Thursday, December 26, 2019
Obesity, Lack Of Nutrition And Physical Activity - 945 Words
Obesity, Lack of Nutrition and Physical Activity Health is about creating a balance between input and output of energy and materials that are necessary for normal body growth, and the purpose of health is having a positive outlook for further survival. Abnormal nutrition practices have a significant role in an increase in non-communicable diseases. Todays, one of the biggest health concern is obesity that unfortunately is leading causes of death. According to World Health Organization (WHO), obesity is unusual or extreme fat added that may impair health (Torres-Fuentes, Schellekens, Dinan, Cryan, 2015). Indeed, obesity or overweight happens once energy stored in the body as fat tissue and becomes very large, but many people who suffer from weight gain believe the body s metabolism or slow metabolism are the main cause of this problem. Unfortunately, more than 1.4 billion adults and 40 million children in the world are overweight than the normal, healthy weight (Raine et al., 2014). There is the multifactorial reason, such as envir onmental, genetic, disease, nutrition, and physical activity which has a significant impact on overweight. This study was aimed to investigate the relation between nutrition, physical activity, and obesity has been set. Nutrition Nutrition will help the organism to receive proper nutrients and use them to deliver growth or repair of the body tissue. An unhealthy diet and consumption of processed foods and beverages are the effective etiology ofShow MoreRelatedHealth Promotion For Combating Obesity973 Words  | 4 PagesChildhood obesity prevalence rates have been steadily increasing in the United States and in 2010; it was identified in more than 42 million pre-schoolers (WHO, 2013). Obesity has various medical risks that are related to obesity in children including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, sleep apnoea, asthma, dyslipidaemia, metabolic syndrome, orthopaedic complications, and a reduced life expectancy. Health promotion to combat childhood obesity is therefore needed to prevent childhood obesity andRead MoreAn Early Prevention Of Healthy Diet And Physical Activities1190 Words  | 5 PagesAn early prevention of healthy diet and physical activities can prevent obesity. U.S. Department of Health Human Services (n.d) concluded that about 80.3 million Americans are physically inactive and about 78 million Americans are obese. By the year 2018, healthcare cost is projected to be US $344 billion (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). Kim Basu (2016) studied 12 different articles that indicated that since 1990s, the rate of obesity has increased by 30 percent. Due to thisRead MoreFactors In Decreasing The Risk Of Obesity920 Words  | 4 Pages Decreasing the Risk of Obesity Aidrea M. Ford Grand Canyon University: HLT-550 August 2, 2017 Decreasing the Risk of Obesity One of the leading health indicators identified by HealthyPeople2020 is nutrition, physical activity, and obesity (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2017). These factors are important to living a healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition combined with a healthy body weight and physical activity is key to decreasing the risk of developing seriousRead MorePolicy Priority Issue : The Childhood Obesity Essay1614 Words  | 7 PagesPolicy priority issue: The childhood obesity Childhood obesity is one of the major public health challenges of the 21st century. The prevalence of obesity is increasing globally. In 2013, the number of overweight children under the age of five was estimated over 42 million. Childhood obesity can cause premature death and disability in adulthood. Overweight and obese children will grow up to become obese adults and are more likely to develop diseases like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes at aRead MoreChildhood Obesity And How Can We Change It?862 Words  | 4 Pages Why is There Childhood Obesity and How Can We Change It? Patricia Brown Gen 499: General Education Capstone Instructor Sonja Bethune 11/23/15 We hear so many times that the children are our future. Our future is dying right before our eyes. They are obese and it is an epidemic that needs to stop. Obesity is not something to be taken lightly. It can lead to so many complications and future chronic health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and kidney diseaseRead MoreChildhood Obesity : The United States1202 Words  | 5 PagesChildhood obesity is becoming one of the top public health concerns in the United States. â€Å"Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates have tripled in the U.S., and today, the country has some of the highest obesity rates in the world: one out of six children is obese, and one out of three children is overweight or obese†(World Health Organization, 2015). With the drastic increase in obese children over the last 30 years and the huge healthcare associated costs many programs and incentivesRead MoreChildhood Obesity : Obesity And Obesity1515 Words  | 7 Pagesthe past 30 years, the rate of overweight and obese children has been growing at an alarming rate. The cause of this increasing problem is due to lack of physical activity, poor eating habits, and genetics. Childhood obesity can also lead to conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and bone problems later on in life. The prevalence of obesity varies among ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and age. Hispanics (22.4%) and non-Hispanic black youths (20.2%) are more likely to be overweight andRead MoreObesity Prevention and The Nurse ´s Role1472 Words  | 6 Pagespreventing Obesity It cannot be denied that obesity is a growing problem in today’s modern society. Individuals with obesity face many complications in their lives, such as heart complications, diabetes, osteoarthritis and of course, early mortality. However, the astonishing thing is that obesity is a preventable disease. According to (the Department of Health, 2005, p.6), 39% of Irish adults are overweight, and 18% are classified as obese. The main factors in causing obesity are poor diet, lack of activityRead MoreObesity Rates Among The United States1182 Words  | 5 PagesThe obesity rate in America has become a major national health issue over the last several decades. Increasingly alarming statistics have garnered national headlines. Current statistics place 68.5% of the U.S. population in classifications ranging from overweight to super obese. Approximately 35% of all U.S. adults currently fall under the label of obese.(Ogden, et al., 2014) Potentially more alarming is the prevalence of obesity in adolescents. U.S. youth are becoming obese at earlier andRead MoreChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic With The United States Essay804 Words  | 4 PagesReducing Childhood Obesity †¢ Introduction o Childhood obesity has become an epidemic with the United States o The Healthy People 2020 Topic †¢ Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents who are considered obese (Healthy People 2020, 2016). o Definition of Childhood Obesity: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2015), a child with a body mass index (BMI) at or above the 85th percentile and below the 95th percentile for children and teens of the same age and sex are considered
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Essay On Vygotsky And Scaffolding Theory - 1036 Words
The aim of this assignment is to look at and explore how Vygotsky’s theory of constructivism supports independent learning in children with complex learning needs. Firstly, looking at how his scaffolding theory works to build such independence by observations conducted in an early years setting which will be carried out ethically in accordance with BERA guidelines, BERA (2011). Looking at what they have learnt using the Skinner theory with operant conditioning with the use of PECS which is a Picture Exchange Communication System. Vygotsky theory looks at how step by step changes in children can change behaviour, there would seem to be too many constraints on a child or learner with special needs (Lui Matthews, 2005, p.392). When†¦show more content†¦86) (online). So on reflection the more investigating done into the theory by Vygotsky now, no longer seems viable. Vygotsky’s approach is complex and difficult to condense. His key point ( the importance of culture in generating and shaping child development) is worth hanging on to (Maclean and Harrison, 2008, p.71). Vygotsky (1978) model (see appendix 1) sees the Zone of Proximal Development as the area where the most sensitive instruction or guidance should be given - allowing the child to develop skills they will then use on their own - developing higher mental functions (online) https// (accessed 26th October 2017). When children with complex learning needs, need to work on tasks independently they, have to be supported though out the whole process with motivators to keep them on task. Vygotsky’s ZPD which creates a zone of proximal development will only get the learner with complex learning needs thus far as this type of development is also solely reliant on the learner having the ability to learn and problem solve independently â€Å" Autistics have problems learning things that cannot be thought about inShow MoreRelatedVygotsky s Theory On Cognitive Development Essay733 Words  | 3 Pages â…“ of a page on vygotsky Lev Semionovich Vygotsky was a Russian psychologist and constructivist learning theorist who was known for arguing against the theories of psychologist Jean Piaget. Piaget believed that in order for any learning to occur there had to development within the individual first, but Vygotsky argued the contrary. He argued that in order for development to occur, the individual would first have to have learning take place through instruction and example in a given appropriate environmentRead MoreVygotsky And Vygotsky s Impact On The Early Childhood Sector Essay1302 Words  | 6 PagesThis essay will discuss Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky and their theories as well as critical points from their theories and explain how they relate back to each theory. It will discuss how both of these theories can be applied to work in relation to a role in the Early Childhood sector. It will include Dr. Rangimarie Pere’s studies in education and how they compare to those of Piaget and Vygotsky. This e ssay will also link the chosen theories back to Te WhÄ riki and the New Zealand early childhood curriculumRead MoreDiscuss Major Theories Of Human Development And Learning Essay1617 Words  | 7 PagesDiscuss major theories of human development and learning, including MÄ ori and Pasifika perspectives. This essay will discuss Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky and their theories as well as critical points from their theories and explain how they relate back to each theory. It will discuss how both of these theories can be applied to work in relation to a role in the Early Childhood sector. It will include Dr. Rangimarie Pere’s studies in education and how they compare to those of Piaget and Vygotsky. This essayRead MoreTheoretical Perspectives On Language Development1590 Words  | 7 PagesThis essay will consist of three theoretical perspectives on language development Burner, Vygotsky and Piaget. Each theory has key features that will be explained they are all opposing theories on language development; the main framework throughout this essay will be discussing the social interaction and cognitive development. In addition the essay will argue the main contrast and comparison using the key features that have been explained. Language is what separates mankind from any other species;Read MoreA Comparison of Theorists989 Words  | 4 PagesDecember 14, 2014 There are many great theorists for the Early Childhood Education. Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget are two of the many theorists that benefit the teachers and parents to comprehend their children learning development. The paper will compare the two theorists and their difference of their cognitive development. Jean Piaget vs. Lev Vygotsky Jean Piaget cognitive development theory explained the changes of logical thinking of children and adolescent. Piaget suggested that childrenRead MoreThe Importance of Scaffolding in Children’s Play2069 Words  | 9 Pagessocial and cognitive development is scaffolding. Scaffolding generally refers to the process through which adults facilitate children’s learning by enabling them achieve a level of ability beyond the child’s capacity at the time (Scarlett, 2005). This essay will discuss how scaffolding facilitates and supports meaning making in children’s play. First, the essay will briefly introduce the concept of scaffolding and its importance in children’s development. The essay will then explore various early childhoodRead MoreTheories of Cognitive Development in Relation to Mathematical Knowledge1083 Words  | 5 Pagescapabilities through the theories of cognitive development presented by many influential theorists. The following essay elaborates a chosen theory of cognitive development in relation to mathematical knowledge with a link to the Australian Curriculum to demonstrate how the document chosen allows for scaffolding of children’s learning for kindergarten students. Also, it demonstrates a comparison of the chosen theory with other theories and an explanation on which theory is best suited to the learningRead MorePiaget And Vygotsky Theory Of Cognitive Development Essay826 Words  | 4 Pages This essay seeks to identify and describe the concept of cognitive development and, highlight both Piaget and Vygotsky’s theory as it relates to cognitive development, and the significant differences between them. The term cognitive development refers to the process of growth and change in intellectual, mental abilities such as thinking, reasoning and understanding. It comprises of the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge. Infants draw on social-emotional, language, motor, and perceptualRead MoreThe Theories Of Piaget And Vygotsky On Childhood Development1703 Words  | 7 Pagespsychology, both the works of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky have become prominent in an understanding of developmental cognition in childhood (Duchesne, McMaugh, Bochner Karuse, 2013, p. 56). Their theories are complimentary and provide a more rigorous comprehension of childhood development (Shayer, M., 2003, p. 465). Their varying principles are applicable to many situations concerning the development of children. The focuses of Piaget and Vygotsky on the ways of childhood development differ. PiagetRead MoreSimilarities Between Piaget And Vygotsky And Cognitive Development953 Words  | 4 PagesDEVELOPM ENTAL PSYCHOLOGIST This paper will explore two influential men whose theories have a remarkable influence on development and learning. Second, this essay will examine Piaget and Vygotsky’s background, each hypothesis as it relates to cognitive development and education, the similarities and differences, the impact of having better insight into and understanding the concept of learning. Developmental science involves looking at the entire realm of human thought, behavior, and expression (Steinberg
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Rowing Essay Example For Students
Rowing Essay Rowing, the Best Team SportRowing, the thrilling team sport that gets you physically/mentally fit and provides you a second family with many friends. In the sport of crew, teamwork is very crucial. With that teamwork comes new friends and wonderful coaches. Even though you might think this is a physical sport it is also considered to be a mental sport. Just think, baseball has nine innings, approximately two hours of play and a lot can change in that period of time for a loss or win. With crew you only have about seven minutes to get your eight man boat down a two thousand-meter racecourse to receive a medal or win. If you have the lead it is mentally hard to come back and win for the rowers behind the top three boats. Aside of the teamwork going on is the individual effort that you yourself is contributing to the boat. As you are out on the water in the eight man boat you always need to give it your all even if it means pain. In fact, our coach just tells us to eat pain. As you are giving 100% and in pain, your brain is working 100% too. Handle height, legs down quick and hands down and away quick along with the part of feathering the blade. Those are the things you focus on during a race. Oh yeah you also have a cool little person screaming at you to pull harder. They are known as the coxswain (Cox-in). When the coach isnt there listen to them because they are the assistant coaches. All this is the first stride you take to get that gold medal. Come on you can do one more push up! When youre in the gym you do not have the support of teammates. At crew you will not give up because of the support you have from your teammates behind you. In the gym you can just say, Oh that set can be done another day, and give up. We have in crew on Tuesday and Thursday a 2k-meter ergometer (erg) test to see who will be in an 8A boat, that is our eight fastest men of our crew. These are the days that you need your friends behind you pushing you so your time comes true that the couch gives you. I know this might seem harsh but when it is all over with you feel very great about the way you look and how you just pulled on the 2k test. In the years I have played baseball running around the bases for thirty minutes was a pain. With rowing I now look forward to those longer runs because it builds stamina and cardiovascular fitness for the win on race day. With life being a great big challenge crew is preparing me for that challenge in many ways. Wo rking with others and gaining respect for the more wise and elders are the two main things that crew will teach you. The last stride, putting the power to work in the boat. You now need technique. When you get that down pat the boat will scream down the course faster than anyone. In the eight man boat there is the coxswain and eight rowers including you. The boat is approximately sixty feet long and in the middle it is about two feet wide. All hands are down . . . . .. Attention . . . ROW. And we are off, the power is horrendous and our boat is in the lead. The send of the boat is feeling great. Seven minutes later Capital Crew, who I row for takes first place. After nine months of work, five days a week, and two and half-hours a day pays off and the victory is here. The gold medal is presented to you in front of the rest of the losing crews. The part that is most fun is at championships, the other crews give you their jersey if you get first. With all those strides there is to take the F word of them all is FUN. Rowing is now clearly the thrilling team sport that gets you physically/mentally fit a nd provides you with a second family of many friends. Friend is what crew is all about. Without them you should go do gymnastics or curling the non team sport. My body has never been in this good of shape. My mind still thinks how will I get this workout done but when it is over with I feel great. It may seem tuff but when you give it a try you will never stop thinking of rowing. Remember it never hurts to try a new sport because you can always quit if it doesnt seem fun. Well, I have to go row now so give it a try and see for yourself the benefits you gain from crew.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Romeo and Juliet summary Essay Example
Romeo and Juliet summary Paper For my English coursework, I have been studying the Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet is a romantic tragedy. The plot chronicles two star-crossed lovers, which belong to two feuding families, the Capulet family and the Montague family. For the two to be happy they must deceive their families. This is done with the help of Juliets maid and Friar Lawrence. The dramatic play concludes tragically as the couple die, together, in a sad twist of fate. The scene I have chosen to dramatise and direct, as on stage is, Act 1 Scene5. During this scene the two main characters, Romeo and Juliet, meet at the Capulets masked ball. Romeo sees Juliet and is infatuated, he then follows her. Meanwhile Tybalt, a highly respected, powerful Capulet, discovers that Romeo, a Montague, is at the party, Tis he the villain Romeo. Tybalt is told not to pursue Romeo and let him be, by Sir Capulet It fits when such a villain is a guest; I shall not endure him. Approaching the end of the scene Romeo finds Juliet. He takes her behind a curtain, and tries to kiss her My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss, She gives in after playing hard to get, and the two kiss twice. Juliets maid then interrupts and tells Juliet that her mother wants to talk to her Madam your mother craves a word with you. Juliet goes, and Romeo leaves the party. At the end of the scene Juliet asks her maid what was Romeos name, She answers, His name is Romeo, and a Montague; The only son of your great enemy. On that note the scene ends. We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet summary specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet summary specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet summary specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In the scene leading up to this, the Montagues were deciding whether or not to crash the Capulets party. We find out more about Romeos best friend and companion Mercutio, this character plays a large role in this scene, and also later in the play. Romeo then enters the party disguised in a mask. In the scene following on from mine, the party has ended and Romeo intrudes into the forecourts of the Capulet Mansion. Romeo then goes to Juliets balcony. Then the sentence that is most well known, O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and Ill no longer be a Capulet. is proclaimed. This is an example of irony, because Romeo is actually hidden very near the balcony from which she is speaking. She then encounters him later in the scene Romeo and the two embrace romantically before nearly being caught. During Act 1 Scene 5 we discover some important information about some of the main characters, such as Romeo, Juliet, Juliets Nurse and Tybalt. We learn that Romeo has strong feelings towards his newfound love Juliet, and he seems anxious to pursue these feelings. We also learn that Romeo is about nineteen years old. He is also a Montague, and only son of his father Sir Montague. Juliet is young but is mature, she is about thirteen years old. She is a Capulet. Also she is the only daughter of Sir Capulet. This proves a difficulty later in the story. Tybalt is the henchman of Sir Capulet. He is very powerful and seems to be second in command to Sir Capulet. Juliets nurse is understanding of Juliets new found love. She is he one who walks into the two would be lovers first embrace. She accepts that Romeo is a Montague, the enemy of the family she works for, and doesnt hold it against him. She actually acts as a go between, later in the story. She is the one who delivers the news to Juliet, that Romeo is a Montague. In this scene I am trying to draw out the love and passion of the two characters. I want to show that even though the two families despise each other, Romeo and Juliet would put that behind them, as their love is so strong. I want to point out that Romeo is infatuated with Juliet and the audience should be aware of this. O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night like a rich jewel in an Ethiopes ear; beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear! So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows, as yonder lady oer her fellows shows. The measure done, Ill watch her place of stand, and, touching hers, make blessed my rude hand. Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I neer saw true beauty till this night. This is what Romeo says when he first sets eyes on Juliet, and it is a great example that he is infatuated with her.
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