyze the business operations of the eBags Corporation, and provide recommendations for both the European luggage market and footwear industry based on current strengths and weaknesses eBags demonstrates. Through research and analysis, as a group we will map out the managing growth of the eBags Corporation. eBags is known for their innovative breakthrough of one stop shopping for luggage such as traditional travel bags and suitcases in addition to travel accessories like handbags, computer cases, and briefcases just to name a few.Operations management is a key component to the success of the eBags Corporation, and eBags has demonstrated innovative and cost effective business strategies by utilizing cross functional teams within their organization. With business growing, eBags has been able to increase their manufacturers from 10 to 300 and product lines increasing from 10 00 Stock Keeping Units (SKU’s) to over 15,000 SKU’s (Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham, 2011).Due to the level of success eBags has accomplished they were able to create the eBags product line to consumers seeking low end luggage at an affordable price; the private label consisted of 1000 SKU’s held in a warehouse in Dallas, TX (Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham, 2011) With desires of expanding their business eBags faces a number of hurdles in deciding which line of business will best suit their organization, their suppliers and manufacturers, their customers, all while generating the highest profit for their company. eBags Current Product Flow Process AnalysisTo maintain competitive in today’s market companies need to implement effective process flows. With options such as assembly lines, continuous, batch flow, and job shop it is important for companies to chose the option that is best going to fit both production needs and budget constraints. M aking the wrong choice for the product flow process can be very costly for any company; however, implementing the right process can reduce costs and speed up production time. The purpose of eBags is to create one stop shopping for luggage needs and in order to do so a wide variety of products should be available to their consumers. Bag and their manufactures use a made to stock order fulfillment process, and with various manufacturers and the eBags private label produced, eBags felt best to utilize the batch flow or batch production product flow process. This allowed products to be produced in lower volumes while still offering consumers a wide variety of products to choose from. By utilizing the batch flow process, it requires the use of general purpose equipment that does not specialize in making one specific product, which if loaded to full capacity could create a jumbled flow of products (Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham, 2011).In order to maintain accurate inventory levels , eBags created the eBags Partner Network (EPN) which allows for the manufactures to post up to date product information to consumers ensuring that discontinued items don’t show available for purchase and consumers know the time needed for back order fulfillment. Analysis of eBags in the Footwear Industry and Recommended Product Flow Process Based on Type of Customer OrderWith such success rates in the luggage industry, eBags saw an opportunity to expand their business into foreign terrain, the footwear industry. With the footwear industry being a well known fragmented market, like the luggage market, allowing for flexibility to produce various different styles, designs, qualities, sizes, and colors while maintaining a competitive price. According to Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham (2011), the footwear industry is three times the size of the luggage industry, so venturing into this market would not be an easy task.Some of the challenges that eBags faced in this market t hat they did not in the luggage market included: making consumers aware of the ability purchase footwear through an online channel and consumers generally want to try their shoes on to make they are getting the right product before purchasing (Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham, 2011). However, eBags identified that if they could overcome the hurdles associated with this market they could expand even further with apparel and clothing which Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham (2011), described as the largest online retail market.With hopes to exploit the footwear industry with one stop shopping, eBags should continue to utilize the batch flow process for their product flow process of footwear. With the footwear industry being similarly fragmented to the luggage industry, by using the batch flow process eBags will be able to produce at low to medium volumes allowing for an equally wide line of products to choose from. This will allow customer to order multiple pairs of shoes simu ltaneously so they can try them one and decide which pair is going to best fit their style and comfort needs.With this approach, eBags can also implement the EPN with footwear manufacturers to ensure that up to date products are available eliminating issues of consumers trying to order out of stock or discontinued merchandise. Analysis of eBags in the European Luggage Market and Recommended Product-Process Strategy According to a 2002 report, â€Å"190 million internet users had spread across Europe and surpassed the 165 million internet users in the United States†(Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham, 2011, p. 513). Expanding the current line of business would be safe and effective business strategy for eBags with minor hurdles to consider.The luggage industry is not a foreign concept for eBags, so to be able to expand their products into the European market would require similar business strategies that they are currently using. No one consumer is the same therefore their product needs, including luggage will generally not be the same. The goal is to create one stop shopping for consumers in the European market for their luggage needs and in order to accomplish this, eBags will need to provide a variety of products and lines for their new customers to choose from.Some of the issues that eBags faces, according to Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham (2011), are language barriers involved in international shipping, shipping requirements, brand awareness, and maintaining the EPN. To overcome the hurdle of international shipping, eBags can create relationships with manufacturers domestic to the European market. eBags will be able to incur the cost of shipping without having to pay the expenses associated with international shipping unless they made their private label available to the European market.Also, this will allow eBags to mirror the drop ship model that contributed significantly to the success of their organization. To achieve the success eBag s is looking for in this market, it is recommended that eBags continues to utilize the batch flow process for product flow. This also allows for incorporation the EPN into the new market still allowing for their consumers to have up to date product information. This process will continue to meet the business needs of the luggage industry by producing at low volumes but offering flexibility to accommodate products that meet the low, middle and high end of the market.As with the American luggage industry, eBags products will use a made to stock order fulfillment and the manufacturer will be able to control the inventory by using the EPN. Customer Contact Matrix Analysis of eBags: Strengths and Weaknesses of eBags Processes The level of customer contact for eBags is low which puts them at the high end of a buffered system and the low end of the permeable system on the customer contact matrix. The eBags website is set up to help consumers be self sufficient during the ordering process f rom beginning to end, and because there is no interaction involved their customer service is buffered.In the event the consumer needs additional assistance, they can call the customer service center and the phone interaction would fall under permeable on the customer matrix. This can be considered as strength for eBags because â€Å"separating the customer from the service production system allows for greater standardization of processes and therefore better efficiency†(Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham, 2011, p. 91). eBags is able to focus their attention on product production and quality management of their products without having consumer interruptions.This is what Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham, (2011), refers to as variability from uncertainty, specifically arrival variability. With a made to stock fulfillment, consumers use the eBags website to choose from preselected inventory decided by the manufacturer. This process is also built to have low level custome r contact to eliminate the request variability, which puts eBags at the advantage of having a high efficient system because orders are completed away from the customer. Weaknesses with a low level customer ontact causes eBags to miss out additional business opportunities. According to Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham (2011), high customer contact allows for opportunities to up-sell the customer with accessories or additional sale items in creating more revenue for the company. If eBags entered the footwear industry, eventually expanding into apparel and clothing, they will miss out on great deal of potential revenue. Secondly, consumers who have difficulties navigating through the eBags website will cost eBags a sale resulting in loss of business.Analysis of eBags Use of Technology in Providing Competitive Customer Service Technology it vital to business of eBags as all of their business transactions occur through the internet, so it is important that eBags employs a high skill ed technology department to ensure business runs smoothly. The systematic technology used allows the consumer to filter their results by type brand, features, color, price, by size, etc, making it easy and quick to find the right product (Horwitt, 2011). To enhance the customer experience eBags has invested a great deal into the online shopping experience for their consumers.According to PRNewswire (2012), eBags has implemented the FreeFlow system, which has allowed them to provide better rich product information to their consumers with limited interruptions in website downloads. eBags also incorporated what is referred to as ColdFusion software, which will create the ultimate customer experience by creating personalized stores for their consumers (PRNewswire, 2012). The personalized store will track the customers spending habits and provide product recommendations based on previous purchased items. Another important way the internet is used to provide competitive customer service i s through the EPN.The EPN is a way to connect the consumer with up to date product information, and with the scorecard system the manufacturers can track product sales, returns, and customer feedback (Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham, 2011). Analysis of eBags’ Useof Three Aspects of the â€Å"Philosophy of Lean†Lean business practices are important to corporation survival in today’s business market. Companies are looking for ways to stay in business by bringing new products to the market with faster delivery times and higher standards of quality.In order to stay in competition with the surrounding market most of today’s businesses have incorporated lean thinking into their business practices by adopting some if not all of the five lean tenets. The five tenets are: 1) what about product or service creates value, 2) improve value stream for each product or service, 3) flow within a process is simple, smooth, and error free, reducing waste, 4) produce only what is pulled by the customer, 5) strive for perfection ((Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham, 2011).The first tenet that eBags demonstrates is creating both a product and a service that adds value for their consumers. eBags carries a wide selection of products and labels to choose from all while offering their customers the convenience to one stop shop from anywhere with an internet connection. This has saved eBags’ customers time and money from having to travel to a retail store that may or may not have what they are looking for.According to Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham (2011), this lean tenet has allowed eBags to compete on product breadth, selection, and convenience instead of price. The second tenet that eBags demonstrates is improvement of value stream mapping by incorporated the drop-ship model, which is another way putting the customer in contact with the manufacturer by eliminating the middleman. With the customer orders going directly to the manufac turer, eBags was able to eliminate the middle man (retail merchant location), and create a direct customer-manufacturer relationship.The visual representation described on page 509 of Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham (2011), shows the customer placing their order on the eBags website, eBags then sends the order to the manufacturer electronically, the manufacturer ships the merchandise to the customer, eBags provides the customer with the shipping tracking number and customer is billed for the merchandise, the manufacturer sends eBags an invoice, and finally the manufacturer is paid.The third tenet seen by eBags is the creating simple, smooth, and error free process flows that reduce waste, which can be seen through the incorporation of EPN. Because this system allows the manufacturers to control inventory levels eBags has been able to avoid any waste associated with inventory costs and reduce overhead costs. Also, according to Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham (2011), eBags was able to effectively market their products by removing items that were out of order or discontinued. Bags’ Service Blueprint for Current Product Line Analysis and Recommendation Regarding Business Process Reengineering The basic service blue print is as follows: Based on the group analysis of this service blueprint it is not recommended for eBags to consider a process reengineering. The goal of a process reengineering is to redesign and integrate the business process to increase customer satisfaction. eBags have set themselves apart from their competition with their service blueprint, and any changes can be considered a waste.Footwear Industry Quality Control Analysis and Recommendations The footwear industry is very different from the luggage industry, shoes will be on a person and a level of comfort is important when configuring quality control. One step in maintaining quality control in the footwear industry is to recruit manufacturers with reputable quality assurance guidelines such as material inspection, testing, and final inspections of product before shipped to the consumer. It is also important that the manufacturers hire knowledgeable, competent, and skilled staff to ensure that all quality standards are being met.A second step in quality control, according to Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham (2011), is to clearly identify the needs of the consumers. Once consumer needs are identified the consumer is not lost from the picture, consumer input is needed design specifications with the use of quality function deployment. This can also include information regarding consumer identified life expectancy of the shoes being produced consumers are not going to spend money on shoes that they are going to have to replace every 6 months. Malcolm Baldrige Award Analysis and Recommendation(s)Established in 1987, the Malcolm Baldrige Awarad was created to encourage businesses to strive for higher quality performance through management practices and im proved quality results (Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham, 2011). Spread between seven (7) categories: 1) leadership, 2) strategic planning, 3) customer focus, 4) measurement, analysis, and knowledge management, 5) workforce focus, 6) process management, 7) results; the Malcolm Baldrige Award allows for 1000 total points combined between the seven categories measuring quality assurance.As judges for the Malcolm Baldrige Award, our assessment of eBags Incorporated for this strategic award is as follows: Category and Items (2010):| Points| Comments| | | | | 1. Leadership| | | 1. 1. | Senior Leadership| 70| Senior management work collaboratively to analyze previous results and asses future business ventures| 1. 2. |  Governance and Social Responsibilities| 50| According to PRNews (2012), eBags partnered with Susan G Komen to create â€Å"pink program†. Over 900 pink items offered that eBags contributes 10% of retail sales to the Komen Foundation. | 2. Strategic Planning| | | 2. | Strategy Development| 40| Created one-stop shopping for consumers, incorporated the drop-ship model, and added EPN and vendor scorecard to website to keep consumers informed| 2. 2| Strategy Deployment| 30| Meeting to discuss future business plans for eBags (Footwear Industry or European Market) based on previous years sales numbers| 3. Customer Focus| | | 3. 1| Customer Engagement| 40| Customer engagement can be seen in what Yahoo (2012), called the â€Å"Bag an iPad†campaign that created flexibility in customer interaction by expanding to the channels that consumers use most to communicate. 3. 2| Voice of the Customer| 45| Voice of the customer can be seen through the EPN, manufactures and other consumers can read reviews and testimonials. This gives eBags an opportunity to learn what consumers want and make changes to their products and prcesses if needed. | 4. Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management| | 4. 1| Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement of Organ ization Performance| 40| This category reiterates the EPN and vendor score card system. Manufacturers are able to measure performance and use feedback to incorporate innovated ways to increase sales| 4. | Management of Information, Knowledge, and information technology| 40| ExtractTarget program, consumers receive up to date product and sales information, consumer reviews, and receive discount coupons. | 5. Workforce Focus| | | 5. 1| Workforce Engagement| 10| No information provided to support this category| 5. 2| Workforce Environment| 10| No information provided to support this category| 6. Process Management| | | 6. 1| Work Systems| 30| Maintaining the internet to avoid congestion within the website.Flow of the drop ship model| 6. 2| Work Processes| 45| eBags work processes is reflected through their improvement of work systems. | 7. Results| | | 7. 1| Product Outcomes| 90| I believe eBags has a strong product outcome by offering the customers products in the high, middle, and lo w end of the market| 7. 2| Customer-Focused Outcomes| 70| The process of the drop-ship model from eBags demonstrates how effective the experience is with the company, from shopping, to delivery to the vendor getting paid. 7. 3| Financial and Market Outcomes| 65| The financial and market outcomes at eBags have been set by their determination to offer more than 700 different brands to its market. This is done through cross functional teams within each department of eBags| 7. 4| Workforce-Focused Outcomes| 65| | 7. 5| Process Effectiveness Outcomes| 70| The process of the drop-ship model from eBags demonstrates how effective the experience is with the company, from shopping, to delivery to the vendor getting paid. | 7. | Leadership Outcomes| 70| By utilizing cross functional teams to create efficient and effective product and process flows, eBags has been able to shine among the industry setting precedence for future businesses. | | | | | | Total | 880| | In conclusion even though eBag s has some strong characteristics that can be appreciated in quality management it also has some weaknesses that can be improved on. These weaknesses impede eBags attempts at trying to win the Malcolm Baldridge Award. Analysis and Recommendation(s) for eBags Supply Chain Improvements The supply chain of eBags has been slimmed down as low as it can get.By implementing the drop ship model and EPN, all those involved in the supply chain are needed and the current processes are keeping consumers happy with wide selections of merchandise that can fit any style. It is recommendation that eBags is not in need of improvement in structure or infrastructure. By maintaining cross functional teams in product and process development eBags can stay on top of the competition by implementing innovative ways to improve process flows. Conclusion Over the years eBags has made a big name for itself being named Internet Retailer Magazine’s Top 50 Websites (Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungusanatham, 2 011).With hopes to expand, eBags can venture into a brand new industry that can eventually open more doors or they can expand their current market into the unknown terrain of Europe. Both ventures will require cross functional teams to ensure that consumer wants and needs are addressed while creating process flows that will generate revenue for the company. Regardless of the industry eBags continues to expand in, the use of batch flow process and made to stock order process will accommodate any needs within any industry. Bags has set precedence for their innovate ways of conducting business such as with the drop ship model, EPN, vendor scorecard system, private label, and one stop shopping with the use of technology. eBags has also adapted well to current business practices and implanted the five tenets of lean which was a vital part of their success during a time of economic crisis. By conducting all business transactions, eBags has been deemed a low customer contact company becaus e all contact is done through the eBags website or on the phone with customer service representatives.Although eBags is missing out on opportunities for up-sale because of limited customer engagement, they make up their losses by saving consumers time and money from having to travel for their luggage needs. eBags scored rather high with the Malcolm Baldrige Award but was not quite at the mark to win. The category that had the biggest impact was workforce focus and very little information was available to support a higher score in this category. eBags can work on all areas in this category for improvement to secure a win of the Malcolm Baldrige Award.References: PRNewswire. (2012). eBags. com Raises Breast Cancer Awareness Year-Round with Pick Pink Program. Retrieved November 9, 2012 from http://www. prnewswire. com/news-releases/ebagscom-raises-breast-cancer-awareness-year-round-with-pick-pink-program-57176017. html PRNewswire. (2012). eBags. com Redefines Customer Service with Cutt ing-Edge Internet Technology. Retrieved November 2, 2012 from http://www. prnewswire. com/news- releases/ebagscom-redefines-customer-service-with-cutting-edge-internet-technology-73251862. html Horwitt, E. (2011).The Systematic Web gets Down to Business. Retrieved November 3, 2012 from http://www. computerworld. com/s/article/9209118/The_semantic_Web_gets_down_to_business Schroeder, R. G. , Goldstein, S. M. , & Rungusanatham, M. J. (2011). Operations management: contemporary concepts and cases. (5th ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Yahoo Finance. (2012). eBags Boosts Fall Sales with New ExactTarget-Powered Cross Channel Marketing on Facebook, Email, and Mobile. Retrieved November 10, 2012 from http://finance. yahoo. com/news/ebags-boosts-fall-sales-exacttarget-153000369. html.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Divine Command Theory Essay
There are millions of people who believe in God, but among these people the differences lie in to what extent each believes that God has control over what is right and wrong. Are people’s moral standards right because God commands them, or does God command them because they are right? The Divine Command Theory most simply states that God’s commands are what is morally right, and what God forbids is morally wrong. This means that loving one another is right because God commands humans to do so. Advocates of the Divine Command Theory believe this, and believe that morality is the same as that which God commands. Things are good because God created them and/or willed them. Divine Command Theorists believe that there are objective moral standard that are the same for everyone and are independent of individual beliefs. These moral standards are true for everyone regardless of whether or not they believe them or know of them. These ultimate moral standards exist in commands given by God. God commands only things that are good, and he would never command a person to act immorally. God is all-powerful, all knowing, and all loving. God commands these things in order to do what is good for us as humans, and his commands are automatically morally right. The opponents of the Divine Command Theory do not believe that God has that much control over the earth and what is morally just and unjust. They believe that morality is subjective, and that even if there is a God morality would still be subjective. What does it matter anyway what God commands or thinks since it is just another subjective opinion? One of the only reasons that people obey God’s commands is that they fear that they will be punished in someway if they do not. They fear that they will go to hell if they do not obey, or that something bad will happen to them. This would mean that their motives are merely self-interested. But, a Divine Command Theory advocate would argue that God created us, and it is our obligation as his creation to obey Him just as a child would obey its parents. Is it even possible though to compare one’s parents with the divine? Opponent’s say that it is not possible to compare the divine with a child’s parents. However, to continue with the comparison, if a child were to want to do something and the parent told them â€Å"no, because I said so†, then, like God, the rationale for the action being wrong is simply because it is commanded. If the command were to change to ordering the child to kill, then the right thing to do would be changed to killing. Likewise, if God’s commands are automatically what is right, then if God were to command humans to kill, killing would be a morally just action. Supporters would argue that the situation with God is different. They would also argue that God would not command something that is immoral. But, why wouldn’t God command something immoral? The only answers would be because it is wrong or because God only commands that which is right. But saying this would therefore disprove the Divine Command Theory entirely. This states that what is right and wrong is independent of God, and that what God commands and condemns is subject to these independent standards of what is right and what is wrong. This also proves that a supporter could not say that God is good because â€Å"God†and â€Å"good†do not have the same definition. In order to state this, one must concede that in order for this to be true God must be independent of the standards of goodness that the definition of â€Å"good†entails. There are only two possibilities for the existence of God and moral standards: 1. God creates the moral standards, or 2. God is subject to the moral standards that are independent of him. If God is independent of what is right and wrong and commands what is right and wrong, then God becomes another rational being who decides from these standards of right and wrong what to command. The moral values are accepted by God and therefore commanded. If this is true, then in no way does God create the moral standards. The only way for a Divine Command Theorist to prove their beliefs is for them to prove that without God there would be no morality. If God commands things because they are good, then humans could live moral lives without God because God is also subject to the standards of morality. Humans could, as rational beings, understand the moral values that determine right and wrong and choose how they should live. Humans could decide what actions are moral or immoral without God. Divine Command Theory advocates may try to support their beliefs by saying that there is nothing above God, good and bad is determined by God’s commands, and things are good and moral because God commands them. However, if there is nothing independent of God causing him to decide what to command, then there is nothing to prevent God from commanding evils such as murder. The only answers again are that God wouldn’t do that because God is good, or that God only commands that which is good. Both of which again disprove the Divine Command Theory. Divine Command Theorists feel that those are not the only answers. The main reason behind God not commanding evil is because God is a loving God, an all-loving God. Because he is such, He would not command evil, and evil would not be moral. God actually exists and loves his creations. He loves and cares for them, and commands in a way that is considerate of their well being and creates a unity/togetherness among them. Not to act according to his commands is to act contrary to a loving way, and to act in this manner is wrong. How does one know what God’s commands are? Are they sent directly from God into people’s brains or souls? Are they given to us via a messenger i.e. a priest? It would seem easy to say that rational human beings have an intuition that tells them what is right and wrong and that God is not the one telling them what is right and what is wrong. There is no need for a God to tell humans what is considered moral and immoral because humans have knowledge and a sense that is independent of God to tell them the right ways to live. God does not create the moral laws. The moral laws exist separately from God and can be understood by any rational being. All that humans need in order to live a moral life is an understanding of these moral laws and a conscience to guide them through their life. Advocates would argue, however, that this is not the case. The moral laws exist because God commands them, and his commands are found in the Bible’s teachings. God commands us through the teachings of the Bible to live a moral life. He teaches us that to love one another is a moral way of life, and evils result in an immoral life. This can be seen in the Ten Commandments and various other passages in the Bible. A person can understand the way of life that God intended through what can be read in the Bible and inferred from it. This is where morality and God’s commands can be found. However, the Bible can be very contradictory and unclear. In many passages God directly commands murder, and in others commands that death is the correct punishment for actions such as homosexuality. Are things immoral with the exceptions of the instances when God deems them as the right thing to do? Can God say that murder is wrong but change it to right depending on the situation? Is a person supposed to read the Bible and make their own decisions about what the passages mean and what they are telling humans are the right and wrong ways of life? The Bible should not be the source of God’s commands. Suppose that a person reads a book that someone has told them contains the moral standards given to humans by God that all people are supposed to live by, and this book says that a person should kill people over the age of 50, would it be morally correct for this person to kill everyone over the age of 50? There are many religions that do not worship God based on the Bible. Are these religions wrong, and are they worshipping incorrectly? The Judeo-Christian God cannot be the absolute correct belief. If God created all human beings, then he wouldn’t only enlighten Christians of his existence and the correct moral laws. If God’s commands are found in the Bible, then does this mean that before the composition of the Bible there was no God or moral laws? The use of the Bible to explain the Divine Command Theory is a very unstable method. Clearly, the Divine Command Theory is a very sensitive subject to discuss. Despite the strength of each argument, there is no real proof on either side of the argument than can without a doubt prove that what God commands is right because he commands is or that God commands that which is right because it is right. Both can be considered valid arguments of the amount of control God has over the moral standards of the universe, but it is much easier to attempt to disprove something that has no concrete evidence. The question of whether moral standards exist because of God or if God is subject to them remains a very good one.
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